Long time no giveaway so with a new delivery of fabric on my doorstep here we go! One gorgeous panel of Christmas fabric from the Jingle range by Kate Spain for Moda.
You can make 2 Christmas stockings or could back with another fabric and make 4 and a few other little cute things. I’m thinking these would be gorgeous quilted. I’m also popping in a metre of some Bonnie & Camille in festive red and white too.
So wherever you live in the world just leave a comment telling me why you’re going to do some sewing this Christmas (coming from someone who has good intentions and gets caught up with other things). I’ll pick a winner next Sunday 11th October! Good luck…………
I am going to sew this Christmas because I want to give family members a home made gift that I have put time and love into, instead of a store bought gift.
I’m sewing this Christmas because I always do! I love to give something that I put thought and time into rather than dashing out and just getting something.
because handmade is part of Christmas for me
With what seems like a huge number of teacher presents needed for school & daycare I’m thinking my sewing machine has a few projects to make!
This Christmas is the first for my new Grandson Layton…..he will be ALMOST 6 months old
I would love to make this for him..
It is going to be a difficult time for our family as our darling first Grandson Levi (Laytons big brother) passed away aged 19 mths in May. He is terribly missed so I will be doing everything I can to make this time as happy as possible for all of us xxx
With eleven grandchildren, 4 sons 4 DIL’s, 4 great nephews under 5, and several close friends I believe I will be doing just a little bit of christmas sewing!!! Plus I enjoy making and givibg!!
Decided to go all out this year and make Christmas Vests for everyone. Bought a pattern and material a couple of years back but never found the time
oops meant vest lol have posted a pic on Retromummy FB page
Two little grandaughters visiting from U.K. Will be needing a Christmas stocking each!
Now my daughter is 17 and preoccupied with school, work and friends, for the first time in a long time, I have, wait for it………FREE TIME! I always find sewing incredibly relaxing and therapeutic and what a way to get into the festive spirit!
Christmas outfits for dolls and teddies alike, that enjoy being a part of our family festivities. My daughter and niece have been asking me so nicely all year if I could do this. And then onto the easy things, a new tablecloth for our enormous table that seats 35 at Christmas plus matching napkins.
Would love to make these up and use the beautiful extra material to add contrast to other planned Christmas sewing
I wanted to make Christmas stockings for the little kids last year but I didn’t have a pattern, couldn’t draw a good enough one or printer cartridge to print one out and lived too far from the shops to get some. I promised myself I would make them this year. This would be perfect for the big kid and the little one.
Sewing is not one of my crafty talents so I would hand this straight to my sister & see what amazing things she would do with it. She has rescued me on more than one occasion when we have needed, at the last minute, a convict, a fruit or vegetable !, summer shorts that didn’t flash half a bum & made me the most gorgeous quilt when I was in hospital
Sewing for Christmas is my time out, my stress relief and my “me” time. It makes me happy, and it also makes the recipient of my sewing happy so win win all round
Hi there. I would love to make some Christmas gifts such as place mats, stockings etc for the people I love. I think it is so much nicer to give something you have made personally rather than something you have purchased.
I need to make some christmas bags to use instead of wrapping paper. I really dislike wrapping presents!
I always give my two great nieces a handmade decoration..that way when they are ready to leave home they will have a start on making their own traditions in a new home. These stockings would be perfect.
Love to show affection through making special gifts and this Christmas we are off to a family Christmas in the UK, my first trip back since 1976.
I am definitely going to be sewing christmas gifts this year, as I love giving handmade goodies away to family and friends. I would love to win this fabric for my new little Grandson to be – the first grandchild on both sides of the family so very exciting, and the draw is on my birthday so hoping that will be my winning ticket.
I’ll be sewing this Christmas because by next Christmas (maybe by Easter) I’ll have added a daughter to our family, and she needs a stocking, Santa sack and decorations to match her big brother’s. I want to be organised!
I am a part of this amazing group of “bag ladies” online. We chat about our obsession with pretty bags and accessories but also support each other. I’ve made some beautiful friends and I’d love to sew things to send away to one of my “bag ladies” as surprises because who doesn’t like surprise parcels? I’d really like to be able to whip up some of those fabric tissue holders too…I’ve been meaning to do it for a while now!
I always sew something for my bestie and I usually make one for myself, whatever takes my fancy, sewing is timeout for me, calms me , and be creative keeps me going . :-))
I am going to sew this year so the grand kids receive a gift that is not a TOY!!
I sew every Christmas because I like to give my family something unique and made with love!
With a new granddaughter, I was just planning to make her a Santa sack or stocking. So it would be perfect timing ?
I hope to sew some clothes, a couple of Pajama eaters, a hobby horse and few other things. What will I sew? Probably nothing
Sewing for Christmas?
Of course!
Because I love it!
Homemade, handmade, with love, true gifts from the heart ☺
Guilt. Every October I tell myself I will finish last years project.
This year I will…… or start another…
Because my stash is my Christmas budget this year! Sad bu true, with 10 months actively seeking work in a new location there’s not a cent spare to support anything that isn’t made with love!
