My twins are 6. I’m not sure how it happened but I’m always happy that we have moved past the first year with twins which was definitely the hardest year……………..of my life. I had always promised the twins a party for their first year of school. And so even at 38 weeks pregnant and a week before my delivery date we had a party. 11 girls, 6 boys, my big girl and a few of her friends and my littlest two as well. There were a few moments during the party preparations where I did question what I was doing to myself….knitting and the couch were looking much more enticing than cleaning the house and getting ready.
When it came to food we had all the old favourites like sausage rolls, party pies, cocktail franks, ham and cream cheese sandwiches, jelly cups, marshmallows dipped in chocolate as well as fruit kebabs for something healthy. Oh and chips, lemonade and apple juice.
I got out my very trusty women’s weekly birthday cake books and baked a 6 cake for each of my twinnies. I always get very anxious about the decorating part and it was a bit tricky getting the icing into those curved inside bits. I did my usual dirty icing layer and then hoped for the best with the next layer. I will never win a cake off or baking competition but the twins said I had outdone myself and that’s the important thing. They thought the cakes were fabulous.
We had a fabulous facepainter who did Keira’s party a few years ago and I would totally recommend her to everyone and that keeps everyone happy. She had a queue going for most of the party and did a fabulous job. Thank you Helen. When I asked tillie the best thing about the party she said the face-painting. And it keeps everyone busy.
and even if you don’t like having your face done then hands and arms are perfect too.
We had a pinata (I need to buy my friend lisa new occy straps since someone decided to use them to hang up the pinata!!), pass the parcel, hide and seek, musical statues, the boys did a running race, pin the tail on bullseye, we had cake then some more games then home time. I was exhausted. I had two peppermint teas straight after everyone left. Even when I say I’ll do a simple party at home it always ends up to be lots of work but so much fun. Everyone had a ball including the parents and I’m so glad I managed to squeeze it in before our little baby arrives.
I had the sorest back ever after the party so got straight into a big hot bath and got comfy on the couch that night. I am still a bit pooped, my back and legs are feeling it but we made memories and tested out the new house and yard for our first party and it was perfect. Baby’s baptism will be next……………………………
Corrie, just had to comment and offer my congratulations on pulling that off! You are one crazy lady! The things we do for out kids. They will remember that forever…
Looks like a great party. I am amazed you managed to pull it off so close to new baby arriving. I don’t know how you had the energy. Try & get a bit of rest before baby arrives !
Good on you Corrie! I love an old-school, backyard party. You are a champ for gritting your teeth and pulling that off with everything else you have on your plate. Your kids will not remember whether or not the icing was prefect but they will remember that mum made them each a special cake.
It all looks perfect Corrie, you’re a very determined lady that’s for sure. Simple home parties are the BEST but not much is simple about pulling them off (and cleaning up after)!
Gorgeous Corrie – bravo! What a super mummy doing all that when mere days away from your SIXTH baby! Goodness me, I’m tired just thinking about it. Your new home looks perfect for big family gatherings and memory making in the future, I know where to come for kids birthday party advice! Oh and baptisms, I need to get my organising hat on for Eleanor’s…
p.s. Love Emerson’s pants and shirt!
p.p.s. Your new lens is taking brilliant shots
Well there’s no keeping a good woman down. Most would have tossed this in the too hard basket but in true retro mummy style you pulled it off. What lucky twins to have you for a mum and boy did it look like a great event. Can I come to the next one?
Now that the party is behind you it’s time to get some you time, haha, before the big baby event.
Good luck with that one too.
What a lovely memory for them to have. I love the ‘simple’ parties so much. And that face painting is awesome. Take care and rest up x
We’ll done Corrie!! The party looked amazing and you put so much work into it with all the food and games and then clean up too! You’re a real champion! Liberty shares the same birthday and we went bowling with a few friends so no where near as much work and I’m not pregnant either!!! Rest up this week my dear
Well done Corrie! You are a true inspiration, I would have outsourced at 38 weeks pregnant! I do think that home parties are lovely, especially at your kids age. I was also on party duty at the weekend, although on a much smaller scale for my 9 year old girl. Yes, it is a lot of work, and stressful at times, but I love it all the same. How did you go with the food intolerance side of things? I did gluten free and additive free which wasn’t as much trouble as I thought. T x
What a lovely mummy you are, Corrie
Looks like all the children had a fabulous time. Happy birthday to Tillie and Finn xxxxxxxx
Oh lovely Corrie you are amazing…..your kiddies will have the most happiest memories of their birthday parties. and the twins look gorgeous with their faces painted. Now it time for you to focus on yourself and the new bub’s impending arrival, all the best Corrie and look forward to hearing what you have…and the name of course xx
Wow Corrie… You are amazing!!! You are an inspiration. I love the good old fashion party stuff. I am sure your kids will have the best memories when they are older. Great faces and hand with the face/hand painting. All the best with the new addition to the family. I love reading your blog!!!
HI Corrie, My twins turn 6 on Friday. We are hosting a pirate cruise for 18 -6 year olds. Sometimes it seems like the time has flown. Then I count the rings under my eyes and
…twins are magical though. HAPPY 6th to yours. May I never need bed rest for any reason, ever again!
Gosh what a lot of work when you are so close to having the baby! Glad the kids had a great time though- makes it worth it! Fingers crossed everything goes to plan with the new little one for you. Take it easy, and put those feet up if you can xox
man your brave! Loved the cakes too cute and the face painting is pretty rad! Hope you enjoy your last week with bubba on the inside x
Every year I say no parties and every year I give in! I have two girls born on the same day, 4 years apart. Our baby was born halfway through the 4th birthday party. We were there to greet guests, then we took off on our hour drive to deliver. In a week and a half, they turn 6 and 10. The first few years we got away with a joint party, but not now. They both have a friend who shares a birthday with them, so we do joint parties with these girls. Miss soon to be 6 and her friend will have theirs in the morning. Miss soon to be 10 and her friend’s party will be in the afternoon.
Hats off to you Corrie, heavily pregnant and a double party!! Oh my goodness! You have made some little twinnies very happy & have memories to last
Your Tillie is gorgeous with her bob and Finn such a big boy now. Don’t they get extra ‘boyish’ in their looks and behaviours around six! Take a well earned rest now feet up lady!! Big hugs Jetts
Corrie the party looks amazing! I just did my baby girl’s first birthday party and thought I put a lot of effort into that but it was nothing compared to your party and at 38 weeks pregnant you are a legend.