Rainbow Crochet

well all the yarn arrived for the mobile but the colours were so gorgeous and I have 200g of each colour so I decided a blankie for the twins was in order………and I just want to teach everyone how to crochet granny squares because its just sooooo easy.

on the baby front I made the mistake of going to the mall on my own with 3 little people….what a crazy woman I am! Of course everything that could go wrong did go wrong like poo leaking all over finn and his clothes, tillie kicking off her pants and blanket and screaming until that was sorted, keira not wanting to walk next to the pram, me not understanding how to fold the pram down and having to call retro daddy to find out how, babies wanting to be fed just as we’re in the supermarket, running into friends and wanting to talk but not having the time and just as I was racing out of the chemist with 2 screaming babies a lady decided to stand in front of the pram, put down her shopping and start to ask questions about the twins……so lets just say I won’t be doing that again anytime soon…and here is Finn’s latest trick of breaking out of his wrap yesterday

and again today….

and here is keira’s new do….I couldn’t deal with the knots anymore so I got the scissors out and gave it the chop.


  1. oh granny squares! I’m so sentimental about them. Love it!

    That doesn’t sound like a fun trip to the shops.

  2. I had to laugh at Finn. I have similar photos of Patrick doing the same thing. Must come from the father’s side of the family don’t you think. I ended up having to buy a zip up sleeping bag so he wouldn’t freeze at night.

  3. Keira’s hair looks so nice. I cut Isabelle’s off a few weeks ago too as the knots were driving me crazy. It is so much easier now. Finn must like to lay with his arms out. Isabelle used to unwrap herself too, and they do say that it strengthens their lungs lying with their arms outstretched as it allows them to get more air into them. Isabelle used to lie like that. I know all about the poo situation as that happened to me when Lachlan was 6 months old and it was not a pretty sight. It is nice to read about similar stories with other mums, but I am sure it is much harder with 3 to look after. I too used to have trouble with folding Isabelle’s pram up. In the end I used to leave it upright and shove it in the boot until I could get home and figure it out. I am sure people sometimes look at mums stangely and wonder why they do certain things at times. I am sure there should be handbook written for dealing with certain situations as I am sure nearly everyone has gone through something different. Your granny square blanket looks lovely too. Are you still going to knit the mobile.

  4. Love Miss K’s new do. I am thinking of cutting DD’s hair too. Just need to brace myself to do it.

    I had the problem of my kids escaping their wrap when they were barely 2 months old too. I found that the store bought wraps were too small so I ended up buying 150 metres of flanellette and making my own wrap.

  5. Just a little idea that a friend of mine used to get peace while shopping from the “are they twins” brigade… Take a normal pram, put them both in it and throw a wrap over the pram, of course this ownly works while they are tiny.

    Obviously this won’t help with the nappy explosions, toddlers thats don’t want to walk or bubbas that want feeding….

  6. The blankie is looking lovely. I know how to do basic chain thingy crochet (in fact I have made a whole blanket out of ‘plain’ crochet, whatever that is called. But I’ve yet to learn granny squares. It is on my ‘to do’ list! And as for your trip to the mall. My goodness. You really are a brave brave lady!!!!!! PS. your children are all looking just beautiful, and Keira’s ‘do’ looks lovely on her :)

  7. I love Keira’s hair! I have been wondering whether to cut off Daphne’s and now I think I will. Finn is hilarious – I love it when they sleep with their arms out. You are a brave woman tackling shopping like that but don’t stop as it will get more normal and easier each time you go out.

  8. I still haven’t got any further with my granny squares..drats!

    It’s extremely difficult to go anywhere or do anything with three at once…bravo for trying.

  9. How brave you are for leaving home with all three so soon! Despite the mishaps, so glad to hear you’re getting back into the swing of things. And I agree with you about granny squares – they are addictive.

  10. Love your crochet, Keira’s a doll (well the twins are too!) and whew! You need a rest!

  11. Ah Corrie, you take me back honey!! My plan of a attack taking 3 children under the age of 2.5years to the shopping centre was simple – if anything explodes, we can just go home. So yes, i had taken a child covered in poo back to the car, wiped off, stripped off & just continued home. My mantra was pretty much do the absolute essentials first & ‘never to really need anything’ or ‘have to do anything’ that stood in the way or was more important than being able to turn around & head home. Yes, i was very relaxed & no, my husband was usually away interstate or overseas, so i didn’t have ANY back up. I was the same when i had 4 under 4.5 years, & it really kept my sanity & a smile on my face.
    Well your twins are gorgeous, just soooo cute. Naturally, having a twin named Fin myself, i will have a soft spot for him, even though my Fin is a girl. I can’t believe my twins are almost 7!! It does seem like yesterday i was pushing that twin pram with a toddler riding on the side (we went tandem). But welcome to the freak show that you are now the star of. I was constantly stopped by keen on lookers & you do get used to it. No they can’t see if you are in a rush, need to change a nappy or hear a child desperate for a feed. All they see is the dream of twins . . . & all you can do is smile & nod, say “yes, they are gorgeous & fun, natural delivery, yes, breastfed, 4 minutes apart”, announce their names & nod with a smile. I found people would be so involved in talking about the twins, who were usually asleep anyway, i’d turn the focus to my eldest, who was paying attention & could understand what people were saying & not even acknowledging her. So i’d say “& this is their big sister, she’s wonderful, so clever & bright”. I didn’t care what people thought or said, so long as my biggest girl knew she was still incredibly important.
    Fear not, ALL prams (i’ve had 5) are so complicated, i’ve had to go home with one fully erect in the back of the Landcruiser once, as i completely forgot how to collapse it. Even Heidi Klum in a recent Maddison Magazine interview said she wished they came with stickers with numbers in order of what to push, click & fold. So we’re up there with the prettiest & most confused mothers of many.
    All the best, sorry so long to get to your blog, you think you’re busy now – wait until you have 3 or 4 in school, that is a full time committment behind the scenes, if you’re running a business or not, schools are very full on. This week was a year 1 preformance at Canberra Theatre (yes, costumes, don’t ask!!), Father’s Day Stall, canteen duty & P&C meetings, not to mention organising the school fete. Phew, but i love it. Love Posie

  12. A huge muslin wrap put over the pram stops the Q’s when you are in a rush.
    The twinnies are gorgeous and remind me of my twinnies who are now 4 1/2. Shopping is still awful I am afraid to say LOL.

  13. atleast no one can say that you are not brave! well done on the shopping trip!

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