congratulations Carlia the winner!
I was very excited when I heard about Thermomix releasing a new cookbook just for Christmas. I buy way too many magazines as Christmas approaches and then tend to make the same dishes each year. But one of the things that has been missing is a big Christmas cookbook just for Thermomix owners. Until now.
Festive Flavour has just been released by Thermomix and they kindly sent me a copy. And this is a big book, 223 pages all up. Photos of every single recipe in the book (those of us who had the older style Thermomix cookbooks will know what I’m talking about) and so many recipes that are new and can suit whatever style of Christmas you are planning. Cold lunch with seafood and pavlova to the hot traditional Christmas lunch. Budget to more extravagent. You are covered. Drinks, dips, salads, seafood, baking, cold desserts, pickles and more.
And I really liked how you could do a simple chicken or turkey roll from the supermarket and cook it in your thermomix which is great for people on a budget or who get nervous about roasting at Christmas time. I have a certain someone in the house who hates the oven being on for hours so your varoma can be doing the roast which is a great idea.
I also loved the gift section at the back and we made the Chocolate Hazelnut Kisses. I still melt chocolate in my microwave but with just 3 ingredients in your TM bowl and a bit of scraping down the sides once or twice, popped into the moulds and then voila. Deliciously sweet little chocolates. Big thumbs up from everyone in the family for this recipe. festi
Festive Flavour can be used in both the TM5 and TM31 and a recipe chip is also available for TM5 users. I just received the book and I know that it will become a family favourite and not just for Christmas as the desserts and meals are all delicious and perfect for entertaining and gift giving year round.
5 stars from me for this book, it’s about time we had a Christmas cookbook and this is better than I could have imagined. Love to hear what you think and as a special treat I will buy one of you lucky readers out there a copy of the book (valued at $50 plus postage). Just tell me something you make every Christmas……..I’ll pick a winner next Monday 9th November. Competition open to people residing in Australia only and I will order from the Thermomix website and have it sent to you.
Oh my …. I have ordered my Thermomix & can not wait for it to arrive!!!! Always have to have a pavlova on Christmas & I spy one in this amazing book!!!
Christmas tends to be a bit like groundhog day here…..same old same old! There is always ham and chicken with salad…but with this new Thermomix Christmas cookbook we could shake things up a bit!!
The things that I do love to make every Christmas are desserts with the girls. We make pavlova from scratch and they decorate it and we have graduated from gingerbread men to gingerbread houses. I love the smell of Christmas baking!! Eek now I’m getting excited about Christmas!
I love making gingerbread cookies. I’ve been busy the the new everyday cookbook. The festive book looks fabulous.
It’s all about traditions here (possibly it’s time for a change!)- baked ham and salads Christmas Eve and then roast turkey roll Christmas Day lunch. I always do the chocolate ganache reindeer tarts for the kids deserts as well.
I love Christmas, and would love this book to inspire some Christmas cooking. I always make m&m cookies with the kids, using the Christmas m&ms and my family loves banoffee pie for sweets on Christmas Day. This year will be extra crazy as we are moving 2 weeks before Christmas and hosting Christmas ?! I think my thermie and I will need all the help we can get to make Christmas dinner for 20, quickly and most importantly tasty, in a half unpacked house!
I make gingerbread biscuits every year. I have the festive flavour thermomix booklet that I cook from every year – I’d love to upgrade to the book and expand my cooking repertoire.
We always do a trifle, and we all know how good thermie custards are!
Would love this book. I always make white chocolate, cruising and pistachio shortbread, festive colours, great flavour and the dough can be made ahead and frozen in a log to be sliced later.
I’m a longtime devoted reader but a ‘first time’ commenter. Every Christmas I make fruit mince pies with stars on top. The almond pastry recipe in the ‘old’ everyday cooking book makes the best pastry. Thermi also makes the best fruit mince with just fruit and spices (no bits of lard ‘yuk’ like in the jars). The pastry is also great for little lemon tartlets with easy peasy Thermomix lemon curd!
