Flashback friday

Well its flashback friday again and this week our theme is groups…I decided families and better yet family weddings. I’ve been a flowergirl twice and here I am….both about 1980 I think

first up is my aunty annie and her wedding…thats me on the left next to my little sister phoebe and my mum on the right

then there is aunty debbie and her wedding with her 2 bridesmaids (her SIL’s) and I’m on the left too…next to my sister again!

I love that my mum made both my flowergirl dresses and I still remember the fittings, the pins, the standing on chairs to get the hems right! I also love that both my grandfathers who aren’t with us anymore are in the pictures and look so lovely.


  1. Aww, you look so cute in those photos, Corrie!! And your mum is so clever to have made those pretty dresses!

  2. those were the days – just gorgeous. I remember them well.

  3. Awwww Corrie! Too cute! I never got to be a flower girl! :(

  4. How very sweet you all look!! You brought back memories of pinning and standing on chairs for what seemed like hours for me too!! Glad you liked the Kiss Biscuit recipe!! They tasted just as I remembered them from childhood!!!

  5. Love these two photos. You both look so cute. You must have been great flower girls to be asked again. I wouldn’t have flowergirls when I got married. Too much trouble. My daughter was asked but fell asleep through the whole service, got into the photos before and after.

  6. Thanks Corrie for visiting and commenting on my blog! I followed the link back to yours, so lovely! I will have to come back and visit you some more!

  7. Very beautiful pictures of nice memories!Very nice blog!

    Greetings from Germany,

  8. What a sweet little flower girl you were. Both pics are just gorgeous. How clever was your mum to of made the flower girls dresses!! Does she still sew?


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