I’m planning to make Christmas stockings for my son, daughter-in-law and two granddaughters for this year, the second granddaughter isn’t even born yet ?
I’m going to do some sewing this Christmas as I would like it to become a tradition each year of something handmade that can be put up in the house. Last year I made some bunting, it was my first ever sewing project, not perfect, but I have a long way to go with learning how to sew.
I always make christmas presents so thats what I’d like to keep doing, just need to remember what I made everyone last year!
Oh, what cute fabric. I love to sew for Christmas. Usually small quilts, stockings, cross-stitch tree ornaments, and I’m always thinking of the people I’m giving these things to. Also, anything sewn for Christmas makes beautiful Christmas memories.
I’m sewing because I love giving one of a kind gifts filled with love. And I really just love to sew, so it is nice to be able to give to others while doing something I love.
I love to sew Christmas projects. This year I’ll be sewing to help decorate our little flat while living in the UK away from our families. Plus this year I actually have a mantelpiece to hang stockings from!
I love to sew for whatever reason (but Christmas is a wonderful reason!). Like you though, I tend to get caught up with other things (i.e. stuff for the kids!).
I am sewing gifts for Christmas as they are much more personnel and are always appreciated much more because of the time and love spent making them.
I am sewing for Christmas because last year I accidentally threw out our families holiday stockings! Winning this giveaway would help me out in a big way!! Thank you!
congratulations you are the winner!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m sewing for Christmas this year so I have some decorations.I’m trying to learn to sew new stuff.
I’ll be attempting to sew a little dress for my baby girl for her second Christmas this year! Something sweet that she can pop on her teddy once she’s outgrown it. Any recomendations on something suitable for a beginner are very welcome please
I am sewing a quilted table cloth, curtains, and place mats for Christmas because I love to decorate with hand made things. Thanks!
With our son and granddaughter now living with us, I want to sew some decorations they will enjoy!
I will be making some ornaments, decorations and a new dress to wear on Xmas day x
I’m finishing up a quilt for my grandson and working on pillows for gifts this Christmas.
I am sewing for Christmas so I can update my holiday decorations.
My family expects me to sew for Christmas, it has become a tradition for them to get something handmade from me.
This Christmas I am going to make some tree skirts for my family!!!
I am sewing this Christmas because it is the first Christmas without my Mum and I need to keep myself really busy so that I have less time to miss her.
My sister and I have been buying material for a few years and I need to make Christmas presents this year.
Because I need a tree skirt!
Love to win the fabric offer Corrie, my plans to sew for Christmas are always endless, I have many projects on the boil and some more would be wonderful, thanks for the opportunity to add this to the sewing area of my home.
I’m sewing this Christmas as I love to give a handmade gift, often alongside something I’ve bought. This Christmas my eldest (miss 9) has asked me to make her a special quilt so I’m in the middle of making it at the moment. It will be a combination of patchwork and embroidery, hopefully it will be special to her.
I am definitely going to go all out this Christmas it has been a terrible year and I want to make this Christmas as cheerie as I can by making Christmas stockings and glittery tree decorations – this will definitely make my son smile. I am just finishing of a jumper for him and started doing one for hubby and then attempt to crochet a top for myself and of course knit Christmas stockings and sew a couple more to hang up. Christmas cake is being prepared as we speak. Love my craft it keeps me sane lol and I absolutely love Christmas
I have mailed 3 quilts to my great nephews and I have 2 more to go. I might make it by Christmas but if I don’t they will be Jan 1-New Years gifts. That works for me. I love the stockings, I see a housewarming gift for a friend out of these.
Every year I say I’m going to make an advent calender and then I buy one. This is the year I’m going to do it
I have started already. I have a few Christmas swaps to do. I have started making Christmas hexi mats for the teachers and helpers, I have a new niece and nephew this year so I will make them something. Every year I add to my collect of hand made things for my son too.
There is so much of plastic and noisy toys in our house, so in our Christmas, I am trying to collect some lovely handmades (and homesewns) to make some traditions we can share that remind us that Christmas is about family and togetherness rather than food and gifts.
I would give to my lovely stepdaugther who is learning to sew, she could make something for her children. She has had a rough ride of late and lovely that she has found something for herself that she loves.
I wilp be sewingbmy daughters Christmas dresses and hopefully a present for my mum 😀
It has become a tradition for me to give quilts and other things I’ve sewn as Christmas gifts. I have already been making things through the year so I can make enough for all the people on my list.
I’ll be making things this Christmas as I have more time on my hands this year (unemployed), and I’d like to take this opportunity to make up for not making more special gifts in the past when I was too busy.
Hi Retro Mummy
I’m going to make Christmas Stockings for the Oncology kids at Westmead Hospital to add into the Christmas Toy run from friends on the Central Coast!
I’m going to make some things for operation shoe box!
I will sew some Christmas presents this year because I haven’t done any since my third child was born 5 months ago and craft is such an important part of who I am.