Every Christmas I make what we affectionately call ‘asparagus dish.’ It is an egg, potato and asparagus bake in a white sauce (with a twist – using asparagus juice). It is amazing on roast. I am not the worlds best cook, so it is my staple because it always tastes amazing. Last year I didn’t make it because I was heavily pregnant and my husband said “it’s just not Christmas without asparagus dish’
Every year I am asked to make my Chicken and Mango Salad, its a firm favourite with th family although I have discovered and thermomix potatoe salad recipe with is slowly becoming another favourite, its on the recipe community called “I love your potato salad” potato salard. Easy and very tasty.
Christmas is usually close to the Chinese Winter Solstice Festival so I’d make some glutinous rice mochi-like balls with pandan ginger syrup. It’s our first proper Christmas with little one this year (as he was a baby last year) so I’m excited to get make those glutinous rice balls with him!
We always have a glazed ham, but the for the last few years, your white rocky road has become a firm Christmas favourite. I am getting a Thermomix before Christmas so this would be perfect!
We make something every year called Ambrosia Salad. It’s quite a strange combo but it works, has Tinned Mandarin, Marshmallows, shredded Coconut, cream and Pineapple. Would love love love this cookbook!!!!
I love Christmas but this year is the first year that I have to host at my house. A little bit nervous that I won’t be as good as my Mother -in-law. I always do gingerbread cookies as this is a tradition from when I was little. Then we always have Christmas ham and I usually make swedish meatballs, just to remind me of home ☺
About 9 or 10 years ago I found a recipe for a layered champagne jelly – very impressive to look at and pretty simple to make. Every year I suggest that we should look at some new recipes for Christmas lunch, everyone agrees but then says “but we must have the berry jelly”. Maybe if I have a new recipe book I can convince them to let me make something different this year??
I make some items from our Dutch heritage – boeterkoek (like a butter almond shortbread) and Kerstkranche (marzipan log shape wrapped in puff pastry) as we love them and to remind our children and grandchildren of their family history.
The new book looks great.
Every single year we make the same trifle for dessert. Goes a little something like this….sponge fingers, sherry, frozen raspberries, custard, jelly and shaved chocolate on top if we are feeling exotic! Actually just purchased the big bag of sponge fingers on the weekend.
Every year there is something new. We split the food between four families. And Surprise Christmas!!! for our meal.
And this year I don’t have an oven :-(. So the thermomix will be well used
We have a fairly traditional Christmas dinner a week or so before Christmas so that we can include some special friends as well as family- roast pork with apple sauce, glazed ham, turkey breast, roasted vegetables.Then with just the family who are around we have seafood on Christmas Day (adult children must be shared with in laws!). But the thing the family insist on which is rather unconventional is our first course on both occasions – well chilled Gazpacho! Refreshing and tasty on a hot Australian Christmas day!
I love making christmas shortbreads every year. I gave up on gingerbread because the dough got too soft to shape properly. But shortbreads always turn out great!
Something we bake every year, and NEVER get tired of, is a baked ham. I love the sticky sweetness of the glaze and the saltiness of the ham together. Yum!!! Are there new recipes for the glaze in the new book?? That would be fabulous!
Every year I make sugar cookies. I love decorating them and how festive they look on the table. Of course by the time we get to dessert we are often too stuffed to eat anymore!
Hi Corrie, the cookbook looks great. Every Christmas I love making peppermint bark for my friends and family (and myself!). It was even easier to make last year because I had the help of my TM31 :).
I just had a thermomix demo on Friday and took the plunge. My thermomix should arrive very soon. I am very excited. Every year I buy boxes and cellophane and bake an assortment of treats for family and friends. Things like truffles, ginger biscuits, chocolate caramels. I package them up and put an assortment of each in a box. I love deciding which treats to make and buying boxes for them. This year I am going to try using the thermomix for them. I am nervous but excited!
I make a batch of gingerbread every year, and cut them into Christmas Shapes. I decorate them with Royal Icing and write the names of my kids, their cousins and our friends and neighbors’ names on them. I take a photo of the gingerbread all lined up and post it up as my “nice list” so everyone can check if they are on the naughty or nice list
Then they get individually wrapped and given out on Christmas Day! Would love to win the book so I’m not a one-trick reindeer!
