Now I must admit that I thought it was a bit ambitious starting a baby blanket. I thought I might get a bit bored of it but I’m happy to report that so far so good. The blanket is growing………….slowly…………and it’s been lovely to knit.
So I’m knitting the blanket from this book here. It is very straightforward and I have been able to watch the big kids in swimvac or playing outside or watching tv while doing stocking stitch. My aunty taught me to knit and watch tv at the same time and stocking stitch is the perfect way to start. You just let your fingers feel the first stitch that you are doing and they move the stitch off to the next needle. You just do a few stitches at a time looking up from your knitting and before you know it you’re doing the whole row without looking. You’ll get to the point where you are spending more time looking up at something else than down and you’re on fire.
Now the wool for this project (Bendigo Rustic 12 ply in Spruce from here) is just gorgeous and I would definitely knit this pattern on a circular needle as it takes the bulk of the project into your lap rather than keep it on the needles which is much nicer for your wrists. It’s super soft and I’ve just chucked it in my handbag each day as we’ve been heading out the door to things and knitting a few rows here and there.
And in some big news I have a knitting machine coming my way today. I had been quietly bidding on it on eBay and hoping no one else was going to bid and they didn’t it. And as luck would have it my brother in law was travelling up via Wollongong to pick it up and saving me a trip down. Meant to be or what. So expect a few posts on knitting machines coming up. I have absolutely NO idea what I’m doing but plan on using youtube to get myself set up.
My reason for a knitting machine was really to get a few more knits on the kids. I’ll always love hand knitting, always, but there are always so many things I want to make for the kids and not have to buy and I just thought I’d give it a go. And with a basic machine and not very much of an outlay I thought I can’t go wrong.
Do you have a knitting machine or story to tell me? Love to hear about it. We had a great chat on facebook about knitting machines last week……………….
I love the gorgeous colours Corrie! I’ll admit I’ve been thinking about a baby blanket myself, I spotted a super cute one on ravelry the other day which is hooded and can be folded up into a snug wrap and I’m totally in love with it! But… I was worried, same as yourself, that I’d get bored too quickly and set it aside. Maybe I should have a bit more courage and give it a go!
oh do it! and if it’s a 10 or 12 ply you’ll work fast! that sounds gorgeous, if you see it again share it with me as that sounds very cute
Hi Corrie, here is the link:
The only thing I’m unsure about at this point is the pattern calls for ‘super chunky’ yarn which I’m having trouble converting into a ply. The 7mm needle size suggests something like a 13-14 ply wool, which I have no idea where to get! I usually shop at bendigo (by mail) and I know the highest they do is 12 ply.
Edit: went back and had another look, it appears it IS knitted with a 12ply but the needles are just a size larger than recommended. My bad reading! Thank goodness, I feel a lot better about giving this a go now!
Coming along nicely and a lovely colour. I’m waiting patiently for the gender reveal of a long awaited first baby at the moment so I can choose an appropriate colour. I know I could pick a unisex colour but I want it to be very special to him or her. Don’t think it will be with that morse stitch I’m so keen on mastering though. Your current pattern might be just the go.
You crack me up with all your projects and now a knitting machine too. I bet you could whip up a few baby blankets on that in no time. Good luck with your new toy.
Oh I know! I’m sure I promised retro daddy no more crafts! he didn’t say anything about this one but I figure it will use up the stash a bit
Have an old Singer one, well I think it is still in the garage? Keep saying I will get it out and have another go. Used it a lot when the children where younger. My memories of machine knitting are on a good day it worked well but on a bad day you had to just walk away. I will blame the machine not the operator!!!!
sounds like my overlocker! days I want to throw it out the window and forget about it! wish me luck
oh overlocker stress!! Let’s not go there! But I am most interested to know about a knitting machine, i have always wondered about them. Look forward to see posts about it!!
I have some friends with knitting machines and they make some wonderful scarfs and clothes and also felt large squares for other crafts. Just love the colour of your baby blanket too
When my parents used to go to their weekender in ther country that would travel there in later afternoon early evening. My Mum would knit in the car on the way in the dark. Even going with them I was amazed that someone could knit in the dark. She made lots of trauma teddies for Red Cross this way. I can sort of knit while watching TV but if it is a pattern I have to look at every stitch (and still mess it up more times than not!!) but I love the purl rows!! My great aunt had a knitting machine and as a child I was fascinated with it. She produced some very lovelly things and most of them had intricate patterns and several colours through the item. I’m sure once you get the hang of it you will be looking to top up the stash lol.
I started a blanket a few years ago when my first baby was due and have still not finished it
it’s over half way so I think I should drag it out and give it a go
I love the colour of yours my daughter has a jumper nearly the same colour 
looking forward to reading more about your knitting machine adventures Corrie
My mother had a knitting machine, going back about 45 years ago. My brother and I made very long scarves that would just curl up in tubes (all stocking stitch). I remember fighting over whose turn it was to “play” with it.
Maybe that’s what I need (a Knitting Machine!) Looking forward to seeing what you whip up.
Corrie, I was wondering if you or a reader could advise me on what to do with my Mother’s wool stash? She died last year, and was a prolific knitter. All her wool was from Bendigo Mills, but I’m not sure it all has batch numbers on it. I can knit, but it would take me years to get through her stash, and my Father has asked me to deal with it all… any advice on the best place to destash (a website/ ebay or a charity?) Thank you xx
If you join up at ravelry there is a Bendigo woolen mills group that will gladly help you de-stash.
Thank you Nicole – I’ll do a stocktake and take a look at the group.
Corrie check out Nicole’s blog you sew girl she has a knitting machine. Good luck with it. Love the blanket.