Whenever I’d put ‘large family’ into the search bar on Pinterest it would always bring up this book, Large Family Logistics. It had lots of reviews but was sadly out of print and very expensive to track down a copy. One weekend I found a copy on amazon for a reasonable price and grabbed it. Am I glad I did? Absolutely. Is this book for everyone? Absolutely not. Do you need a large family to read this book? No way. In fact it’s for families of all sizes.
I love this book but it’s definitely not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. You’ll want to be a Christian lady as it’s heavy on the bible references in some parts of the book which I enjoyed but won’t be for everyone. Also you’ll need to take a few things with a grain of salt especially a couple of references to the relationship between husband and wife that aren’t how our marriage is. There are a couple of little things that made us have a laugh and that I didn’t agree with. For example let’s sit down and listen to our husband’s goals and work towards them because he is the head of the household (not your own goals though, you are working towards his). Also if you want to run the family meeting then you need to ask your husband first and then let the kids know that you have his authority and will be running the meeting as his 2nd in charge. That sort of thing.
So you might need to get past a few little things and I did. For me there was more in the book that I enjoyed and learnt from than what I didn’t agree with. And I want to lend this book out to a few mums but I’m not ready yet, I wanted to read a few chapters again, have marked a few things I want to try and have really enjoyed it in the past week or two. And the reason I needed this book is because my system of doing things – whenever it gets really bad or someone is coming over is not a good system. I really struggle to keep the house clean and on top of the laundry. The rest of my jobs I can do just fine but housework and the never ending laundry kill me.
The book adopts more of a traditional system to managing your home, whereby you assign a day to laundry, a day to the kitchen, a day for your errands (called town day), a day for the office (bills, paperwork, banking etc), a day of rest on Sunday and so on.
There were some great tips I picked up that I’d love to share with you
4 loads by 4 – could you commit to 4 loads of laundry by 4pm each day? Or what about setting a goal of having all of your laundry out on the line by noon. That would be nice.
Cleaning your bathrooms in 5 minute intervals, where to start and how to clean it.
Limiting your computer time, bookmark your favourite sites but make sure you are getting on to do the things you are supposed to be doing not spending forever burping a baby just as an excuse to sit on the computer.
Quiet time everyday for everyone in the house.
Using my slowcooker more especially when you’ve been out for the day
Household management binder – just put that into pinterest and you’ll see what I’m talking about
Hospitality! How often would we like to have people over but we think cleaning and having the house ready or having people over is too much work. We should enjoy having people over. In fact she works backwards and sets goals for each month so that you have a month of hosting people in december and throughout the year you do little things with different people at your house and it prepares you for your big month of hospitality in December. Something to think about as I love having people over but do put it off until special occasions. And then think I need to do it more often as it’s always lovely to have some adult conversation in the house and play buddies for the kids.
The author also really promotes healthy eating, looking after yourself and your family which I think is great advice too. And if you have a new baby there is some great advice on doing things with a new baby in tow and looking after the baby and it’s a gentle approach adjusted for each little person’s personality which I liked and could relate to especially at this point in time with a new baby at our house.
So my advice would be that if you can track down a copy then grab it and tell me what you think. Don’t pay through the nose for it though (I’m not kidding you when I tell you that some copies go for over $100), my copy was $37 and I’m thrilled with it as it’s text book size. And the book is supposed to be reprinted in 2015 (correct me if I’m wrong). So don’t go into it thinking you’re going to love it all and totally change your parenting style or your marriage but have an open mind, look at what isn’t working at your house at the moment and be willing to try new things, be more organised, get on top of that laundry (it’s taken over my home) and enjoy a clean home which gives you more time to do the things you want to do.
And I think what I really took away from the book is that I shouldn’t neglect the housework or think that I’m above doing housework or too busy for it. It needs to be done and there is no point me leaving it and hoping someone else in the house is going to realise that I’m behind and suddenly clean it all for me. I’m home, I should be on top of it and I should be having some systems in place because I’ll be at home for a while and I’ll be raising little ones for a while so I might as well work out how best to keep on top of it
Corrie, I think if you found the time, you could write a book, which would be of great interest to many.
I am in constant amazement at how you manage so well, and attain goals for yourself, you entire family and somehow maintain one of the happiest households I’ve ever witnessed. Kudos to you xx
haha I think you said it right there, if you found the time! too much craft to squeeze in:)
Corrie, you are amazing to achieve what you do. Book or no book! I am glad this helps you in some small way, but trust that you are awesome and have a happy, healthy family and that is done without a book telling you how to do it xxx
oh thank you! btw are you loving your new thermo? I am!
Thanks for this interesting review. I am well past the stage of having small children living in our home but I do remember how hard it can be to keep up with the laundry.
