We are getting used to our new routine this year and I’m getting used to lots of driving and a quiet house. My favourite time of the day is pick up and especially when I pick up my little miss from school. With a few rows of knitting beforehand because as any mum will tell you sometimes you’ve got to get there early just to get a park! She is so talkative and happy to see me. Yesterday I strapped her in and started driving and I heard a little voice ‘ I want eat, mmmmm I’m hungry’ and she was signing the same as she said it. This is after 4 days of school. We are so happy to have more words, that she’s learning signs that we tried to teach at home and having a ball. She has a speech therapist in the room twice a week, same for OT, swimming will be on fridays, art, drama, music. And her teachers. Oh my goodness. Every single teacher at the school is a gift from God. The most beautiful, dedicated, happy and enthusiastic teachers I’ve ever met. It blows me away. I receive an email and photos each day telling me what the class did and get to see what they’ve been up to which is wonderful. Anyway, as you can tell we’re happy but I miss her so much.
Everyone else is happy with their teachers, homework hasn’t really started, they woke up at 6am on their first morning of school bright and bubbly but are struggling by day 3. I should be getting to bed at 8.30 (!) myself each nigh to get enough sleep but find myself falling into bed at 11 by the time I’ve finished everything, ironed shirts, laid out things for the next day, had my peppermint tea and done any emails/ blog things from the day. Hopefully once we’re settled into routine I will get into bed earlier. Thank goodness for coffee. Mind you yesterday I was in a big rush out the door and decided my thermos cup didn’t need its lid. Wrong. White t-shirt and coffee don’t mix well together. There was a bit of baking on the weekend when I made a gluten free sponge (the kids picked the recipe) with the works for their last dinner before school went back. It was very popular. Just a good old CWA sponge recipe with white wings GF flour.
I really enjoy the time I’m spending with my littlest two and I’m sure I’ll blink and they will be at school. Until then we’re enjoying time at home, at the park, grabbing a muffin and doing our shopping and playing together.
I hope everyone else is adjusting to their new life, that there weren’t too many tears (sad or happy) with everyone going back and that you’re finding your new routine and going with it. My house just needs a big top to bottom clean because I’m in and out of the house all day and not getting much time to tidy and clean up!
Oh Corrie,

so pleased to hear your little miss is getting on well at her school
I have waved goodbye to my oldest 3 today leaving me with just one at home, kids were all happy to go but me….well, I’m just not ready for them to be so happy about leaving me
All the best
So thrilled to her that the communication is increasing, how exciting. Although I miss having little ones now I must admit I really enjoy that my big girl, 13 now, has her own alarm & gets up, ready, makes her lunch, packs her bag & then comes to tell me she is ready to walk up the road & catch the train. Let’s hope you are all settled into your routine soon
Well done, so happy you have had such a positive start to the year, and that Elodie settling in so well. Thank you for your post, love hearing how you are all going.
It is so lovely to hear how well your wee one is doing at school. The emails and photos will be such a link so you can understand her day. Don’t worry about the house – your kids are more important. You will get to the housework and it will always be there for you. They won’t.
Really lovely to hear that each of the children are enjoying their time at school ♥ you are doing such a wonderful job, Corrie ♥