Well our little guy is nearly 3 weeks old and the time is flying by. And it’s funny how many things I forgot that little teeny tiny babies do. Like big pooplosions that require a change of outfit and bedding. Yesterday I had to wash the bassinet mattress too.
big stretches and a little smelly going off at the same time, little vomits on your shoulder that drop onto the floor as you walk off and you then discover later when you walk back, how you become an expert at doing everything one handed….I can even kick the dishwasher closed using my foot after packing it one handed. The arms up above the head and the ability to get those arms out of being swaddled. And just when you think you’ve gotten them off to sleep and you think phew, we did it and you walk off and start to do something and you hear the crying. Yep that. Oh and going back to having a nappy bag that needs to be fully stocked even if you are just ducking up to the shops for a quick trip. Yep that too.
It really is funny the things I’ve forgotten but for all of the logistical stuff that is required when you have a new baby there is just that absolute love that you have for the newest member of the family. Every time we have a baby it feels like they have just always been here with us. We fall into our regular routine and we can’t remember a time when our latest addition wasn’t with us. That’s probably why we are always growing our family. We love bringing a new baby into our family, everyone gets along with everyone (99% of the time) and we get though the newborn days because we know it gets easier.
Just sitting eating my lunch at work reading your lovely post. Thanks for the smile. I remember the silent vomits on the floor you find later. This week it’s been nasal fluid that I’ve found on my floor (cringe!!) belonging to a certain 3 year old (our baby). Have a great weekend!
My baby is 11 now. Thank you for the little stroll down memory lane
Oh he is just beautiful. I just want to pick him up and give him a big hug. I certainly remember those days. My baby is now 9 years old, but as they get older I sometimes think those baby days were a lot easier, as my oldest two, 17 and 14 seem to make more mess than they did when they were younger.
Oh bless you what a cutie pie. It’s a shame in a way that they have to grow up. I have an 8 year old girl and a 5 year old boy. Where has the last 8 years gone, they have truly flown by. Enjoy your weekend and Spring is around the corner although here in Wellington, NZ, we have had two lovely sunshine days. Here’s to more to come : ).
Oh Corrie, I do love this, as I have just been in the thick of it & kind of still are in a way with our 5 month old. So many things you forget & then all of sudden it comes flooding back. Pooplosions and the milk spit ups, amazing how much time is spent on dealing with those 😉 But you are absolutely spot on, every bit worth it and it is like she’s always been here, it’s a beautiful feeling…one that has me wanting more children, but that’s a big call for now, so just going to keep enjoying our little lady 😉 Lawson is exquisite, he looks so happy and cosy there, beautiful! xo
Oh my gosh I love that last photo of Lawson smiling away to himself! So cute!!
Corrie, Lawson looks so blissfully contented………he also looks like he’s always been with you, as a member of the family………wishing you much joy with your newest little man……blessing to each of you xx
Lawson is a little poppet and yes those poo explosions!! Aren’t they amazing little creations and you are doing so well Mum! Enjoy your weekend together as a beautiful family loving life and one another
He is drop dead gorgeous Corrie, so glad you are falling into the swing of new bubs, I am sure everyone is besotted with him…I look forward to all the sharing that is ahead and watching him grow, thanks Corrie for sharing life with us all.
He is One of the cutest Babys ever…
I have eight but seeing Lawson still make me wish to have One more.
All the best,
Newborn days are just soooo special!
Such a beautiful post Corrie – and beautiful photos. Lawson is adorable. A couple of my babies would always sleep with their arms like that – it made me smile as I reminisced.
beautiful Corrie!
Congratulations Corrie and family. Check out the Love To Dream Arms up swaddles. They are fantastic! We have a seven week old and have used them with him and love them. I wish I had these with our twins.
Hope your getting plenty of sleep.
I can’t believe it’s been nearly three weeks already! Time flies. He’s just gorgeous Corrie, like the rest of your children.
Your baby is divine. We are in the throws of a 3 week old bubba here too. Im a one handed pro I tell you and those poo explosions make us all laugh every time. How do they make so much noise? Love that cardi. My mother in law knitted a green and cream one from one of your previous posts and our little Oliver looks so cute in it too. Im soaking all this new baby up big time as I know it’ll pass all too soon.
He is so sweet!