This is one of the cutest books I’ve read in a long time. It arrived and then the girls took off with it to read and I was left wondering where I had put it. And they keep taking it. They love it. I think you’ll love it too. And you don’t need to be crafty to appreciate this one.
Care Packages by Michelle Mackintosh has just been released and I was lucky enough to be sent a copy. The book details the history of care packages and includes lots of great little facts, hints and tips but it is the photos that really make this book and its just full of them. So many gorgeous photos all beautifully styled.
Lots of ideas, there are recipes, packaging options, supplies to have on hand and lots of instructions too. I love making up gifts for new babies or dropping off a meal when someone is in hospital or sick. This book takes that to a whole new level of beautiful. And you’re going to love it. I’m thinking for school mums, people at your church, neighbours, family, friends and if you have children then they’re going to be inspired as well.
This weekend one of my twins has a party to go and usually I’ll do my own wrapping or sew up a quick bag. But we have a crazy weekend and so I just picked up a simple gift bag at the supermarket, $7.50 when I checked my receipt. For a gift bag!!!!! I nearly died. Back to making my own wrapping from now on.
And that’s why you need this book, you’ll get lots of ideas and can start making care packages for everyone you know. The boys will be out at the rugby from saturday afternoon so I’m looking forward to sitting down and having a really good read of this book. When my girls let me.
Thanks to Hardie Grant I have 2 copies of this gorgeous book to giveaway. Just leave a comment on why you need a copy, please make sure you live in australia so it can be posted out to you and I’ll close off entries next Friday 21st May 2016.
Good luck……..
I would love a copy! I love random acts of kindness especially to my kids teachers!
Love the idea of this book and the pics look beautiful. I have lots of new babies in my life with one new nephew, another on the way and one of my oldest friends first just arrived. All my friends and family are such amazing people who work so hard and with their own small little people – I love the idea of small care packages to make their day just a little bit brighter and shinier.
I saw this book either on FB or Instagram a week or so ago and tagged my daughter in it saying “this book is soooo you!” She’s been having a tough few weeks, at 23 she has been remembering the 2nd anniversary of her best friend’s death from a brain tumour. She really could do with a little act of kindness.
What a delightful book! I would love a copy! I’m in the season of plenty of new babies but also many families and friends facing such hardship and in need of little signs of hope and encouragement. A treasure trove of ideas to pass on the blessings that have been given to us in the past would be very much appreciated
This is right up my alley! Looks gorgeous. I hate having to go to the shops for cards and wrapping paper so often try to make something up to wrap the presents instead.
I love giving out care packages, my friends and family always comment on how much effort i put in but i have just run out of ideas! This book looks like such a fun read over a cup of tea i cant wait to see it.
Oh wow, it looks beautiful! Like everyone, I am surrounded by people who could do with a little care and a whole lotta love. We all know it is hard to find the time when juggling children, work, school, church and every other commitment, and my creatitivity wanes. Sometimes thinking of what to do is harder than actually doing it. How I would love to bless the people in my lives with ideas from this little book.
I love love love this book and would love a copy for more ideas!! i love baking things for people and am always looking for cute ideas for packaging. I just finished making up a care package for the wonderful staff my mum’s nursing home. Its a box full of all things yellow and a yellow picture frame saying ‘thank you for being the sunshine’ would love more ideas for blessing people xx
What a beautiful book! I’d love a copy. It takes a village to raise a child and that extends to supporting their mums too! What better way than to help out mums during stressful times by providing a beautiful care package or meal for the family. I’m always looking for practical ways to help but I could do with help in the presentation department!!
I love making things, and particularly love making food for people at church and friends. Would love a copy of this book.
I have a friend who is very homesick and I would like to brighten up her day.
I’ve been eyeing this beautiful book off for a while online and would love a copy. There are so many times lately when I’ve been trying to come up with ideas of something “nice” to give someone who needs it.
I love sending “Little Boxes Of Sunshine” to friends going through tough times. I always include little notes and bright things. I post them so they receive something nice in the mail. I have had a few people stumped. One friend’s husband thanked me even though his wife had no idea who sent it!! I need some new inspiration on what to send.
