Firstly, congratulations to Ruthena who won my last fabric giveaway. Now I feel we are well overdue for another one.
Today I’ve got 11 fat quarters of my one of my all time favourite fabric ranges. Flower Sugar by Lecien
I just love the sweet florals and polka dots and this little collection includes teal and navy and is very pretty. Perfect for a quilt, some cushions, baby or children’s wear or you might just like to look at them all stacked up for a while.
To enter I thought I’d ask a different question – what sewing machine do you use and why? Or maybe you are like me and have a few machines living at your house. Anyone can enter around the world, one entry per person and I’ll pick a winner this Sunday night 6th July. Good luck.
congratulations Erolyn who was chosen as the winner of this giveaway! another one coming soon!
After having a Singer for many years, I now have a Janome and absolutely LOVE it. Cost $400 and weighs 6 kgs so is light to carry to my patchwork classes. Does blanket stitch, and 20 other fancy stitches and came with walking foot, darning foot, and heaps of extras. LOVE IT.
I use an old Brother sewing machine that used to belong to my grandmother and made many dresses for me. It makes me feel close to her when I use it.
Corrie,I have always been a Janome girl. My husband has just spoilt me with a new Memory Craft 8900 . I am so in love with it:)
I got my very first sewing machine almost two years ago at the ripe old age of 41. It’s a brother innov-IS 400. I absolutely love it, but I’ve no other machine use to judge it against! It’s a very good alrounder, great for both garment sewing and quilting.
I have a Elna 6003 Quilter’s Dream which I bought when I was about 21, it must be around 17 years old now and I have just realised it has never been serviced in all that time. Would love to replace with something new but this probably won’t happen for a long time. I am currently (as I type) sewing a quilt for my daughter on it.
Oh wow – look at that fabric! I use a Bernina 350pe. I saved and saved hoping to free motion quilt on it ( still remember seeing your video on stippling and you made it looks so easy) but have not yet found the time to really get in to it. Only 3 years in now.
I have used an old Janome for many years. I love it for mending, sewing clothes, and quilting.
I currently own a Janome DC2101 which I purchased about 4 years ago. I bought this machine as it was within buget and had a variety of decorative stitches and buttonhole funtion. Before I purchased the Janome I used a heavy old metal Singer that was passed on to me by my husbands grandparents which I will never get rid off.
I have Helga, my Husqvarna Sapphire 875 and Blossom, a Brother JS1470,that my granddaughter Briar (12) learnt to sew on. 4 year old Lucy, her cousin, still has that joy ahead of her.
I have old Brother and also Minerva machines. Both are gorgeous. I love the variety of stitches and all necessary functions I wanted to use in sewing and scrapbooking projects!
I use a Janine with a pink heart on it that supports breast cancer . It’s a fairly basic computer machine & I love it . It goes for ages & isy best friend . When I saw those fabrics I immediately thought of a project , teapot & cups for my gran daughter.
I hate spell check , my machine is a Janome
I have a janome decor which is around 15 years old n in for repairs at the moment. I also have an over locker which is brand new its an elna. I like my Janome. Its really easy to use n rekiable. This is the first time ive had to fix it since i bought it n i really miss it. Ive been lookjng for fabric since the start of the year to make my baby girl a new quilt. Her current quilt is unisex from before she was born! That fabric looks just what I was looking for.. Please excuse all my spelling mistakes. My smart phone doesnt like letting me fix them when writing in the comment secions like these.
Ahh, several Janomes, Memory Craft 6600- bigger arm space for quilting, still have an 8000 with embroidery discs my dad helped me buy after he saw one demonstrated in Canada in early 1990’s, plus a couple of lightweights I can carry to class or lend to friends I’m teaching to sew who don’t own a machine yet. Not sure how many machines are toooooooooooo many? Ps love that gorgeous fabric…
I use a Husqvana Viking Daisy model that my husband bought for me as an engagement present 12 years ago. It’s a great basic model that suits my quilting needs. It’s nice and sturdy and I really I liked it because of its model name Daisy, how cute! It’s off being serviced as we speak in readyness for my holiday quilting projects…
I have an Elna 2003. It’s a basic machine but it does everything I ask (usually!!) I bought it a few years ago when I decided to get back into sewing (after studying Home Ec at school). This fabric collection is so pretty! I love that shade of navy!
I have 2 sewing machines a Brother LS 2160 I bought this when I got my overlocker then I have my Juki industrial sewing machine that I just love. I use the Juki most of the time, I just love the speed & how professional it sews. Many years ago I made soft furnishings as my job & since then have fallen in love with industrial machines
I’ve got a Bernina 1010 and love it, mum would only ever use a Bernina being a dressmaking tutor!! I also have in the cupboard a shiny old black singer converted from hand to a machine one, my first machine, need to get it out for my daughter to play round on.
Beautiful fabric! I have a janome, nothing flash but does all I need . Also have my mothers janome overlocker which would be over twenty years old and still going great. Janome would haber to been my choice of machine as they never want to die!
