Crafty Christmas Idea 7….Liberty fabric

I’ve had these special little pieces of fabric hiding amongst my fabrics for a while and decided it was time to cut into them and its the perfect time of year to give a little bit of luxury. I used some on yo -yo’s…I’m getting much better at these little guys…

and how about button hair elastics….man they are a piece of cake…I used some plastic birch self cover buttons but don’t be a blonde like me…the back of the button pops off and you put it back on the other way…don’t be like me pressing with all your might on the back THE WRONG WAY because they’ll just end up in the bin! Some covered buttons would also make a cute present for a knitter or crafter…..

so go on…you know you want to cut into it and using a teeny tiny piece won’t hurt


  1. I have an ever growing collection of Liberty, love them all. I had 3 bridesmaids that wore Liberty dresses, so did mum. One day I plan to make a quilt out of all that I’ve collected. Love your cute little ideas, maybe I’ll sacrifice some tiny scraps!!

  2. Well done for working it out! They look great – I have actually made skirts for all of the little girls this year and will sit and make some yoyo hair things next week – thanks for the inspiration to get my little gadget out again.

  3. I really want to have a go at these buttons…you may have just convinced me!

  4. I have been making those buttons myself for hair ties, and will give the yo yos a go too, how did you attach the yo yos to the hair elastic, just threading through the middle??
    I enjoy reading your blog by the way, I am a new blogger but have been reading them for quite a we do before taking the plunge!! Renee

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