I know that gluten free seems to be the current trend in eating at the moment. But for coeliacs and people with a sensitivity to gluten it’s not just a trend.
And actually I’ve decided we need to have afternoon tea on a sunday more often as we all found ourselves sitting around the table eating and talking. For a lot longer than was necessary for these photos. The kids had lemonade in their china tea cups and perfected their little pinky in the air.
And a proper afternoon tea needs scones. I’m a sucker for a warm scone with jam and cream. I can throw my entire diet out the window if I know that there will be warm scones with jam and cream. But I haven’t made gluten free ones before. The trick to scones is not overmixing your dough and not overcooking them. Mine might look a bit light on top but they were beautifully soft and perfectly cooked inside after 13 minutes in my oven.
And of course you can’t have scones without cream. I whip mine in the kitchen aid for a couple of minutes, I also like to pop icing sugar into my cream while I’m whipping it. Be sure to check that you are using pure icing sugar as icing mixture can contain gluten.
some tips if you need to avoid gluten
work out how to make your favourite meals gluten free
gluten free pastas are delicious and most of the time no one would know it’s gluten free
always read labels
if in doubt search the internet to see if it’s safe to eat on a gluten free diet
rice is a wonderful food that is naturally gluten free and kids love sushi, fried rice and more
tamari is a great replacement for soy sauce which contains wheat
gluten free biscuits and snacks are great to keep in the pantry for when a friend comes over
keep a loaf of gluten free bread in your freezer to make it last longer and then use it as needed
- 3 cups Free From Gluten Self Raising flour
- 1 Tablespoon caster sugar
- 1 Tablespoon butter (room temperature)
- 150mls cream or milk
- 150mls water
- thickened cream and jam to serve
- Sift the flour and sugar into a bowl or place into a mixer and add in butter. Rub in the butter (or process in your mixer).
- Mix in the cream/milk and water and gently combine in with a knife. Don't overdo it. You want a nice sticky mixture.
- Tip out onto a floured mat or work surface and using your hands (covered in flour) make into a flattened round.
- Using a small round cup or glass or cutter you will cut out about 12 or 13 rounds and place next to each other on a baking tray lined with baking paper
- Brush with a little milk on the top of the scones.
- Bake in a 220C oven for 8-13 minutes until lightly golden on top. Don't leave them in too long as I find they are overdone.
- a little tip for soft scones is to have the scones resting against each other while they bake
- Serve with some whipped cream and strawberry jam.
i would like to try the flour. I have not tried gluten free flour for a long time and I believe there have been some major improvements
the scones look amazing!!
I would love to try the banana bread mix, sounds delicious and what a great product to serve to gluten free friends and family!
My daughter is GF and I have just been diagnosed as coeliac. In a few weeks is our local art and craft festival and we normally always have fresh, hot scones and there but this time I will have to bring our own for my daughter and I. So I think we would have to try the scone pack as well. Nothing beats a nice hot scone with jam and cream!
My daughter would be super excited
my sister and niece are both coeliac, I have baked several cakes, scones and slices. I have even tried a bread recipe but haven’t as yet made biscuits. So those ginger snap biscuits would be my like to bake next time. Thank you
Would love to start using the Gluten Free Flour! I have a few friends that are colic and it is nice to have options when cooking food they are going to enjoy…..it’s also nice that anyone with this sensitivity has options!
My husband is gluten intolerant and has a sweet tooth. As a result, I try to use GF products in everything I bake. I’ve tried the banana bread which is my daughter’s favourite but I’m sure the biscuits would be equally good.
I’m not gluten intolerant, but so many of my family and friends are that GF flour is certainly a regular on my shopping list. I would love to try Woolworths Free From Gluten flour. I usually buy plain flour as I can add GF baking powder if I need self raising flour. More importantly, it is essential for making my favourite GF double Choc brownies – I so love to bake something delicious for my loved ones who have to avoid gluten!
Thanks for sharing the range, I will certainly check out the other products, it’s great to have some yummy things on hand to surprise those who so regularly have to pass on the yummy ness!
I am going to try the self raising flour. I have a friend who is gluten intolerant and usually misses out at morning teas.
