There is no place like home! Now don’t get me wrong. 5 nights in hospital has its perks like having delicious hot meals 3 times a day plus snacks and all of your tea made for you. Lots of baby cuddles, family and friends can visit for cuddles too and a chat. That is the nice part. But by day 3 or 4 I am usually busting to go home and for this stay it was no exception.
We were a bit last minute with the carseat so of course we didn’t have the correct extension strap for the capsule to go into the car and despite a last minute trip to the shops at night still didn’t have the correct one. But the great thing about being baby number 6 is that we had 2 baby carseats to choose from so we managed to have another baby seat in the van just after midnight. Retro daddy arrived at 8 expecting to find me packed and ready to go. I think we’re all adjusting to newborn time as I was in my pjs feeding and still had to pack. By 9am we were on our way home. Despite a few tears at the first 2 sets of traffic lights, our little guy fell asleep the whole drive home and it just so great to be home.
I have so many photos to upload and tomorrow I’ll share the birth story which just happened to be the most relaxed and straightforward c/section I’ve had. There is nothing like the feeling of having a baby and it still doesn’t matter whether it’s your first or sixth or another number. It’s as precious as anything and we are just loving another member of our family. And would I do it again? Absolutely.
Anyway it’s pouring with rain now and for the next few days so we are just going to bunker down and enjoy some home time. Everyone is glad to have their little brother home and the littlest two are non stop snuggling into me and wanting to hold ‘the bubby’. We’ve also had our first chip passed in to lawson’s bassinet just in case he was hungry! So I’ll be working on the eyes in the back of my head that have had a week off………………….
Such a blessing. Enjoy your time together as a ‘little’ family of 8 xxx
Congrats on your new little man! I have just discovered your blog a month or so ago and I love reading about another large family. We are due for our 7th in a couple of months. Enjoy your bunkering down time with your little man, it is just the best time!
Congratulations on your beautiful little boy. I love the name, Lawson, too. I have a young friend (I am a grandma, myself) who is expecting her fifth child in a few weeks and is getting a lot of “helpful” comments such as “Don’t you have a TV?” so I have shared your blog with her.
I’m sure she’ll find it a great help Vanessa, I found Corrie’s blog myself when I was expecting my fifth and just googled around looking for happy larger families! People can react so negatively when they hear we have lots of young kids, or dismiss us assuming we are wealthy. It’s so important to get encouragement and support from people who see the value of larger families.
Congratulations on your new arrival. Ensure you get some rest too. X
LOL ‘absolutely’ ahhh number 7 is already a twinkle in your eye! Enjoy your baby moon x
Heartfelt congratulations on the birth of your latest little bundle of joy. Lawson is a beautiful name, well chosen! Ros.
Congratulations on the safe arrival of the new baby Lawson. So pleased everything went well. Would love to see the little ones reactions to the new arrival. All the best to you all.
A big congratulations to you all!!. Your new little family member is just gorgeous!! I’ve had 3 C-sections, the photo of you and Lawson brings back those special memories, as you say there is nothing quite like it! I cried all 3 times I arrived home from hospital, again whether it’s your first or last I don’t think you are ever quite prepared for the crazy hormones and the wow I have a brand new baby in the house feelings! I look forward to reading your Birth story! Enjoy being home and getting back into the swing of it all. xx
That is hilarious Corrie that he’s been offered a snack from one of the kids already!!!It’s just so beautiful to see these photos and I’m glad it all went smoothly. Enjoy your babymoon and God bless you!!
I am a new reader of your blog and am 17 days away from having Baby number 2 via c section. I am scared out of my mind as my first c section was an emergency and due to some other complications made the recovery really hard. I cant wait to read your birth blog post.
Congratulations once again Corrie. Every baby is a miricle and a wonderful celebration of live. May Lawson being you all much joy and happiness. Jacinta xx
So lovely to hear you are home and having some great family time with this weather about everywhere at present.
Take care and look forward to seeing piccies xx
A HUGE congratulations Corrie on your beautiful little boy. Much love xx
Very happy for you, dear Corrie…..many blessings ♥
Congratulations! So glad your surgery went smoothly! Welcome to your sweet baby boy!
So glad everything went well for you, and of course, it’s always a joy to be back home with the family. Love the photos. Elodie is looking quite a bit like Keira now.
Enjoy the next few days at home as you adjust to having an extra little one. Good luck with keeping him “snack free” with your little helpers
Congrats on the safe arrival of your littlest boy.
Enjoy settling down with a beautiful newborn in the house this week, especially with the rain, the best time to be snuggled indoors! Thank you for posting up a blog post already…you are amazing! Lots of love. xx
Congrats! He is beautiful- there is absolutely nothing better in my mind than those first days – getting to fall in love with a whole new human being – and it never gets old, no matter how many times you do it. Rain almost seems perfect for the home time, as long as the other little ones find some entertainment:)
Oh no! The chip into the bassinet nearly killed me! So funny but not :-). Hope your extra helpers learn quickly that Lawson is only eating what mummy gives him for a little while! Congratulations on your new family member, he’s just beautiful!!
Glad it all went well! Enjoy your precious little bundle! They grow up so quick:)
Congratulations Corrie and RetroDaddy! I was thrilled to hear it all went well and you are all home safe and sound. Wishing you all health and happiness … and sleep!
Absolutely beautiful images Corrie, especially those first two. They bring back the emotion of my own similar pics taken just 4 months ago in the hospital when little Bonny was born. You’re right, the magic is there for each & every birth…and I can totally see how you have gone back again & again. So addictive having babies
But I agree, with all 3 of mine, I’ve itched to get home from hospital by about day 3…corny, but there is just no place like home. Hope you & Lawson are settling in well & everyone is being happy & helpful. Looking forward to reading Lawson’s birth story xoxo
wow… so lovely. Such a blessing to have another angel in the house. congratulation mommy Lawson