still here…still pregnant

thank you thank you thank you for your gorgeous comments!!! I’m still here….we’ve had another scan and there are still 2 bubs, 2 heartbeats and both are doing well on top of each other. I received a harsh reality check from the sonographer who reminded me that 1 in 4 twin pregnancies don’t make it past 12 weeks so I need to take a step back and think of it as 1 baby so it won’t be too hard to deal with any loss….I nearly cried and decided positive thinking is the only way to go and am continuing to take it easy, enjoying cheese sandwiches on white bread, carrot cake, long afternoons on the couch and lots of prayers that both my babies make it. Here are Keira’s twin babies so we can get some practise in….she spends all day looking after them and pushing them around the house..if only real babies could be this easy!

Keira is of course my best distraction! She will be a flower girl in April and is going to steal the show …..meanwhile I need to find a flattering dress to be matron of honour…I’m happy to report the other bridesmaid is pregnant so I won’t stand out too much.

and on the knitting front I’ve been working on this little number…I needed to get some knitting patterns for small babies as I have almost every Debbie Bliss baby book but nothing suitable for tiny babies so I’m set now!


  1. congratulations Corrie 😀

    there are some nice knitting and crochet patterns in the Vicki Moodie books She has a couple of books for Prem babies

  2. Hi Corrie, glad you are back, I’ve been thinkingof you of you and wondering how it was progressing – good to hear you are taking it easy.

  3. my fingers are firmly crossed that we get to meet both wee twins!

  4. Good luck with the tiny knitting baby items. My friend recently had a 6 pound baby and 0000 clothes are so big on her. I think I need to make a tiny jacket for her to wear that fits. Keira looks so cute too and I am sure will be a gorgeous bridesmaid. Isabelle has been playing with her baby dolls lately, feeding them and changing them too. Make sure you get lots and lots of rest, and I hope the heat isnt draining you too much.

  5. So glad your doing well! Hope your still enjoying Melbourne.

  6. Hey Spunky Keira!

    Glad to hear things r coming along. Maybe I’ll bring over some cheese sandwiches?!

  7. Glad everything is going well & you are getting lots of rest- looks like you will be VERY busy knitting!!

  8. Oh Corrie, I am so glad to hear all is okay and you are doing well. I have been thinking of you a lot lately so it’s nice to hear an update.
    As for Miss Keira being flowergirl, how exciting! And I am sure you will find something flattering for yourself. I was a bridesmaid when I was about 33 weeks with William. Imagine a big black ballon teetering on tiny sparky shoes. That was the look I went for and I think I acheived it quite nicely.

  9. Glad to hear your positive thoughts but it mustn’t be easy to hear those odds. My thoughts and prayers are with you ALL xx

  10. Corrie, so good to see you back in blogland. Am thinking and prayer for you and your precious little ones. Love the dark glasses look on Miss Kiera and can’t wait to see the flowergirl dress.

    Take care

  11. What a lovely insensitive sonographer.Fingers, toes and everything we can get our hands on are crossed for you x

  12. Everything is crossed here for you too Corrie. Super Cute glasses miss K. I made that maternity dress to wear to the ball back in August/September. If you would like to borrow the pattern I can send it your way – it made it so much easier with Bethal (AKA ‘a manican)

    Put your feet up and do some more tiny knitting – cant wait to see what you create in your RESTING time!

  13. we will keep you in our prayers and wish you all the best with your twin pregnancy. How amazing to struggle with fertility only to be so bountifully blessed when it eventually does happen! Keep busy knitting and playing with K and hopefully the first trimester will pass quickly and uneventfully.

  14. Twins!!!! How absolutely fabulous for you. I am sure that all will go well with the pregnancy and delivery, so don’t worry. Worry will only make you more susceptible to high blood pressure, and THAT won’t be good for your pregnancy. Just settle back, relax, and enjoy carrying your 2 babies.

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