The banana bread mix looks great! I’d like to try that…
I would love to try the flour, to bake some of these yummy scones. My aunt is gluten intolerant, as well as having a buckwheat allergy, and we love to catch up for afternoon teas. I’d love to bake some yummy scones for her (and me!) to enjoy.
I love the flour but would like to try the Banana Bread mix. I try to make from scratch but too busy with 4 little ones and my oldest girl is very gluten intolerant so the packet mix would be very handy if it tastes good
I like the Woolworths Free From Pancake Shake but would be keen to buy the Woolworths Free From Cupcakes. I currently buy another brand buy I would like to see if the Woolworths ones are as good as the shake!!!!
ths Woolworths Free From Gluten Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Ganache is delicious! Silky, chocolatey goodness
Our absolute favourite is Free From Chocolate Brownie Mix. EVERYONE must try this, it’s the best choc brownie EVER!!!!!
Cheese rings. They are soooo delicious and I can’t resist them. They are MY cheezels. Thank you for this recipe. I found out I was coeliac 8 years ago when I couldn’t get pregnant with my 3rd child. I must try these.
I would like to try the Gluten Free Flour to bake these scones. They look delicious!
I’d like to try the free from flour and bread crumbs as I wonder how they would be to cook with. Would the bread crumbs taste different on say chicken schnitzel. Ill definitely keep my eye out for these products next time I shop.
We have a little boy allergic to wheat, gluten, eggs, milk and peanuts.
We love the free from gluten flour and use it in all our cooking!
would love to try the banana bread with my kids, so often they miss out on their old favorites since the change over to gf and they would LOVE to be able to revisit banana bread!!
also thanks for giving me hope with the gf scones, as I had tried to make them before and they were basically building materials and were chucked without even a one being eaten several times!!
Thanks Corrie, I will definitely try this one. I have made gluten free scones before but they were a disaster, came out like flat hard biscuits. I will have another go using your recipe though. I too love the woollies gluten free flour range, I get the best results in my baking from this and there is no after taste.
The banana bread looks good, I’d like to try that; might add some frozen raspberries into the mix before baking too.
I’d like to try the free from gluten gingernut biscuits! Since my tummy has been sensitive to gluten I have missed having biscuits with my coffee.
I’d like to eventually try the whole range since I have recently had to go gluten free. I’m gluten intolerant and it’ll help greatly manage my health issue too. It would be a great start with trying the flours because I love my cakes and biscuits. It’s even more of a challenge as I’ve to go sugar free too so lots of experimenting and new discoveries ahead.
Would love to try the biscuits. Having something like these in the cupboard for my gluten free son would be a wonderful treat for him!!
i would love to try the banana bread mix. Banana bread is always a hit in our house and never lasts long!
Will definitely be trying your scone recipe and the woolworths flour. Always looking for new recipe’s to fill up my son who is celiac. I haven’t tried scones for him yet (I get a bit discouraged by the baking failures)!.
I’d like to try the banana bread mix. My son LOVES banana bread and so do I.
Flour. The possibilities are endless in what you can make. I would bake a cake with popping candy
Haven’t recently started eating gluten free I would like to try the flour
I have started using Gluten Free flour and it does a really good job. None of us are Gluten intolerant but I do notice it makes a difference to my skin when I abstain from Gluten.
I would like to try the flour. I provide morning tea for our craft group regularly and we have a number of members who are gluten free so it is easier to cook all gluten free.
Scones! Nothing beats fresh cooked warm scones with whipped cream and handmade Jam with your fave tea and company!
I would love to try the Gluten Free Flour.
I use the Free From Gluten flours and I love them, so easy to cook original recipes substituted with this flour.
Free From ‘Salt & Vinegar’ chips are my absolute favourite in the range, they’re yummy
Buttermilk Pancake Mix. Be nice to try, always on the lookout for delicious pancakes to enjoy at home in our pyjama’s on lazy Sundays.
Like to try their self raising flour because the brand we used to use went off. Smelled vile, never before have I seen flour go off and in such a rank way.
Universally accepted party food is an increasing problem. I’d love to road test ‘FREE FROM’ DIPS. I’m sure I’ll then have a delicious hommus I can serve to EVERYONE!
