Melbourne with a sick baby

well not much going here just looking after a sick bub…who won’t eat! my gorgeous usually big eater won’t touch a thing….she even rejected a pink iced donut and her favourite quiche which I painstakingly baked!!

she has hand foot and mouth and covered in little spots, won’t eat and very grumpy….our weekend in melbourne had to change a bit…sunday breakfast was much later and family lunch was replaced by a trip to the local shopping centre so that miss keira wasn’t in contact with her little nieces and nephews….mind you an afternoon at the shops wasn’t all bad!

so in Melbourne we got to catch up with my sister and her lovely man Toby!

ate the yummiest breakie I’ve ever had at Richmond Hill Cafe and Larder

and keira enjoyed her boiled egg with vegemite soldiers….cute! and yes she is that messy eating!

and can you spot tutti frutti’s goods in there….unfortunately the shop didn’t open till 12 but I managed these shots!

Since keira isn’t allowed to go to swimming, playgroup, mothers group, gym creche or anywhere where she can touch kids its just mommy and keira time this week! today we took a lovely walk and play down at manly beach and tmrw we will go to her favourite park for a swing and play…just the two of us! it is actually nice to not have a busy schedule and I can’t go to the gym so I’m enjoying the week’s break!

still working on ISE4 tonight! I’m past the halfway mark….wahoo….why do I do lace for this swap! why oh why….


  1. I hope Keira is back to her old self soon. Thanks for the pic of Mikes, it’s a shame it wasn’t opened. Talk soon!

  2. Sounds like a good weekend in Melbourne. My kids had hand foot and mouth a few years ago – all at once!!!! Not much fun!!! Three of them home.

    Enjoy your time with Kiera.

  3. I hope Keira is feeling better soon. How horrible for her to have that, and it must be affecting her appetite too. Enjoy your free week with your gorgeous girl!

  4. Poor little bub! Hope she gets better soon….its not fun for her or for the mum.

  5. Hope Keira is feeling a lot better soon. In the meantime, just enjoy your lovely time together.

  6. Oooh there we are! Yippee! Thanks for (nearly) visiting! LOL!
    Hand foot and mouth is the most evil bug… poor little listless mites… i hope all is hunky dory now! xx pip

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