nearly time to go home

our little holiday has flown by and it hasn’t been a holiday for everyone with retro daddy working in the office till 2am most days…..Keira and I have filled our days with lots of get togethers, shopping, trips to the park (where the fear of watching 3 of my own children in the park at the same time finally dawned on me), take aways, room service and early nights.

my poor poor credit card is just as weary as my feet….and this is how a day out with mummy ends

my favourite purchase so far has been this book…material obsession full of gorgeous and inspirational quilts ranging from easy to advanced and will definitely become a treasured and well used book

I’ve also indulged in some japanese craft books (we’re back today for some more)

and I’ve even managed to squeeze in some crafting with granny squares for a pram blanket

and I made Peg a cute toddler hat from Junior Knits by Debbie Bliss…I used Dashing a great aran yarn from SL that they sadly discontinued and was the absolute perfect substitute for cashmerino aran at a fraction of the price..


  1. Great seeing you yesterday. Can you bring the Material Obsession book tomorrow I would love to have a look. I’ll call you later this arvo about the lift.

  2. Oh Keira looks so cute and so exhausted. The material obsession book looks great and I really like that hat. SL always have a habit of taking away the yarns that sell the best dont they.

  3. Wow, you’ve turned into the crochet queen now with those granny squares! I love the shots of Kiera exhausted and asleep…so cute!

  4. I love that first photo – completely pooped out.

  5. That book, Material Obsession, looks wonderful. The cover is enticing.

  6. What gorgeous shots of Keira – completely exhausted. I love the look of that quilting book. My credit card wont extend that far but youve inspired a trip to the library.
    Cheers :)

  7. I’ve tagged you!
    The book Material Obsession is fantastic!

  8. Hi Corrie – nice to meet you today. Glad you enjoyed your stay back in Sydney and good luck with the bump!

  9. those photos of keira are soooo cute

  10. Hi Corrie, it was great to see you and Keira on Thursday. Hope you can relax a little now you are back home.

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