Chocolate double choc biscuits have enabled me to keep my sanity during sweet cravings, but my fave is the flour because there is no limit to what I can create
The banana bread mix as it is something my gluten free daughter will be able to make herself and feel proud. Most gluten free recipes (multiple flours, xanthan gum etc) are too overwhelming to make for a child..
I loooove scones but rarely make them as 1 of my girls is gluten intolerent & I’ve never found a recipe for them that works well. I’ll definitely give this recipe a go.
we would love to try the brownie mix! Who doesn’t love chocolate brownies!
My beloved husband and our daughter have had coeliac disease for about 6years. He likes to say he inherited it from her!
The scones look like real scones and I love to bake but haven’t tried that particular brand of flour you mention.
My daughter is gluten intolerant, she loves the mint creme filled biscuits. When everyone else is eating tim tams or mint slice biscuits these are her treats.
Will have to try your scone recipe for her, I haven’t made GF scones for a while.
My daughter and I are gluten intolerant so we cook gluten free most of the time in our house but I have never yet made successful scones. I will be trying your recipe for sure, can’t wait, yummooooo!!
I would love to try the Gluten Free flour so I could make these scones for a friend who loves them but can’t have gluten!! They look fantastic!!
The Gluten Free mix Banana Bread
It is my guilty pleasure
Its something I would just drop dead
Gluten Free Banana Bread something I will always treasure
I’d like to try gluten free flour for gorgeous paper thin crepes.
I’d love to try the Free From Gluten Brownie Mix at my place,
I know they would give me happy tummy and put a smile on my face!
Definitely the Banana Bread, as it is a lunch box favourite here, plus I occasionally love a piece of it toasted and buttered for my breakfast, yum!
Banana bread is my favourite!!I love it hot and buttered!
I’d try the plain and SR flour because then, as you said, I could substitute and make all my favourite recipes for my GF friends
The self-raising flour sounds so good I could (almost) eat it straight!
There’s nothing like a just baked slice of banana bread topped with ricotta, honey and cinnamon.
My uncle has just found out he has coeliac disease and is mourning the loss of some of his favorite baked goods, we’re keen to show him all’s not lost and this blog has been a great start! Love to try some of the gluten free plain flour in our family scone recipe.
The Banana Bread Mix. Our family is addicted to banana bread (with plenty of walnuts and cream cheese lemon icing!).
Definitely the gluten-free flour because I love baking my own goodies so I’d get a lot of use out of that one!
The Plain Flour because yoghurt pikelets are my families favourite, and this would make them healthy and better for us, meaning I could happily indulge more often.
For my little girl, gluten intolerance isn’t fun,
She wants to eat bikies and cakes- just like everyone!
Gluten Free Flours have been a saviour,
They let her enjoy treats without tummy pain,
I buy them all the time, but after this article,
I’ll have to check out the Gluten Free aisle again!
We want to try those scones!
The Woolworths Free From Cupcake Mix is so yummy. When I make them people often ask me for the recipe. They are so surprised to found out 1. they are gluten free and 2. come from a cake mix!
The plain Flour, always on the look out for more gluten free sweets to make the kids and friends. they can even help
The banana bread. My workplace friends all have gluten intolerances, this would be lovely to make for morning tea!
I would love to try the flour. I could make many different things to offer my friends who cant eat my normal goodies.
To try the the plain and SR flour. To experiment, and, I so want those scones !
Thank you so much for your scone recipe. As I have not had success with other recipes, I look forward to trying yours. My favourite free from gluten product is the double choc biscuits (GF equivalent to a well known favourite).
Love to try the Banana bread mix, my family’s favourite and am sure it will taste amazing!
After reading this I want to rush to the shops now and make some scones to go with my morning cuppa!
The woollies gluten free pizza base mix is my new favourite. It can be baked with the toppings on straight away after making or bake the base first to make it crunchier. It’s easy to make with minimal ingredients so you can always have one in the cupboard just in case. Plus it suggests to use a mixer yet I just used a wooden spoon then kneaded like a bread. Beautiful. That’s my favourite woollies g.free item for now until they introduce the next one. Oh and I just noticed they now have organic drinking chocolate so I’m planning on checking that out too next time as a lot of their organics are also gluten free. Thanks Corrie : )
I’d love to try the Woolworths Free From Gluten Salt & Vinegar Potato Chips.