I have an Elna, my grandma bought it for me as a housewarming gift because I kept telling her I can’t wait to get a sewing machine, I have had it for a total of 2montjs and have made a cover for the machine, a baby wearing sling and some nursing pads, I would really love to start making stuff to sell at the markets too because I don’t see much homemade things at the markets around here
I have 4 machines in my house. A 1915 restore White treadle, a Janome My Style 24 (15+ years old but fabulous) a Elna which is my stay at home sewing machine and an overlocker which doesn’t get used very much. My favourites are the treadle and my Janome which is my take everywhere knockabout.
i have a janome and after we moved to acreage last year, i often bring out my mums old black singer just for old times sake, I have room now for it to be out, it sure brings back sweet memories of my late mum and her sewing room under the house in Brisbane. I love this beautiful fabric and so would she if she were here, i would love to create something for our new place on her old machine in her memory .
I have a Janome 16 stitch machine that my husband gave me on our wedding day. It’s been my companion for 25 years now and helped me clothe my family of 7. I really would like to update it as it’s starting to play up a bit and I would love some of those quilting stitches….It’s kind of hard to part with it though, so I’m still using it at present.
Thanks for the opportunity to win some beautiful fabrics!
I use a Singer, and a Brother. I chose these for the different stitches and accessories they had. Beautiful fabric, thank you for the chance.
I am using a very reliable Singer I bought many moons ago, I really should invest in a new one, I’m sure it would be better but I can’t bring myself to ditch my Singer – if it ain’t broke and all that.
Janome, all the way.
I have an old Janome that was my late Nana’s, I think it’s about 35 years old and it weighs a ton! I’m told it cost about $3000 back then! Crazy! I’ve just learnt how to use her overlocker too and have her old sewing basket, which has got a lot of weird items in it (like curtain rod ends! Haha!) I love using all her stuff because it reminds me of her and gives me a little laugh from time to time. I’ve also got a little sewing machine that I bought from Woolies when I first started sewing. The funny thing is that I originally learned on my mum’s Janome, so guess whose machine I like best?
I have a very basic Elna I bought with money my grandmother gave me as a wedding present. 20 years on she is about to have her second ever service as I had not used her for nearly 7 years. My daughter suddenly realised that Mum could make stuff with all the groovy fabrics she sees when she overheard the lady in front of us at Spolight talking about making clothes on demand for her grandchildren! So I will soon be teaching her how to do some basics
I have a very old Janome Corrie that was my Mums which she loved after having an old Singer. It never failed mum whilst she was alive and it has been the same for me. Like an old blanket tried abd trusted.
I have a elna 1000 that I am using at the moment. One say I will get a fantastic machine. Love this fabric range getting a new niece so lot of oretty things for her to make
I love that fabric!! I love pink, and teal and flowers and everything!! I use a brother machine that I got for my 18th birthday.I have been thinking of upgrading for several years but I just like that old machine and it does what I need. I think if I did spend lots of money and buy a new one, I probably wouldn’t like it as much as the old one.
Hi there
I sew with a Brother Innovis, I’ve had it for four years and touch wood, it has been a dream. I also have a collection of vintage and antique toy sewing machines dating from turn of the century to 70’s, but they’re just for display!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I have two sewing machines that I use.
My Bernina is to make quilts and my Elna is used
to sew my wool sweater mittens. I so enjoy reading
your blog.
I don’t even have a sewing machine. I have been thinking about getting one for a while and it looks like from reading the comments that it has to be a Janome….I might even have to give it a name when I get it…
Hi Corrie, Flower Sugar is one of my very favs too. I have used a Janome for the last 10 years I love the 1/4″ foot, essential for my quilt making also its light to move from its ‘home’ on my dining table when I need to feed guests. I sewed on an old Singer for years, given to me by my Mum who did not sew much. It served me well and I made many quilts on it with tape to line up the 1/4″. My son as a teenager always needed his clothing taken in or up, I taught him how and when he moved out of home the Singer went with him. He still uses it today.
I have a pfaff 2046 which I bought specifically because it had the built in walking foot. It works so easily!
I use a Bernina 350 special edition that my amazingly generous husband bought me for my 30th birthday last year. He knew I needed a creative outlet as a stay at home mum and said the things I make our daughter are adorable and I should have a good tool to do it with. Love him!!
I use a Brother NX2000 QE, has been a great machine, very happy with it. At the moment I’m wanting to sew a vintage floral quilt for my baby girls cot. I still have to finish my other daughters quilt though-made the top in 2010….that’s as far as I have got with it-I’m a bit scared to try a king single sized free motion!
I love that fabric, so beautiful. I bought a janome 6 years ago so I could sew clothes and quilts for my daughter. I now have 4 children I make clothes and quilts for. I love my sewing machine. It has so many decorative stitches that my children love to choose from.
I am currently using a “TOYOTA” sewing machine and the why: My family bought it for me as a birthday gift 3 years ago, it has some quilting stitches on it and I love it. Previously I used (I still own) a Janome which I purchased in 1988 when I was pregnant with my first child. I love that machine and it did LOTS and LOTS of sewing. The fabric in your give away is so gorgeous Corrie.