Pancakes on Christmas morning after opening presents!
My Dad used to make them for us as kids in an electric skillet.
2 cups plain flour
1 cup SR flour
1 cup of powdered milk
3 eggs
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
And add water as mixing to batter consistency.
Stand for 10 mins to thinken
Add a little more water
Then cook…
My brothers and I still use this pancake mixture today with our own family’s. And once again I’ll be making pancakes for breakfast Christmas morning after watching the the smiles and joy on my kids faces that comes the giving and receiving gifts. ????
60 gingerbread houses. From scratch, for our annual Gingerbread House party. Lollies galore. 10 dozen egg whites made into royal icing. A real tradition in our house that i always think the older friends will outgrow – but they get more and more into it every year!
I love my thermomix, and since having it I am always called on to make the fruit mince pies.
Gingerbread men or gingerbread house are the usual Christmas favourites! The new book looks amazing
This will be my second Christmas with my Thermomix and last year only used it to make lots of salads (Beetroot, potatoe etc). I need this book to give me some new fresh ideas & confidence to try some more advanced Christmas recipes.
Oh wow those fruit mince tarts! I make jam from local fruits, rum balls similar to yours and steamed Christmas puddings that are very much laced with brandy!
For Christmas eve I always make hot chocolate on the stove using shaved Cadburys (yum) and wait until it’s cooled down to mix with ice cream and whipped cream for an iced chocolate delight!
I have only just received my Thermomix and am slowly learning to use it. I can’t say what I make regularly each year as I don’t think there is anything. I do have Christmas with my family every year though. My sister and her family are with us, sometimes her in-laws (mine are overseas) and my parents. This year though will be the first without my Dad as he passed away in September. I would love this book, so that I can help make my Mum something special this year and to help her get over the pain of losing my Dad. My sister and are going to make this Christmas the best that we can for her.
Every year Ham & salads – Particularly the broccoli salad which we all adore. We need a new favourite
Every year is the same at our house – mixed roast meats and vegetables for lunch, and then a cold seafood and salad dinner with custard and Christmas pudding for dessert.
I would love to try something new out of the new book!
Can I confess that I bought a bucket of Christmas coloured M&M’s today, so I can start getting in the spirit already? The first few batches of M &M cookies will be strictly for product testing, of course…after all, I’m doing people a service by making sure I get them 100% perfect, right?!
Oh I’m excited to see this book – thanks for the review and heads up!
Every year our family goes raspberry picking right before Christmas, then I use them to make a coulis and topping for our pav – my favourite tradition (and dessert!) at Christmas.
I always make sticky date pudding, it may not suit the weather but with a couple of strawberries I’m forgiven… and the guys all love it whatever the season. So simple and can be prepped days earlier… I’m all for an easy tasty time at Christmas
It looks like a great book!! I now always make gluten free gingerbread for my special little 5 yo son who has coeliac disease… This year I’m hoping to try a gingerbread house with the new thermomix moulds!
Good luck to all xx
I grew up in Germany and because of winter we always had warm/hot food for Christmas lunch and dinner. In between meals we ate all the biscuits that we made earlier in December. I loved baking Christmas biscuits with my Mum as a child and I still bake them here in Australia although it’s way too hot to turn on the oven in summer here. Not sure how the baking will go this year as I’m due with our first child early January but I’m hoping I’ll still manage to bake some. Having a thermomix definitely does make a difference. The new thermomix book looks great. Thanks for the chance to win it Corrie
I love a bit of Festive Rocky Road at Christmas time. Made with snickers, Turkish delight, m&m’s, marshmallows and more!
When we have our big Aussie family gettogethers for Christmas, hubby is in charge of fruit salad. I make rum balls every year so hubby can gorge on them on the drive down to said get together.
