playgroup, cooking, patterns and back to the drawing board

Well here is my day in order of events! we started the day with playgroup which included an easter egg hunt where Keira was more interested in the plastic bag we put our collected eggs into than the eggs!

Next up we had a cooking demo here! eggless chocolate cake that used a can of coke! yes can of coke ….we used coke zero and a can of sweetened condensed milk so that should balance out the calories! it was iced and very delicious and fudgy!

Then I ordered some Amy Butler patterns which I will be selling….any requests just let me know! I’m sick of paying exhorbitant prices for my patterns here so thought right I’ll just order and sell them myself….oh and if you’re after her latest 4 there will be a 4- 6 week wait for them to arrive…I’ll need some patience as am in love with frenchy bag and barcelona skirt!

Finally I opened some gorgeous lace weight yarn I ordered from the very lovely Natty by Live 2 Knit. Looooove the colour for ISE 4 but its just too fine for me! I tried to knit with it but I realised it would take eternity to knit a 60 inch lace scarf with it! so I’ve reordered some, same colours ELVEN, same brand in 5 ply! much more achievable and the 2ply will make lovely presents!!!!!!!!!!! I have remembered the stress last year of having a very small baby and my first lace project with jaggerspun which was again very fine!!!! why do we do this to ourselves….

so overall no craft, keira is pooped after all that playing and I’m off to prepare for children’s liturgy tmrw…psalm sunday and I just found out they are getting a donkey on sunday to do the procession and for the kids to ride afterwards! cute or what….we might have to go on sunday too….oh we’re so holy!!!!!


  1. Gorgeous colour yarn, I have looked at getting it myself a few times, but have never knitted in 2ply – I can hardly believe my MIL managed a huuuuuuge lace shawl for Austy to come home from hospital in, with such a delicate stitch and 2ply wool… and she hardly ever knits! Amazing stuff, to be treasured forever.

  2. I had just started a lace scarf with the live 2 knit 2ply yarn, and oh my, yes, it is SO fine! The thinest yarn I have ever worked with. It’s hard work but I’m not admitting defeat yet (I want to see how this turns out.)

    And a real donkey for procession?? Wow!

  3. Gorgeous yarn – I discovered that shop last week and have been eyeing off some sock yarn – glad to here it is lovely in person.

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