CONGRATULATIONS you are one winner! I will email you shortly
This sounds great. I make my own cards. I thought this would be a money saver but then I got my hands on a craft catalogue
Looks like this book would give me lots of ideas to go with the handmade cards
This book looks lovely. It would make a lovely treat for a friend who just lost her brother in the UK.
What a sweet treat this book would be. My adult daughters are always looking for different ideas for gifting to their friends who are all embarking on new adventure, engagements, weddings, new homes and babies
Would love a copy to give to my beautiful sister who is always giving gifts / meals and little thinking of you notes and flowers. She’s super caring supportive and giving and would love to give her this. Such a beautiful book
Oooh this looks like a wonderful book. I’d love to make a care package for a friend who has recently moved with a newborn and 4 year old. Don’t get to visit as often as we’d like to now.
I would love a copy of this gorgeous book, I make all of my family and friends homemade gifts and hampers for every birthdays, christmas and special occasions, I throughly enjoy spending hours in the kitchen or in my sewing room making gifts because I believe that any gift that is made with two hands and the love of one’s heart, is not only extraordinary but a true work of art.
It looks just beautiful with so many ideas and I love to create things and sometimes draw a blank. I am a bit of a hacker crafter lol and seriously need help with fresh ideas it’s my respite from a very hectic lifestyle working nights and looking after the family durngvthe day oh I would love a copy that’s for sure
I would love a copy! It looks beautiful. I am thinking not only would it come in handy for gifts for family and friends – we always have a baby on the way! It may also be full of inspiration for ideas for our school craft group. Also congratulations on your 10 year anniversary, I always love reading your posts.
I am in a creative rut and just looking at this post has me itching to start again. If I won this book I would have plenty of time to make some lovely parcels for birthdays and Christmas.
I would love to read this. I love the idea of care packages but need more ideas that are creative. My girls would like reading it too.
I love to handmake all my gifts….there is so much to learn and those gorgeous images are calling to me
I have 2 of my children at Uni hours away….have always wanted to send them care packages but never knew what to put in them…also what a lovely thought for anyone needing a cuddle or two? xxx
Such a wonderful book with lovely ideas!
I would love to win a copy to help me with ideas for presents for family and friends. I really want to make more handmade gifts.
I have always thought wrapping the gift in something amazing will make it more exciting for the recipient to open. I would love to own this book for to give me new ideas for my gift wrapping. Thank you Corrie.
I had a goal a couple of years ago to do a random act of kindness once a week. I ran out of ideas fairly quickly and got discouraged. This book looks like it will ignite my creativity to think of others.
The book looks lovely
I often give people care packages, but I’d love to spruce them up a bit and this book looks like it could help. Thanks
What a lovely book & giveaway.
I would love a copy for some inspiration.
Thank you.
I’d love a copy of this book as I’ve tried to give care package style gifts at birthday parties, to friends and family. I always come undone when it comes to putting it together so this book looks like it could be the answer to my prayers. Thank you for the opportunity.
Hope you get to have a good read this weekend
Oh Corrie I would absolutely adore to have a read of this book! I send a lot of happy mail and have been recently making little crafty projects with my disability clients and they just love making and putting together little parcels of happiness to pass along. I would love to show them this book to inspire them.
This book is so beautiful! I’d been chasing down a copy of Snail Mail, and I’m even more excited for Care Packages now, I absolutely love Michelle Mackintosh and her work!
From the bottom of my heart, it would mean the world to me to receive this book to just brighten up someone’s day and show I care. From my cousin, whose mother passed away recently and will never get to see her graduate, to my lovely sister, who is about to spend her days sitting through her final school exams, and finally to my best friend, my mother, for all that she has done for me, and supporting me in this cruel, but amazing world.
congratulations you are the 2nd winner xxx I will email you shortly
This is such a beautiful book Corrie! I would love a copy to make my gift-giving more personal and thoughtful. I love to bake a cake or make a meal for people in my church who are unwell, have just had a baby, or who just need someone to let them know they care and are praying for them. I also feel that when I give gifts and it’s just the $1:00 paper from the 2 dollar shop that I have failed big-time. Anyway, thanks for the opportunity
I love giving homemade gifts and it would be beautiful to bed able to wrap them better. I really dislike the disposable wrapping paper but sometimes it’s just easiest!
I’m trying to simplify and minimise my consumerism so this book would be an appropriate accompaniment.