Food is a big part of Christmas for our family. I am one of seven children and we all head home to Mum and Dads with our families. Our tradition is Turkey cooked in the Webber, ham from the bone and beautiful salads. I made Pastilla a few years ago out of Dani Valent’s ” in the mix” Thermomix cookbook and have been making it ever since! I make batches and wrap it up in clear cellophane and a pretty Christmas ribbon for friends, teachers and work colleagues. There is always some on a cheese board at Christmas and extra in the fridge for those unexpected visitors over the Christmas period.
Every year i make lots of decorated cookies and biscuits for all our family. This year my son is getting excited about being old enough to help decorate! I love family traditions and know this is something we’ll all look forward to doing each year as our little family grows! What a generous give away, just in time for Christmas! I would love to win a new Thermomix book to help me learn to use my machine a bit more!
Wow Corrie,I would dearly love to win this book,Thankyou so much for being so generous,I also make a stuffing and I make meatballs with the left overs and cook them beside the turkey,yummy ,the whole family love them.
Hope you have a lovely day Corrie xx
Rocky road every single year. YUM!
I always make an icecream pudding! I now have to make two, as I like it with lollies and mixed dried fruit but no one else likes the dried fruit! I refuse to eat it without so it usually turns out I have nearly a whole pudding and everyone else has to share!
I’m determined this year to make it as much as possible from scratch and not just buy the icecream in a tab and refreeze it!
Thanks for the review Corrie
We’ve made the same potato salad since the 80’s. The trifle is my grandmothers’ recipe and no-one can cope if there’s no store-bought Christmas pudding (and then no-one eats it anyways).
This year, Thermie is going to knock their socks off! There will be potato salad, but it will be from this century. The trifle will not have a mish-mash of different coloured jelly and there will be NO tinned peaches involved.
As for the pudding. Well, I can make my own pudding this year and steam it in the steaming basket… I’ll even be making my own brandy custard and cream.
The question is, am I going to have to find all these recipes on Pinterest or………
An absolute pig of myself at everyone else’s insistence!
I can’t decline a morsel made by my wife at Christmas breakfast, nor can I say no to my own Mum at lunch, and the Mother in Law at dinner, well a no to her would mean that death glare. So every Christmas I make a pig of myself, and all in the aid of keeping the peace!
Krustai. They’re deep fried Lithuanian pastries, dusted in icing sugar and are so light, delicate and melt in the mouth. Christmas just isn’t Christmas without them, they are so worth the time invested making them.
Cheesecake, one baked and one chilled because fussy Mr. Husband doesn’t like the baked one. Both topped with dark cherries, strawberries and piped on whipped cream. And it’s not by choice I make them every Christmas, it’s from demand by hungry relatives who seem to now expect two variations of the one cake!
I spent the first 7 years of my marriage (6 Christmasses) in Edinburgh, so I like to make things out of my “Nigella Christmas” book – even when we moved back to Oz, the best thing hubby still requests is goose fat roasted potatoes (Coles sells goose fat in a tin in the lead up to Christmass). Sadly parsnips are out of season and don’t taste right. And there always has to be lots of nice cheese and clementines (substituting with mandis). I don’t think the potatoes can be done without a hot oven though. We don’t have a Tmx but the Christmas book would be loved by a friend who is hosting lots of family this year, and it’s her first year with her TM5.
The children and I always make Gingerbread houses for their teachers and Christmas Day… time consuming but well worth it for the end result. Love Christmas cooking!!!
We always make Chocolate Ripple Cake at Christmas. But for nearly 10 years we have given our siblings (and their partners) a box of homemade goodies for Christmas which includes shortbread, rocky road, peppermint bark and rum balls. And I always make lolly holly to decorate the gifts under the tree!!
I always make rum balls (and always more than one batch as the first batch never make it as far as Christmas Day ?!! )
I always do ginger snap biscuits in the shape of Christmas decorations, like is used to make with my mum every Christmas. I love it! Now I Mae them with my son, so the tradition lives on. I would love this book though, looks delicious!
I’m always in charge if dessert. A tiramisu for the adults and a simple jelly and ice cream for the children.
The book is gorgeous. Either fudge and/or rocky road. Gotta to love some chocolate!
Every christmas we make christmas pudding, and see who can find the coin!
