Ok well it’s no secret that I love my knitting and I love Bendigo Woollen Mills. I often share what I’ve been buying or knitting. More buying than knitting usually. So the wedding in Echuca did mean a visit to Bendigo was essential. It had been 4 years since I’d been at the Mill and it was just as enticing as ever.
If you haven’t been (you know you want to!) then the mills are located on Lansell Street in Bendigo. On the city side of the train tracks not the other side. And when you enter the gates you’ll see a little building called the Factory Shop. Enter the doors and you have wall to wall yarn. Mmmmm, heaven. It’s all beautifully arranged and there are patterns and knitwear to check out too. But my advice is to collect your basket – really there should be trolleys for obsessed knitters like myself – and you want to head out back.
You see out the back of the shop is the back room. The bargain room. The place where the odds and ends, older yarns, smaller balls and excess stuff goes. And part of the fun of going to the mill is going to the back room because you just don’t know what you’ll find. You’ll find small packages for a couple of dollars and balls of wool for $16 that aren’t so much a bargain but are rare and NEED to come home with you. This trip it was all about getting things I hadn’t seen before. Like this super soft and snuggly Shetland wool that will make lovely little cardigans for new little babies. No not mine, don’t worry I haven’t changed retro daddy’s mind yet.
And this is just called ‘Pure Wool’ and comes in a variegated design in 12 ply that will make the best hoodies for my little ones ever. This definitely had to come home with me. Love the bright fun colours for girls.
and for finn
Mystique which is still available online and is a 16ply and will make some quick knit cardigans for my girls. I’m all about the quick knit and think I’ll do a beanie for each of my girls with some ear flaps.
There was some lovely 4ply cotton in a colour I hadn’t seen online before and will make a gorgeous cardigan or tee for my girls. At $2.50 a ball how can you say no!
And some luxury in ghost came home with me for the gaptastic cowl
and some silk supreme to try my hand at the big herringbone cowl
And maybe there were a few odd balls that came home with me too. But, that my friends is how to shop at Bendigo Woollen Mills! A mixture of the back room and the rest of the shop but 3 huge bags of yarn to keep me busy! And I’m hoping it won’t be another 4 years before I get back there. If you’re in the area or even if you’re in Melbourne it’s well worth the visit. Plus the Beechwork Bakery in Bendigo is the perfect place to send your other half and little people for a while.
That sounds like a devine place to visit. Once I brush up on my knitting and crochet skills it will defianlty be on my places to visit list.
I love the BWM too.. and always spend too much money there! The problem is that I have all these projects in mind when I’m at the store but by the time I get the balls home & unpacked & put away.. I’ve forgotten all the project ideas!
WOW thanks for sharing the photos. When my mum gets back from her big outback trip I might have to take her there for a visit… and oh, dear, what a shame I’ll probably have to buy some more wool too 😉
oh that yarn you have picked out for Finn looks lovely, can’t wait to see it knitting up.
I love all the variegated yarns you bought. Cant wait to see what garments you make. The cotton looks lovely too and I was just thinking of trying that herringbone cowl after seeing a gorgeous red one today!
Oohh! Total fibre envy 😉
Thanks for that, I have never been & yes definately want to. It’s hard to pick a favourite in your choices but I do like the variegated & the cotton was a very pretty bargain. Nice post. Tracee xx
Oh that post was bliss! Thanks Corrie. I think I am most inlove with the 4 ply cotton – such a gorgeous colour – but the rest is fabulous too! You did well. Can’t wait to see your creations.
I love their wool too and great prices too (including cheap postage!)
Have you got a hoodie pattern for the 12ply? I love the wool you will knit them up in! Look forward to seeing you knit up a storm!
What a great place and I loved your pictures and descriptions! It seems to be a bit like Webs which luckily is very close to where I live—I can hardly wait to see what you knit from of all that beautiful yarn!
Great haul! Well done.
But tell me = both those patterns are for 8ply – are you going to convert the patterns?
You certainly made the most of your visit there by the looks of it. I have never had the pleasure, and the backroom just sounds awe-inspiring. But you have inspired me to head to the website and place another order LOL. I love how they still give free postage with a small amount spent too (pretty sure it is $30?). Thanks for the pics, and the chance to drool
I especially love that Luxury in the ghost colorway … happy knitting!
Many thanks for sharing the photos, I’ve always wondered what kind of bargains they have. I need to plan a trip to Bendigo!
Hi! I love Bendigo Woollen Mills. In my ravelry profile pic, I’m standing right where the lady is in your second photo.
You have a great blog, I’m glad I found it!
Look I’m new to Bloggs and stuff so I’m probably doing this all wrong!
My problem relates to my wife’s knitting. She has almost finished a sweater for our son and has run out of wool as she started the collar. She is knitting in Bendigo 8ply Wild Mushroom and needs less than 50gm. She would pay anything for this small amount of wool. Can anyone help. Bendigo have no stock of Wild Mushroom.
It would be lovely if some of that wool was knit into a warm little square to send off to the Save the Children’s Fund ” Born to Knit” campaign. I have almost finished a blanket. Ivanhoe Girls Grammer are making blankets for them. Give it a go Retro Mummy it will give you a warm fuzzy feeling !
Is there anything like this in Sydney
Im looking for aurumn glow 4 ply