One of the questions I receive every now and then is from a friend or someone who has started a blog. And they want to grow it. And they wonder how to do it. There are so many blogs right now but there is always room for more. Here are a few ideas and tips that I hope help you………….
There is no magic formula
Yes I’m sorry to say there is no recipe to grow your blog. No special things to do or a list to follow that will guarantee success. There are no overnight success stories just people who have put in time and effort.
Be consistent
Time and effort are what is required to grow anything. It doesn’t have to be in the middle of the day, you might do your work at night and just check emails during the day. You can definitely work around other commitments but you can’t get away from putting the time in. And not just on your blog. Across everything – facebook, pinterest, instagram, your emails, reading other blogs and more. I’ve been blogging for 9 years and am definitely of the slow and steady blogger.
Use social media
Facebook can be a right pain when you think no one is reading your posts but its important to be on there. Make sure you have your blog name across social media and share your posts and use social media to grow your blog. I love Pinterest and Instagram right now. Follow people who you like and find inspiring and in your same niche. When it comes to Facebook share a variety of information – are you teaching your lovely readers something new, sharing something funny, letting them know something about you, is it relevant, do you love it, is it in your style. Follow lots of great bloggers, celebrities, websites, pages that relate to your niche and share little bits with your readers. Make it fun, keep it positive and don’t give up!!!!!
Have a newsletter
Mailchimp is a great way to keep your readers posted with what’s been happening and avoids your message getting lost in social media. Mind you this takes some work to get a newsletter out and I’m not the greatest at it but it’s well worth having an email list. Especially when you have something special to share or a giveaway. I am not so good at the newsletters and I’m OK with that.
Know your reader
Know what you will and won’t blog about. Do you think your target market might be offended with your language (mind you some bloggers are known for their language and that is why people read them but you need to think about YOUR readers). Make a mental picture of your reader and what she (or he) is interested in and needs to know.
Get out there and meet other bloggers
Meet ups, conferences, events, nights out, online blog post sharing….you need to get you and your blog out there. You don’t always have to leave home to do it but you do need to put yourself out there. Leave comments on blogs and social media (don’t spam!), go to conferences, join facebook groups (Blog Chicks, Digital Parents, Problogger) and learn from others. I find Digital Parents and some of the great facebook pages are wonderful when you’re starting out or have a question and want to ask someone
Give something away
A fun giveaway, an e-book, a recipe, something you’ve bought or have that would be fun to giveaway is a great way to get people to your blog and get their attention. If you’ve got great recipes then bundle them up into an e-book and perhaps offer it for free when they join your mailing list
Be yourself
What is it about you and that makes you YOU? Not all mums are the same and not all bloggers are the same so make sure you put your personality and what it is that makes you YOU into your blog and everything you put out there. Maybe you’ve got 10 kids, or are super organised, or love chocolate, or are obsessed with craft. There are people out there who want to know something from you and make sure you are being yourself and sharing it.
Learn how to take photos
Whether it’s on your iPhone or your camera learn a few tips and tricks that help you take good photos. If you can get off auto then fabulous if you can’t then edit your photos, crop or follow a few simple rules and do your own photos. I think it really makes your blog yours if you are using your own photos. Nothing worse than seeing the same photo on other people’s blogs unless they are sharing your wonderful work and bringing it back to you. Use picmonkey to edit or make your photos fun, think about adding text to your pinterest photos and for social media.
Follow bloggers who are doing it right
Fill your social media with people you like and admire, bloggers who might not be in your niche but are getting noticed and putting themselves out there, go global and don’t just stick to the aussies. I can’t tell you how much I’m loving the Scandinavian knitters on my Instagram feed.
Just have fun
Unique views, page views, followers blah blah blah. I check my google analytics once a month and that’s how I like it. If you’re always chasing the numbers you are not going to be the most authentic person or enjoy the ride. It should be fun and about friendship and sharing. It’s fine to set goals and things to work towards but if you really are obsessed with the numbers and why they aren’t going anywhere then it’s taking your time and energy away from everything else. Read, get inspired, get outside, go somewhere, take your camera and just have fun.
Got any advice? A question? Fire away………………..
I love the last one.. Just enjoy it! Great post for newbies!
oh yes! otherwise you’ll never want to do it:)
Brilliant post Corrie!
Love your work and words xx
thank you! love your work! you’ve grown such a wonderful blog and I’ve been telling a few people to follow you and see what you’ve been doing:)
my advice would be to tag everything. I get alot of new followers from my tags. I know this because if i post a photography themed post i often get followers from photography blogs who wouldn’t normally read a mummy blog.
yes! that’s such great advice!!!!!!
Thanks for the advise. What do you recommend to use to give away prizes? Just comment on the blog?
yes! once you start making it too hard for people (leave a comment here, like my facebook page etc) people lose interest and don’t want to enter:)
You already answered a question for me on Facebook today (thankyou!!), I have another one for you – if you moderate your comments and you get a nasty one, do you ignore it altogether, do you respond privately to the person or do you publish it? I know people aren’t always going to like what you write, and that’s all part and parcel, but I had a comment today that surprised me a bit and included a swear word (!) and I’m not really sure how other bloggers handle that.
Sometimes getting out there as a blogger feels a bit like being back at high school, wondering why all the ‘cool’ kids/bloggers aren’t talking to you. I’ve only been having a go at a ‘proper’ blog for about 6 months and at times I get quite despondent on the lack off interest, but like you say, it takes time and consistency. Thanks for the pep talk!
Great advice Corrie, you are an inspiration. Thank you. You are certainly honest and thats what I love about your blog. I love your last point about having fun. I guess, when you stop having fun, your readers will see right through this. Thank you.
Thanks Corrie, these are fabulous tips. I have always wanted to be a ‘better’ blogger. I love writing and sharing stories and photos etc… I just struggle to find that balance with real life and online life!?! I have had my blog for almost 5 years and really it is first and foremost a place to store memories and things I love for my children to read in the future. But I wouldn’t complain if I one day made something more of it too. I am such a huge fan of your blog and quite a few others too, such great and inspiring examples out there
Hi Corrie,
Thanks for the tips. I think what I am realising is that it really does take time and effort to grow a blog. It would be nice to have instant success but that is unlikely for most bloggers. Thank you for the tips. Time to brush up on my photography skills. Bron x