One week on

Thank you for all your lovely comments…..what a job to get back to you all but its lovely to share our dear little babies with you all and read all your gorgeous comments. We’re home now and it feels soooooo good, I came home to a clean house, new video camera from my parents and this from hubby which will be well used once I’m back in action in the kitchen (he also treated me to a little tiffany’s necklace so I feel very spoilt)….what more could a girl want receiving twins, something from Tiffany’s and a kitchen aid and he picked the colour as well which is so retro and perfect.

Life is busy and night times are a blur with Finn wanting to feed every 2 hours and Tillie happy to go every 5 hours so at the moment I feed at the same time if they’re both up or one after the other to give my poor tired sore boobies a little rest……I was so worried about supply and positioning the babies it never occurred to me that feeding 2 babies means they never get a rest….poor little boobies

The babies are a bit too small for most of their 0000 wardrobe but the competition has officially started between them with their going home weights identical at 2.69kgs. Their little personalities are shining through with Tillie the big wide eyed placid little one who wants to check everything out and smile at you while Finn is the big feeder who gulps down his milk and makes little rooster sounds. They still love being next to each other and we sleep them together like this in the day time and top and tail in the cot at night time.

Keira is a little stunned that they actually came home from the hospital with us and isn’t giving them any attention and pretending to ignore them which isn’t exactly what I had in mind. She was all adoring in the hospital and I think she thought they might stay there so we’re working super hard on giving her lots of attention

and crafting…..well I managed to almost finish this pair of baby socks in the hospital and want to make some premmie cardies but wait till I show you what I’ve received from other crafters….it makes up for my lack of crafting and I’ll show and tell later in the week.

ok back to the job for me…..oh and I love it by the way….having two babies at once really is wonderful except at 4am when they both won’t go back to sleep and you can’t keep your eyes open…..


  1. They’re so beautiful Corrie! And I am sure Keira will settle in well, ignoring them is probably a good sign that she’s already accepted them into the family and is just getting on with life as normal :-) I had to laugh because I have the same kitchen aid and Greg gave it to me when I came home from the hospital with Charlotte. It must be a 3 babies thing!

  2. Very spoilt mama…but I reckon you’ve earned it.

  3. You are amazing and gosh, don’t you make pretty babies. I love the presents – Cathy has the same colour kitchen aid and it is definitely one of my faves.

  4. hi corrie
    i am new to the blogging world and to your blog ( a couple of months) but i am loving your blog. congrats on your new additions well done.
    good luck with the night time feeds. just remember there will always be someone up with you, somewhere in the land of babies !!
    thanks again for a great blog. naomi

  5. Ohh nice mixer (and the babies are alright too :)

    Can you let us know what you think of the mixer? My sister has used the slightly bigger version at work and she said it doesn’t scrape the bottom of the bowl very well and she wouldn’t recommend it. I’d be interested to know if you like it or if it doesn’t live up to the hype.


  6. What sweet photos..they look so adorable together. I love the snuggly photos when they’re sleeping side by side.

  7. Congratulations on bringing your two new little ones home – its lots of fun isn’t it! :)

    They are absolutely gorgeous! Makes me want to do it all again…4am can be a little testing but it does get better (you get used to it … hahaha) Also the old boobs do too! (get used to it I mean) We are still twin feeding at 14 months old.

    Enjoy those too little ones :)

  8. Oh Corrie, there just so gorgeous. Congrat’s once again, you lucky, lucky thing!

  9. Corrie they are so beautiful – I just love newborn babies (any babies actually). So glad you are doing well – you sound so positive.

    Love all your new gifts – lucky you! You must have such a great family.

    Louise and I are coming to Sydney now for the show thursday and friday! If you can make it, it would be great to see you.

  10. Gosh Corrie, I have only admiration for you! (My boobies have only one baby to deal with and that’s tricky enough!)You are doing a great job.

  11. Your new bubs are little darlings!

  12. Oh wow – welcome home! Well done bringing them home so quickly. And well done on the KitchenAid!!! That might be worth waiting for….Alex wants to buy me one, but I said it was too much. Might be a good ‘new baby’ present though!

  13. Oh they are both so beautiful Corrie. Lovely gifts for a lovely mum too. Tilly looks adorable in the little cardigan too, I am so glad it fits. Finn’s turned out a bit larger so I guess he will need to grow a little bit. I am sure Keira will get used to them soon, perhaps helping with the bathtime or changing will help.

  14. They’re absolutely beautiful Corrie! Well done!

  15. Amazingly cute and peaceful lying side by side 😉

  16. Many, many congratulations on the birth of the twins!!! (We have (non identical) twin daughters of 13 now and they are such a joy to us!) They look soooo cute …

    Greetings, Carolien

  17. cute socks…
    and those babes…. simply beautiful. thanx for sharing.

  18. I have said it already and I will say it again. Finn and Tillie are gorgeous!

  19. Rose in Vermont says:

    Congratulations a million times! My sweet tiny twins are grown to darling, challenging teens (16 years old), but I remember those days of no sleep! Now we are no the no sleep treadmill again – teenagers DRIVE and go out at NIGHT!!! Enjoy those precious babes every minute you can – and you cannot spoil them (or their Mum)!

  20. Hello, I just discovered your blog … congratulations on the birth of the twins! They look so gorgeous! Great joy to see. I am a mom of twin daughters (non identical) of 13 years old now and I can tell you it is such a joy!

    Have a nice day & greetings, Carolien

  21. Corrie – welcome home – sounds like things are going very well indeed. Keira’s behaviour is, I understand, entirely normal!

    And here I sit 40 week and three days pregnant, getting awfully clucky over your two wonderful bundles :)


  22. What adorable babies! Your post made me giggle — I hope you’re getting some rest and taking care of you. You’ll love that kitchen aid and after all that work, you certainly deserve it!

  23. Congratulations to you and your family Corrie! Tillie & Finn are absolutely beautiful – what amazing blessings.

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