Its Friday again

firstly thank you for all your lovely comments on keira! we do like to think she’s pretty cute and she’s sleeping after an exhausting day!

So its Friday and its been another spending week…I’m still preparing to part with a lot of money for my 2 large wholesale orders for the shop!

But for myself….all of this goodness from the lovely leslie….I’ve eaten a few sweets (yum that marshmallow filled with chocolate was divine) but how gorgeous is everything and way too many freebies but thank you! I’m a huge hello kitty fan so love my little silicon brush! can’t wait to use the fabrics

then I won (I use that term lightly since I’ve parted with cash) on EBay these very cute holly hobby fat quarter packs…. mmmmm can’t wait to use them …unfortunately the good holly hobby stuff is from the states so you need to be prepared for shipping costs.

Today Keira and I checked out Remnant Warehouse which is fabulous…look at just half my goodies….all lovely Michael Miller prints….its a lovely store, lovely old fashioned service and right under the flightpath…I looked like a country gal when a plane flew low overhead and I was shocked by the noise level.

and lastly look where retro mummy now is….craft search ….hope lots more business coming my way and I’ve done my first crafty listing here …I have made too many log cabin cushions but they’re so cute and take no time at all.

oops and its flashback friday and the theme is t-shirts so here we go…this is me and my own retro mummy back in 1977…the t-shirt has Babette which was my retro daddy’s patrol boat in Cairns.

I’m off to Kirribilli markets tomorrow if anyone is bored on a saturday (oh and lives in Sydney!). I promise to have some photos of all my lovely wares afterwards


  1. Wow Corrie! More beautiful fabric!! Love your FF pict too, I can see Keira in you!

  2. The fabric you got is gorgeous! I wish I had something other than SL to shop at, I’m very jealous!

  3. Love those Holly Hobbie fabric packs! I remember having a lunchbox with HH on the outside when I was at school….and congrats on getting the special giveaway from Leslie!

  4. Love your pic. Your hair is so cute. That big number fills the whole t-shirt

  5. Ooohhh, how pretty is your mummy!! You are definately Keira’s mother!! Cute Friday Flash Back, i had many Patrol Boat Ts & a very fetching HMAS Melbourne 75th Anniversary T – we all did, like a right matching Commander’s family of 6. Shouldn’t laugh, as our 4 wear “My Daddy Went To Afghanistan” Tshirts to bed. Some things in the military never change. Love Posie

  6. Very cute FF photo, Corrie! And your mum looks so stylish!

  7. Your mum looks super spunky and your holly hobby packs are super cool too! Holly hobby rocks.

  8. I love beautiful fabrics too.Very nice pictures!


  9. More beautiful fabric. You make me so jealous. I wished I lived near Sydney so I could attend the market, it sounds wonderful. The photo of you and your mum looks so nice, and look at all your gorgeous curls.

  10. I love the Remnant Warehouse, just wish they would open on weekends! I’m due for a fabric shop though, so will go tomorrow. Are you at Kirribilli Markets every Saturday?

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