My friends are having babies far away from me and their families. I would love to have ideas for the perfect things to send to Sydney and Miami that feel as good for me as cuddling a new baby. And as good for them as the breath of fresh air that a visitor with gifts and food and love brings from the hazy baby times.
Care packages are my favourite thing to make – from gifts for new mums to hospital fun packs for sick kids to edible treats for a friend who needs a pick me up. Would love this book for some fresh ideas to add to my repertoire!
ooh what a gorgeous book, just up my alley, love blessing & loving on others & always needing new inspiration…….looks like projects groups of us could do together to bless even more people around us. thanks Corrie.
I saw this beautiful book on IG recently. I would like a copy for ideas for wrapping my handmade gifts to give to friends, family or ladies I visit from church. An extra special touch to show I care
This looks like a beautiful book. I love to give people things to thank them, make them feel better or cheer them up. Since moving away from my hometown I find it is even more important to reach out to people, near and far. I would love more ideas on how to finely tune my ‘care packages’.
What a beautiful book, I love the idea of giving care packages, I wish I was organised to do it more often, what a great inspiration!
What a lovely book. I have dual reasons to be needing a copy… I am a defence spouse and as such often know someone – family or friend – that is away and in need of a care package. And I have children who will leave home in the next few years. Oh a third, sometimes a friend nearby is just as in need of a little kindness!
I would love a copy of this book.A little bit of kindness goes along way.
My granddaughter live in Perth and I would love to send them lovely little packages…
After a few sewing projects that didn’t turn out as they should have my confidence has been rocked a little, and a gorgeous little book like this would help me to find my groove again and also pass on the love with some sweet handmade goodies for loved ones.
Looks like a great book! My wedding is coming up in October and a book like this would give me some ideas on special ways to say thanks to a few of my lovely family and friends who have helped me the most during this exciting (and sometimes stressful) time. Oh, and probably help me win some brownie points with my mother-in-law to-be :).
I am constantly dropping things to people or posting to the relatives who all live interstate – would love some new inspiration. What a beautiful idea for a book…
To enhance the joy of giving, making all my home made and home baked goodies look totally amazing in the eyes of the various recipients.
Thank you for offering this little treasure. Too many reasons why I would love this book and you don’t need a story! Would be inspirational and mojo assisting.
Have a lovely day!
I need this lovely gem of a book to inspire me to send care packages to all my beautiful friends and family living across the country and globe. Connection is everything.
This book looks to delicious for words. My daughter and I would love it to give us continued inspiration when gifting to loved ones. Thankyou for the opportunity to own a copy
I live in the middle of Aus (1700km from family and friends in Adelaide) and I send them little packages to let them know I’m thinking of them. I would love to spend the time making some of these gorgeous presents to send home in liu of my presence.
This book looks amazing I am a member of Picton CWA and this book would help us with the work we do. Care packages are needed in so many different places these days so adding some different touches would be wonderful.
Ooh what a lovely book!
One of my favourite things is to give gifts, but I agree with you – $7.50 for a gift bag is way out of the budget! I’d love to get some new fresh ideas to incorporate into care packages to my loved ones near and far.
My 13 year old would love this book, she is forever rustling up a gift and wanting to jazz it up with her artistic flair. She is the most generous person I know. This week she did up surprise packages for the 3 little kids on the big brothers soccer team using some of her outgrown toys like littlest pet shop and lego. They were done up in plain brown paper lunch bags, she had folded the tops over and stapled them closed, with the kids names hand written on the front. So simple but so thoughtful for the little kids she entertains each week.
This book looks adorable and isn’t it so great when we can pass on some kindness to someone who we love, appreciate or is in need! This would be a beautiful book to encourage someone to do just that. Bestowing love on to another person!
Inspiration not perspiration looks like a theme that I could embrace with this delightful book! It should never be underestimated how far a random act of kindness can reach.
My 12 year old daughter Paige is a huge fan of Michelle Mackintosh and sent her a beautiful handmade package while she was writing the book “Care Packages.”
Paige has been wondering whether her package was included in the book and has been waiting in anticipation for it to be published.
While reading your review I was excited to spot Paige’s package in the second photo!
She will be SO thrilled and proud when she sees her package in Michelle’s beautiful book!