Hi – The one recipe I cook every Christmas is brandy cream for the boiled Christmas pudding. A work colleague gave it it to me about thirty years ago. It is made with cream, eggs, brandy and a meringue. Family favourite.
Thanks so much for your generosity, Corrie. I always serve cold roast meats and lots of salads. This will be my first Christmas with my thermomix (bit excited!!) so I will be keen to include a coleslaw this year- have never been keen. For all that chopping before 😉
Hey! The new book looks great! I always make a pavlova – and since I bought the TM31 it’s been so much easier to make!
I make Bliss Balls every Christmas – ground dates, nuts ,vanilla essence/Cointreau = healthy treat, yum!!!
I always make a boiled fruit cake; deliciously moist with lots of cherries!
When we are having a cold lunch Christmas my repeat dishes are Ina Garten’s old fashioned potato salad (which is perfect with a roast/cold ham) and Janelle Bloom’s vanilla slice as my husband is not a fan of plum pudding.
Wow – so many delicious recipes, kinda makes me wish that I had a thermomix.
Hi Corrie, I’m anxious to get my copy of “Festive Flavour”. Ordered it a week back.
Hi Corrie, thanks for the review of the book. I love Christmas – I love giving and spending special family time together. Every year for the past 10 years I have made a Christmas hamper for each of my and my husband’s aunts and uncles, which have in them lots of homemade goodies – Ripe Tomato Chutney (made with my Granny’s “famous” recipe), Great Granny’s Shortbread (original Scottish recipe handed down through my family!), homemade Russian Caramels (another family recipe), Spiced Christmas Biscuits, Caramelised Balsamic Reduction and Lemon Butter. My relatives all look forward to receiving their hamper every year, and remind me to start cooking!!
What a generous offer a fab festvie cookbook. Each christmas I make the christmas pudding for the whole family about 30 of us. The pudding recipe has been passed down for 4 generations now, its my great grandmothers. Only one person each generation gets the origional recipe in her handwritting. Its such a great family tradition to have but It would be great to some new insparation.
Things we make include shortbread, chocolate balls (like rum balls), tiramisu and trifle. The Tiramisu and trifle are Christmas only treats which we all soooo look forward to during the year and its nice to let our hair down a bit and relax our healthy eating regime. And of course lets not forget the delicious eggnog I make for the adults, nothing like homemade eggnog!
Thanks Corrie for your enticing roundup of the new TM cookbook. My special dish I make every year is a Macadamia, Cranberry and Parsley stuffing that I bake in 2 bread tins. It is a meal on its own and is beautifully festive in colour. My family go crazy for it. Last year was the first year it got made with my TM, whizzing up my breadcrumbs and mounds of fresh Italian parsley, caramelising my Spanish onions. It feels and smells like a truly Aussie Christmas when I’m roasting my macadamia nuts ( instead of the chestnuts roasting in the northern hemisphere).
I make a big batch of biscuits, German gingerbread, Florentines etc. I give half to my mum, keep half and for all those Xmas functions I can bring a plate that looks and tastes amazing. First Xmas with my thermie this year, can’t wait to find some new recipes!!
Christmas cake with brandy and all the decorations on top, wouldn’t be Christmas without it
I make my usual Rum(less) balls but this year I am adding hazelnut meal to the mix this year. ??
we make something gingerbread, like the house, men or tree and decorate the christmas out of it
We always makes a Trifle … my dad says Christmas is not Christmas without the family’s favourite Trifle!!
The new book looks wonderful. Every year I make an old family favourite that my grandmother used to make – they are a chocolate melting moment with sherry! ?
Every year we have a Christmas cooking day of treats, would love to add something new to the list, Would be lovely to be able to pass on to mum as it would be our first Christmas without Dad!!!!
Am new to this Thermo world! I have 2 books but would love this festive edition!
We always have roast turkey & homemade pudding with brandy custard!
Love your blog and enjoy reading about your little family!
I think I missed this giveaway – but this book looks fabulous! We always have a breakfast of mango, raspberries , blueberries & strawberries, with vanilla bean yoghurt. A yummy, healthy start to the day before we eat all our fav christmas food.