4 months…where did that time go…

wow has it really been 4 months since these little ones arrived???? I still have a little tummy as a reminder of their former home but I just can’t believe how quickly they are growing into such funny little people. Tillie is ever the drama queen having a cry when she wiggles off her mat or is hungry but loves to laugh and smile at anyone and everyone.

Finn is also a super happy baby and just takes it all in his stride letting Tillie do most of the crying and just goes with the flow….

and they are both chick magnets….mostly the older variety who stop us whenever we are out to peer in the pram, ask 20 questions and just smile at them…at first I found it annoying and a bit of a time waster (we get stopped over 10 times in any outing if the pram isn’t covered and that is no exaggeration) but now I just take it all in, smile sweetly and remind myself they won’t be this little forever.

and although they love each other very much they are also prone to kicking each other at any opportunity and I have to run over quickly to break it up!

and no matter how busy my days are, I always take a moment to remind myself how lucky I am to have this beautiful growing family and be doing the best job in the world….


  1. Yes, those little ones are a big blessing.

  2. Do you get asked if they are identical? I was always asked ‘if there was one of each?’ One of each what exactly?
    They are gorgeous!

  3. They are gorgeous. I know Aunty Julie cant wait for a cuddle. They have grown so much

  4. Oh Finn is such a super cutie isnt he. Tillie looks as though she is the boss but very gorgeous too. I realised how fast my second baby grew up and wished sometimes she was a tiny tot again.

  5. Precious!!

  6. Adorable! It’s all I can do not to have another with all this baby goodness going around.

  7. Your beautiful babies are growing so fast. Poor Finn looks so peaceful dozing, while Tillie looks like she’s ready for mischief. Hugs Jx

  8. LOL at having to ‘break it up’! I know, the time just flies. I look at Tristan and cannot believe how big he’s getting!

  9. Corrie – they are growing so quickly and how cute are they becoming – love the kicking photos! They really are treasures and you are so very blessed to have them in your lives. And you are doing a fab job!

  10. What two very adorable blessings you have!

  11. Was just having another read of your blog I just saw the gorgeous pics of your babies. Very cute and brings back memories of mine when they were that age. Mine are 6 1/2 now and are the cheekiest rat bags around!!! But do remember being stopped dead in my tracks by everyone when out, they would stand in front of the pram so you had no choice but to stop and chat, very funny looking back at it now. Special times, enjoy

  12. your little ones are so cute… i totally get the baby belly thing and i had one. keep the pram cover off and enjoy the momments…

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