I would LOVE a copy of this book as I like making personal gifts as do my sister and mum. I would share this book with them and sure we’d get lots of lovely inspiration from it. Rosie
PS $7.50 for a gift bag that is highway robbery! least the recipient can re-use it again, one would hope!!
HI Corrie, what a beautiful book. I would love to reignite my hand made gifting spark, as they say alturism is a way to lift the spirit. I have always made my own wrapping, tags, baskets, but lately with sick kids, money worries and life (like everyone) I have felt the creativity leave. I think with inspiration as beautifuI as this – I would certainly get it back, and it would be a joy to read! Love your blog, Rebecca
This book looks beautiful! With all those school friend birthday parties, this could be an inspiration in our house!!!!
Love the idea of this book, I am a member of a local women’s group and we put together care packages for women in local hospitals and refuges. This would give us some inspiration to make those care packages even more special.
Ohh I need a copy of this book as I’m always after crafty inspirations and gift ideas.
In the modern day, in which we live, with technology and life being so busy, you don’t know where the weeks go….
It is so important to share the love with acts of kindness and paying forward a small heart felt gesture would be a pleasure with the help of “Care Packages.” What a wonderful book! Thank you Corrie for giving your fans the opportunity to win, best of luck to all.
This looks gorgeous!! Would love a copy as i am always after ideas that are cute , original and budget…
I’m always making something handmade for friends and family, so to have fresh inspiration to make them packaged even more beautiful and meaningful would take my craft to a whole new level. A gorgeous book. Thanks
I would love a copy – ideas on how to gift and what to put in there would be excellent. The last baby blanket I made I gifted to mum in a plastic bag that had holes! It was all I could find at home. I need tips on how to be more organised! Luckily mum did just take it out of the bag and appreciate the hand made item
I would love a copy of this book, for more ideas of surprise care packages to give to uplift the spirits of people in my life. Sometimes it just that little gift that lets someone know that they are special.
This looks fantastuc and who wouldnt want to through to see the beautiful pages
What a great concept! The sneak peeks of the book look beautiful. I would be thrilled if I won this book. I’m always looking for opportunities to teach my three girls the importance of giving- giving time, aswell as giving people beautiful parcels to help them in their day. It’s a great pick me up. This book look like a fabulous source of inspiration. I’ll cross my fingers.
Lovely book and “sharing is caring”.
I need a copy because in such a consumer driven world I’d love to be able to show my son that thoughtful gifts made by your own hands are just as wonderful if not more so.
I love getting my son involved in creativity so I would love to share this book with him.
Where I am, it’s ‘invite season’ right now, so this book is a great for me to refresh my gifting ideas
I’d love this for ideas on care packages for my family and friends both here and interstate – my birthday is Sunday it would be a lovely present for me to then share the love with loved ones
What an adorable book! Reminds me of the gorgeous little gift shops in my childhood country of Japan, and their intricate art of giftwrapping. I’ve always loved giving care packages to new mums and those who are unwell. The annonymous ones are the most exciting! My kids and I always make handmade wrapping and cards for birthdays, its our favourite way to hangout, and time to connect. This book would spark more creativity in my already creatively genious kids! Thanks!
What a lovely book, I know my daughter (12yo) would love to get her hands on it! Thanks for the chance to win
This book looks lovely. It would be great to win a copy … I could see see many hours (days, weeks, months!) and conversations spent with my Mum and my sister going through this book
I make handmade gifts for Christmas so would love this
I’d love a copy of this book to not only share random acts of kindness, but also to help with the intentional acts, when you become aware of someone who needs extra encouragement and support. Kindness is a way of life!
I love the thought of giving gifts to family and friends but I really aren’t very crafty. I would love to receive this book which will give me many ideas, and I would look rather clever amongst my loved ones.
This book would be awesome for new ideas for my kindy class . Always on the look out to expand my creative side.
something to spend time with my mum doing, because we talk better when we are doing something
I love making up care bags and packages and would love a fresh perspective and new ideas.
I’m actually living in Malaysia right now but the book can find me through the Australian Defence force address in NSW. There are a lot of expats here and a surprising amount with new babies just arrived or coming soon. Having had two babies myself away from home I know how difficult it is being away from family. I would love to try to makeshift my own care packages and would love the ideas to help so many people out, not just those that have babies but others struggling being away from home in one way or another.