It’s always nice to give handmade gifts at Christmas – it shows thought and love have gone into the gift!
This will be the first christmas of my 8 months little girl, so it will be very special for us.
I’m going to sew and finally make a Christmas tree skirt that I really like! I’ve settled for purchased ones that are never big enough or match my décor!
Thanks for the giveaway Corrie. I love Christmas sewing but I always end up doing things not on my list and NOT doing the things that ARE on my list! Anyway, I do usually end up with a few handmade presents and some decorations
There is something so special about making something, and I think especially sewing, and quilting. This year I have already started to make some Christmas pressies because I am determined to share a little bit of my handmade love with my close friends and family. I try to think about the person I am making the gift for and what it is I love about them while I am making it, it might sounds silly, but I hope this makes the present a little more special.
I would love to win this giveaway! My friend just recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and has another little girl just about to turn 2 years. She is always burning the midnight oil helping others and getting things done like all mothers do and I would like to use this fabric to make something nice for her two little girls to let her know how much I appreciate her friendship and everything she does for others.
Thanks for the giveaway – it has definitely given me inspiration to think about Christmas sewing ideas
This Christmas I will be sewing
Gifts for family and friends.
Usually a last minute effort
That drives me around the bend!
With the Jingle range this year
I will get my act into gear.
Stockings and trinkets galore
Ready to be posted offshore.
I’ll be Christmas sewing to add happiness to and make more festive,my son’s homes, gifted w/handmade quilted stockings, runners and baskets. Thank you Corrie, you’re so generous.
I sew for Christmas to give something truly original and homemade that will hopefully be treasured – and also to save money! x
I would love to win this so I can give a few home made prezzies – I have watched you the absolute amazing one whip up a quilt in a few days so hopefully I can make one or two in a month…
I’m going to sew because my daughter is getting married in November….and I think that opens up a brand new room to move my sewing into!!!!
I’m from Spain. This will be a present for a friend, cause she allways craft really nice things for my twins, allow us to swin on her pool and also was the one that told me about your blog. I hope you star to make all giveaway worldwide ahaha. Lot of kisses you all
Wow, gorgeous Christmas fabrics! I’m knitting/crocheting some gifts this year and I’m planning to sew some kind of gift wrap bags to pop those gifts into.
I really want to make some pillows and/or pillowcases because we need some! Thanks and God bless!
I haven’t got the extra cash this year because I’m not working, except for a few gigs here and there so this year I’ll be sewing!
So it’s Christmas again
Endless gingerbread baking
Wonderful family time card making
Intricate potato stamp wrapping
Novelty handmade gifting
Getting out the machine and sewing
My son loves Minecraft, so I’m sewing him a Minecraft quilt for Christmas.
I try and make something every year for my four children. Now with them all having partners there is more to make for. I also like to make things for my nieces and nephew, as my other siblings do not craft and the children like to rceive hand made from their Aunty
I am creative but not a great sewer so I stick to making table cloths and give them as gifts. We don’t have much money for gifts and this is a great idea to give to family
I am never happier than when I am sitting at the sewing machine and Christmas is my favourite time of the year. I love Christmas sewing and try and make something different every year for my grand children’s teachers. Last year the kinder teacher cried when she unwrapped the patchwork table runner that I made her. Thank you for the chance to enter the competition.
We are celebrating Christmas at ours this year and I’m going to sew special themed place mats and a runner for our Christmas lunch.
A few of the adults in my extended family revolted against giving presents a few years ago, saying they were too expensive and that no one got anything they really wanted anyway. Such party poopers!! Anyway, since we’ve brought in the “no buying presents” policy I thought I would sew some beautiful totes and cute tissue packet covers for my loved ones instead, just to show that the spirit of giving is still alive and well, for SOME of us at least!
I am sewing for Christmas simply because it is my pleasure.
Have just found your wonderful blog/website whilst searching for ‘should I buy an overlocker’! I can’t read fast enough to catch up with your interesting, entertaining and above all instructional world. I am always sewing (although slowly due to having arthritis) and start after Christmas making gifts for my 6 children and 5 grandchildren. It will be my youngest granddaughter’s first Christmas so snuggle blankets and bibs for her, oh yes and a stocking! Crackers, place mats and napkins for the older ones, advent calendars and cot quilts for the younger ones. For me, I feel the saying about every stitch is stitched with love is a big part of why I make them all a handmade gift each year. It’s my way of letting them know how much I love them…….no matter how old they are.
I’m participating in a fun global secret santa Christmas mail swap
Nothing gets my creative spark going like putting together a fun and exciting secret package!!! I’d love to sew something special to send to my distant partner ^^
You always source such gorgeous material. I love to make this stocking for my son.
Just found this giveaway catching up on my emails and was going to enter, but reading through so many comments I can’t bring myself to. There’s so many beautiful and selfless people who read your blog, so many worthwhile purposes for this material mine seems so trivial. How will you choose?! ox
Hi from Scotland. I want to make a new dress to wear on Xmas day ( selfish Xmas sewing !! )