The Mall…….

Firstly it seems I need to clarify something for someone out there….our shopping centre is called __________ mall and everyone around here just calls it the mall…always have always will. Someone out there felt the need to shout it out to me that in australia we call them shopping centres not malls….. didn’t your mother tell you that its not very nice to shout and I seem to recall my mother telling me if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all. So if you’d like to leave a comment please use your name and please be nice because I’m just a nice person.


  1. I think you are pretty great and I like your blog. This has nothing to do with malls or shopping centres. It has nothing to do with wearing thongs, jandals or flipflops. I just wanted to say something very nice to you, because you deserve it for the smiles you’ve brought me!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I hear you, Corrie. How rude!
    For what its worth, I do my shopping at the ‘Fair’ and there is not a merry-go-round or stick of fairy floss in sight….

    Any chance of some more pics of your gorgeous new house? I am SUCH a stickybeak :)

    Have a great day


  4. I hear you, Corrie. How rude!

    For what its worth, I do my shopping at a ‘Fair’ and there is not a merry-go-round or stick of fairy floss in sight ….

    Any more pics of the new house???

    Have a good day


  5. I noticed that you wrote mall, I thought nothing of it. Isn’t it your choice what you call the shop you visit. When I lived in a small country town all the shops were in the main street, so we used to say “Just going down the street”. Once I moved to Adelaide which as you can guess has a lot of shopping centres and “Rundle MALL” (Heehee) I still used to say “going down the street.” You can call it anything you want. ๐Ÿ˜› to the person who thinks it’s not up to you. Have yourselves a very RETRO Christmas. Love you Blog and your kids are adorable.

  6. Ck mocks me for talking about going into town. It is a)one block away from our house
    b) it is one street less than 500m long!

    We speak how we speak.

  7. Sheesh…what the?
    I think you can call it whatever you please. Our local is ____ plaza so to us it’s just The Plaza!
    I love the gorgeous little christmas tree and the stockings in your last post. You’ve reminded me that the twins need Santa sacks!

  8. We have several different shopping centres around here, so the main ones are differentiated by the “Square”, the “Mall”, and the “Fair”.

    I certainly didn’t think anything of it when you called it the mall.

  9. Congratulations! On both WIP, and FO :)

  10. I know just which mall you mean too. I am trying to think of anywhere else in Sydney that I call “the mall” and I can’t. It is definitely “the mall” :)

  11. What a rude twit. I am born and bred in Sydney and there are quite a few malls, including the one near you Corrie and also Pitt Street Mall.
    Jeepers some people must be bored if they have nothing better to do than make such petty rude comments. And they didnt even know what they were talking about anyway!
    Phooey to them I ay.

  12. Oh my goodness, people can be rude! Good on you for speaking up.

    And I think you are very wise to avoid malls, shopping centres, department stores and all such places because they are super busy and unpleasant right now.

  13. We call them Malls, too.

  14. Corrie! Its Rhiannon from your may mummies group ๐Ÿ˜‰ Congratulations on the arrival of Finn and Tillie! Im glad to see you are doing well, we would love it if you came back to our forum and updated us all, although I understand you are busy now with 3 little ones :)

  15. We don’t have a mall around my parts but we have a ‘shoppingtown’ and a plaza! Do you think those would be acceptable in Australia to your anonymous commenter!?

  16. I don’t know why people can’t just leave well enough alone. Goodness knows there is no need to comment on someone’s blog, just click away if you’re not enjoying what you are reading. Sorry you had to have such an unpleasant experience, Corrie. I love your new home and seeing those 3 beautiful children happily there in the sunshine! Fyi, I do my shopping at ‘the Village’ :-)

  17. What a rude person. Besides, as an English teacher, I find those kinds of comments quite ignorant. If people only realised how many ‘Americanisms’ we use everyday and think nothing of.

  18. lol Corrie, you tell them!!!!

    I too have a local centre called ________ plaza and we all say we are shopping at the plaza! (it sounds more glamorous than it really is though lol.

  19. Sheeeeesh – it’s your mall and you’ll call it what you want.

    Why didn’t they leave their name? Shame?

    Love your crafty part of the world – whatever you call it.

  20. We have a mall we shop at, only problem is the nearest one is 163km drive away! I love your blog, found through mel Goodsells blog , that person is just being a real —-, dont take any notice!

  21. What the! That is so not nice.

    I had a few random people leave funny comments on my blog this time last year and now have only made those with google accounts and word verification able to leave comments. What twits!

  22. and forgot to say – we have mall here as well – and it is a shopping center not an open street kind!

  23. I suspect it’s the same mall that I hate going to so much too! All over this part of Sydney we say “the Mall” when we mean that particular place. Other shopping centres seem to get called by their location.

    Perhaps that commenter hadn’t had her coffee yet either? Or was just having a really crappy day. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to be rude to you.

  24. Obviously that person has nothing more important to worry about. Maybe they should get a life?

    PS. your blog is lovely.

  25. Well, s/he obviously hasn’t heard of Pitt St MALL! :)

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