OK with my camera back up and running again I quickly grabbed the newly finished quilt off our bed and took it outside.
The pattern is Red Letter Day by Thimbleblossoms which you can buy here or at your nearest quilt store. The blocks are really big but once you’ve made one or two you’re on a roll and they take less time to make each one. You do have to take your time matching points and getting those seam allowances exact with this quilt because there is so much matching but I’m really happy with how mine turned out and I know a couple of points are a little bit off. I used fat quarters from April Showers by Bonnie & Camille for Moda. I also put in a bit of denyse schmidt to brighten up a blue block and the yellow block was a last minute change and I used a yellow floral from Marmalade by Bonnie & Camille as well as another Moda fabric for the other yellow (yellow and white).
The backing fabric was a bargain buy from my wholesaler coming in at $5.50 a metre and is from Honey Honey by Kate Spain for Moda. I needed a couple of metres for the back and basically just had 2 big long strips of fabric, sewed it together, trimmed off the selvages and then sandwiched the whole thing together.
The binding fabric is from a range called Candy Bloom by Rosalie Quinlan and just brightened up the quilt as well as adding a hint of pink….my favourite colour.
I used 100 % cotton batting which I buy in bulk and have the hugest rolls in my craft room. The brand is Matildas Own which is australian made and cheaper than buying at Spotlight which is from the states. Quilting is not one of the most affordable hobbies in the world especially when you add all of the components so it usually pays to buy up batting when it’s on sale or you have a discount or voucher and then stash it away for when you need it.
I machine quilted it myself and it’s not my best quilting but it’s been over a year between quilts so at least I’m back at it and motivated to get better again.
I just love this quilt. Size wise it just sits on top of our queen sized bed so my plan is to get out the white linen quilt set I have and lay this on the top.
Great job Corrie! It’s beautiful!
thank you:)
So, so gorgeous Corrie! Am so very jealous of your quilting prowess. I am verrrryyy much a beginner quilter (as in made about two half finished cot size quilts just with charm packs or jelly rolls). A project like that I can only dream about, I am so not a perfectionist and would be rubbish at matching up points and seam allowances etc. I do really want to make Eleanor a Liberty and linen cot quilt though, and maybe a quilt we can take out to the garden and play on the lawn once this darn weather warms up! Congratulations on finishing such a massive project, must be a great feeling, and how’s your brilliant quilt photography possie now at your new home, love it. I don’t even have a nice fence/gate like that here on the farm, although I’ve been nagging husband for a nicer looking entrance at our driveway.
you have plenty of time ahead of you to work on quilts and now with craftsy I think I’d be doing one of their courses on quilting. Especially Camille’s. I think I made my first quilt after the twins were born but it’s addictive. You don’t get the quick satisfaction of something knitted but it’s worth it when a quilt is done and perfect for the country home.
we are lucky here with lots of fences BUT I am hanging out for something fancy at the front:)
It has really turned out so well, it’s gorgeous. I love the photos you took of the quilt hanging over the fence, they look like they belong in a “country style” type magazine.
thank you! I’ve always wanted a country gate or fence so am pretty chuffed that I’ve got a few now:)
What a gorgeous quilt and I have loved all the posts of its progress. Well done.
thank you, I probably went a bit overboard with the sharing of photos but I’m so glad it’s done:)
back to knitting for the new bub:)
So beautiful Corrie! Love the quilt and your photos.
thank you, I love it too and so glad it’s done:)
Your quilt is gorgeous, I love Bonnie and Camille fabrics and Camille’s patterns. I am amazed that you had the time to not only make the top but quilt it! The actual quilting part is not my strong suit, I’m afraid that I am a very lazy ‘stitch in the ditch’ quilter, which doesn’t do justice to the quilts. I will have to check out your video on free motion quilting. One question though, how on earth did you manage to get the quilt top pinned together? I’m asking because this is the part of quilting that I absolutely hate so if you have a quicker, easier way to tape/pin etc I would love to hear it.
thank you, I love bonnie and camille too and love this quilt and fabric so much:) Now do you mean the whole quilt sandwich? I do have to psych myself up. Clear a huge space in my house and clean the floor, lay out the backing fabric and tape it to the floor then lay on batting and smooth it then lay quilt top and smooth it all out. I climb all over it and kneel in the middle and then pin in a cross and then diagonally and then fill in the gaps with pins. I used over 1 big box of quilting safety pins and it’s a big job and not my fave part:)
Wow Corrie you are so clever, one day I wish to make a quilt!!
Beautiful Quilt, lovely pattern, I must add it to my To-do list…….. Very envious of your FM quilting skills I do try but it’s a bit of a train crash
, good job my best friend has a long arm 
Great job Corrie! I can barely sew a straight line and I’m so impressed x
This is just so lovely Corrie. I keep seeing everyone’s Red Letter Day blocks on Instagram and I’m so tempted now to give this pattern a go! I’m currently working on the Scrappy Chevron Picnic Quilt from the Moda Bake Shop at the moment, so once I’ve completed that then I think I need to make this one my next project.
Hi Corrie I love to visit your blog. This quilt is beautiful. I just had to give it a go.
I pulled together a ‘jelly roll’ of black and white fabric I had in my stash and some Moda white fabric along with some of my black and white fat quarters. I studied your photo and decided to try it.
I have 4 of the blocks cut out and ready to be put together.
Your photos are so professional looking and your sweet family is to be admired.
blessings being sent your way…
hugs from Louisiana, USA