I think you do a great job with your family and hope you don’t feel swamped by the work you need to do each day.xx
oh thank you! Yes I’m just hoping to get more efficient in everything and then maybe I’ll have more craft time:)
I think the laundry is what scares me most about the imminent newborn stage (that is fast approaching!). I think the fact that you made time to read this book regardless of your washing pile and six children, is impressive in itself! x
how is it that one little person creates so much washing AND then it’s the vomiting or spillage on my own outfit that has me changing tops! and the cot sheets! oh yes, get ready….at least it will be summer and dries quickly. I was running a chinese laundry with the washer and dryer going some days because I couldn’t leave the baby to go and hang out all the washing!
Can I just say, I marvel at your ability to get kids out of the house with a baby in tow and five others. I think the trouble with housework is that it is ALWAYS in the process of being done without ever being finished, especially when the kids are young. My sister used plastic dishes whe her kids were small so they could learn to help with table setting and dishes from toddler age. I wish I had been as smart. I am a grandma now but, if I could change anything it would be that I would have had the kids helping much earlier and much more. I also would have bought my little filing cabinet much sooner. It is useful for keeping everything (records, receipts, medica and tax info etc.) especially if you have a partner whose favourite question is ‘have you seen…..’
oh my goodness, can we just talk about paperwork! story of my life! I need to just buy a filing cabinet. When my first was born I had a big expandable filing system and everything was labelled and went into the right spot…………and then I had twins! And it all went out the window:)
I’ve had this book since it first came out. It has helped me so much managing my family of 11, homeschooling and our farm/animals.
I agree that it’s not for everyone , but , lots of Christian families do live their lives with the husband as the head of the household and honour them as The Lord says too, so the beliefs she shares aren’t that ‘strange’ to some people. I do think also that the author of the book had an intended audience when she wrote it.
Did you know she has a blog too?
Anyway, I thought you did a good review and it was nice to read a review of a more secular book on a ‘normal’ blog.
Thanks for taking the time to do so Corrie
oh absolutely you are so right, in fact catholic teaching is that the husband is the head of the household as Jesus is the head of the Church but our teaching is that it is more of mutual giving rather than one being the boss of the other. But yes you are so right that is how some marriages are and I wouldn’t want to offend any one:)
thank you for taking the time to comment:)
Yes I’ve read her blog too as I wanted the book for quite a while so you’ve done well to get a copy earlier on before the prices went nuts!
and 9 children….I’m loving that:)
Great review, I’m a mum that fosters children and this book would be great. It’s the housework and washing plus ironing that always gets put aside when you have a new baby/child come into your home and it the first things the social worker looks at when they visit. It does get easier as time goes on but you do need to be very organized, I do try to get the washing out in the morning and iron when the children are asleep or if they are playing. I don’t wash Sunday but sometimes iron on a Sunday night. You need to enjoy your family as they grow very fast.
great tips there! and you are so right, growing so fast at the moment!!!!
Corrie, I enjoyed reading your balanced review of this book. Don’t know how you achieve so much (and still have time for craft)! I am new to your blog and wanted to tell you how lovely it’s been sharing in your family life for the past few months. Your love for your family really shines through.
I’m a big believer in the kids helping out, even just in little ways, five minutes here or there means two tasks are done instead of one! My 7yo son can upack the dishwasher, and sort the laundry into family members piles. Dishwasher is done in about 5min, and the laundry sorting he doesn’t always do, but sometimes while he watches a tv show and I’m cooking dinner. Not hard for him, but greatly appreciated by me! My little guy , 2.5yo, is just learning to pick toys up off the floor, occasionally 😉 Also bathroom wipes are excellent, while they play in the tub, I can wipe down surfaces. And first laundry load in as soon as I hit the bathroom in the morning. Not that I am in anyway ‘on top of things’ and with only 2 kids, but you will find your little tricks that help cut through the load, hopefully that book will help, with out making you feel too much pressure to have it all totally managed 😉 (no.1 should be take care of your babies mother).
Sounds so much like flylady. She is the only one who helps me get on top of it and be organised. When you fall behind just start again and it all works out
Great review Retromummy. I only have two teenagers but my goodness, the washing! Sometimes I think it is harder now that when they were little. I’m lucky in that I have a cleaner come fortnightly so the cleaning house work doesn’t slip too far, but I am constantly tidying and vacuuming and asking teenagers to unpack the dishwasher. And don’t get me started on the household administration. It is never ending. I scored an unexpected day off yesterday and spent THE WHOLE DAY filing and catching up on paperwork. Sigh. FWP I know.
Sounds like one of those books you have to have nearby when you have a family. As with any book you take what you need from it. Despite sounding like it has a bit of an outdated view of the woman’s role, it seems to have the organising side of things sorted. I agree with Michelle’s comment, getting the kids involved in the chores is a good idea. Pity I can’t quite get that happening in my house!
Flylady.com is fabulous for getting on top of housework and working out a routine to minimise the amount of time you need to spend on it.
Once again, take what works for you and leave what doesn’t!
Hi Corrie,
Thanks for the review on this book. I’ve seen it around the internet but the price has always scared me. I’ve worked out that, for me, my biggest problem is too much time reading about cleaning and organising systems and not enough actual cleaning and organising, lol!
Have a look at flylady.com very good site and has all the advice for cleaning, laundry & organising a home you will ever need. (it’s free too)