Things are definitely winding down for me here as I get ready to have the baby………….and so while I’m packing my bag and getting my house organised (because my MIL is coming!) I would like to hear from you. Yes. You. I have a reader survey and in all my years of blogging have never asked my readers to fill one in.
All of your details remain confidential and one lucky person who completes the survey will win a $150 gift card for Big W.
Just go here to fill in the survey and thank you in advance for taking the time…………………..
The link isn’t working on my iPhone 5 Corrie, just thought I’d let you know x
Oh it is now! I view your blog on Bloglovin and you have to click on the bottom tab for the link to work, sorry
all surveyed up!
Thank you, all done
All done ,thank you .
Thank you all done .
All done. Have just noticed I used my other email address on the survey not the one you have here
All done. Thank you kindly.
All done, thank you.
Thanks for asking
Thank you, all done
Just like all your posts even this one for your survey made me smile. Have a great day. Hope you find 5 minutes to have some you time xx
All done, thank you for the chance .
Thanks Corrie, have put in my two bobs worth. Thanks for the opportunity!