I’ve used Gluten Free flour for a few different things but the Banana Mix looks yummy!!
I’d have to say the flour – it’s been nearly 10 years since my mother-in-law was on a very strict gluten and dairy free diet and the options for flour substitutes were not so good. She has since broadened her diet to again include wheat flours and diary products, but there are so many places we go now and share food with people that are celiac or gluten intolerant!
I eat gluten free which at first was a shock,
but what i really want is Brownies with Choc
I would love to try the banana bread mix. My daughter loves banana bread and I know a few people who are gf and this would be perfect to make for them
I’d like to try the ginger biscuits as anything with ginger is always a favourite in our place.
I’d try the flour first. I making tried scones with another brand and they came out squeaky and lumpy and basically unfit to serve. I do love a good scone!
I would love to try the scones, after your post it’s deliciously tempting!
Banana bread mix looks great and I would love to try it
There once was a girl, a gluten lover,
Who after many painful months did discover,
‘You’re celiac’, the doctor said,
No more cake, scones or bread!
With Woolworths Free From Chocolate Chip Biscuits her newest obsession she did uncover!
Double Chocolate Biscuits.
The celiac cousins and my own children can both indulge!
Banana Bread because the last lot I attempted ended up as Magpie fodder, no-one else could get their teeth into it!
Gluten free banana bread id love to try. Love this as a quick brekkie or lunchbox snack
i love the muffins, really easy to make when a gluten free friend comes over for a play. Quick, easy and delicious.
I live for Banana Bread so I’d love to try the Gluten Free Banana Bread, take some to work for a nice snack, yum
If you are anything like me,
You’d just love a good cream tea!
Gluten intolerance was the party pooper,
That’s why Free From Gluten flour is super.
I can still make scones, not some imitations,
Which fills my family with felicitations!
I’d love to try the choc chip biscuits as they are my personal fave. They’d also be great to share with my sister-in-law who has coeliac disease.
I love starting my morning with the Café Style Berry Crunch breakfast cereal… A sweet start to my day without the worry of scrutinising the fine-print of the ingredients list!
The Woolworth’s Gluten Free Brownie mix! I’ve been eyeing it off for some time now.
I’d love to try the brownie mix, because who doesn’t love a good brownie!
Hi Corrie! The range is getting bigger which is just fabulous
I haven’t tried the cafe style berry crunch museli it looks delicious and would make a lovely treat!! X
Wow, thanks Corrie…..
My DH has just (as in 2 days ago) been diagnosed and needs to eat GF – such a huge change in our life. Breakfasts I can cope with (bacon, eggs, hash browns etc), and dinners (Roasts), but as for his packed lunches, well they are giving me a bit of a headache.
I would love to try the choc chip cookies for his treat.
Woolworths Free From Gluten Chocolate Chip Biscuit for me please, so I can be a little bit naughty but still nice to my gut.
I love the chocolate cake. I need my chocolate fix.
These turned out great! My oven isn’t working at the moment, so did them in the BBQ. Worked just fine.
Is there a conversion for the thermomix?
Great recipe, actually worked with plain flour and baking powder 3tsp, as I was out, but didnt rise much. Good for cold day.
I put sugar n cinnamon on last few then rolled into scrolls and two cheese slice scrolls that turned out moist. Some I put cheese on top and actually were more moist. Next time ill bake closer re ur tip.
Great activity with a 3 yo, even cleaning the flour off the ground. Which used to bother me but now I focus on the delicious result and would be easier in nice big kitchen, gotta add bench space, but cant be greedy just got a new self designed 11k bathroom!
Amazing recipe- thank you so much!!!!
Oh good! So glad they worked out.
Simple and quick recipe ! My kids loved them, thanks!
The most simplest, tasty and easy recipe. I’ve used this recipe over 10x!
The most simplest, tasty and easy recipe. I’ve used this recipe over 10x!