Why I love Thursday

I love thursdays!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eventhough I miss Keira, its her daycare day and I go to sewing class and its just got better as they’ve extended my sewing class another 2 hours….so I can sew baby free and learn the right way (not the fastest way) from 10-2.30! wahoo….

today I made this and just have to finish the bloomers next week……it fits keira now eventhough its a size 2 but how cute is the pattern…..and I thought I’d had cute overload from retro mummy shop!!

I also love this months ottobre which has this very cute jumpsuit and hat…I’m thinking this would be perfect for keira in pink…those little ears are irrestible.

ps I also love thursday because RETROMUMMY SHOP IS NOW OPEN….OFFICIALLY! I’ve sorted out the paypal issue and you can seamlessly order and pay for your goodies. Thank you to everyone who has visited…new and old friends …..and be sure to show off your goodies on your blog…the more visitors the better! Oh and the retro’s are off this weekend to get a printer and scanner….bye bye bad photos…


  1. The scanner is a great idea, it will save you so much time! The pinny turned out great, 4 1/2 hours sewing, how good is that!! Maybe, next year when Abbey goes to kindy an extra day I can sign up

  2. yes totally cute ears!!!

  3. Oh that is the cutest little pinni – would I be able to get a pattern of the pants??? I seem to find the dress pattern pieces at opshops – but never the pants!

  4. The strawberry fabric goes so well with that pinafore! And where did you get your copy of Ottobre? How did you subscribe?

  5. Your sewing classes sound great Corrie, what a luxury all those wonderful hours to sew!

    Cute pinni, love the fabric!

  6. So cute! I can’t wait to find out the gender of my baby so I can start making things.

  7. congratulations on your exciting new Retro Mummy Shop! xx pip

  8. the dress is so gorgeous! as is your blog!! :)

  9. Oh, Oh, Oh… I just love that pattern! It looks a bit vintage. Where did you get it from? It reminds me of the clothes that my mum used to make for me when I was a little girl.
    I wish I had a sewing day.. It’s sounds like great fun.


  10. the hat with the ears is one of my favorites…which is saying alot given my affection for ottobre patterns.


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