I have a Brother NS50. It did everything a beginner sewer needed and loads more! I’d been wanting a machine for 15 years and spent 6 months researching and diligently saving. I bought my machine the day I found out I was to become an aunty!
A Singer I got for my birthday when I was about 13. 20 years later it’s still going strong. It was the last big “surprise” present I got as a kid.
The first machine I had was my grandfathers old Singer. Now I have a Janome – over 20 years old. I am desperately trying to figure out what to buy next as it is a bit wonky. Leaning toward a Bernina.
I have a Janome DC 2101 which I love! It was a present for my 30th b’day a couple of years ago… Before that I had a Bernina which was originally my Mum’s machine so it was very old but very sturdy being made of metal rather than plastic!
I use a janome, because that’s what my hubby bought me as a surprise gift.
I use a Janome DC3040.
It is not one of the well known series of Janome ( like the Janome 6600p, Janome Horizon 7700 or any of its Memory Craft series), but it is known as a workhorse machine. It is smooth and quiet, and sew easily. Simple looking with no fancy parts, but oh so functional and steady.
Haha, a bit like a simple man who quietly works hard for his family:)
My machine is a Husqvarna, dates back to the 50s or 60s. It is very dear to me as it previously belonged to my great aunt. She kept it in pristine condition and it still runs beautifully today.
What lovely fabric! I use a Brother that is probably ten (or more) years old. We got it used from an acquaintence and I love that it is very quiet and smooth compared to my starter singer that is now in storage. It had embroidery capabities, but I just use it for regular sewing.
I have a Brother NS-50, mainly on your recommendation for Brother! It does everything I need it to do, and lots more which I really should be a bit more adventurous and discover. I wanted something that was smooth and user-friendly, easy to get repaired or parts/feet/needles for. I’m not sure if I can get a quilting table extension bit for it…not that I’m a big quilter but I’d like to be! This fabric would make the perfect first quilt for our new baby girl Eleanor, the perfect excuse
Hi Corrie, I have the same machine as you.
I bought my Brother after discovering your website.
I was so confused with all the machines out there, I thought if I got the same one as you, a novice quilter like me could follow your tips easier.
So that’s how I came to finding my baby.
Wow – are you sure you want to part with such beautiful fabric? I have a Bernina 802 from the 1980’s. I absolutely love it! It is sturdy – all metal – and entirely mechanical (obviously, being from the 80’s) so maintenance is pretty easy and there are no costly digital/electronic repairs. I bought it secondhand on ebay about 4 years ago. I also have a Janome from the 1950’s. She a good one too, but I love my Bernina most of all. I can do anything on her – even quilt a double sized quilt top (hopefully a king size too – I just haven’t made a top that size yet!).
A few years ago I bought myself a Pfaff Quilt Expression 3.0 and I love it!! It was a big improvemrent over the machine it replaced. Thanks for the chance to win this sweet bundle, I have the perfect pattern to make a baby quilt with it!!
The cheapest Brother available at Spotlight, and I love it! I bought it the week after my third daughter was born, after tiring of my battle with my husband’s Nana’s old Jenome sewing machine. My desire to sew for my gorgeous girls without constantly battling issues with the old sewing machine, plus the need to stick to a budget meant I went for a very basic machine but it has been absolutely wonderful!
I have a Husqvarna Viking Lily which is about 13 years old. I absolutely love it. It is so easy to use and I have made many quilts on it as well as other sewing. It never misses a beat
I have a Husqvarna Sapphire 87o Quilt. Lovely machine
I have a Janome and just love it so much! I also have a singer industrial straight sewer that I just love also! But I always go back to the Janome, it is a very simple machine but sews really well. LOVE the fabric such beautiful colours!
I have a new Husqvarna Tribute 140C that my hubby bought me for christmas. He went into my local sewing machine shop, and the guy there knew exactly what I wanted / needed to do my sewing on (mainly quilting). This machine is great as it has the longer arm, so I can actually quilt things myself.
Before that I used my Grandmas old Husqvarna Automatic 21. I think it was from the 1950s. She used to sew all my mums clothes when she was a child. I still have it and still love it. It just needs to be serviced after I hit the needle with the extension table (again!) and completely threw the timing out! When I dont nearly break it, it still sews just as well as my current machine.
Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful fabric.
I have a Bernina Q440with the stitch regulator, which is awesome but has a small throat space. I have recently added a Juki TL2010q which is straight stitch only, but wicked fast. Love it! I think I have two of the best out there. I would love to have a Gammil long arm but nowhere to put it. Thanks for the giveaway….
After discovering my mother had an old singer stored away in her garage I have taken it off her hands and am now just teaching myself how to sew
these fabrics are just beautiful and I would love to be able to make something equally as beautiful with them for my 2 daughters Evie and Lilly
I’d love to win some fabric! My daughter and I want to start quilting. I just have a simple Kenmore machine which does the job. I haven’t done much sewing the past couple years, so it’s mainly my 11yr old who uses it!
I have a vintage Kenmore that I picked up at a thrift store for 15 dollars. It’s heavy duty, able to sew through leather and denim without any difficulties!
I purchased a cheap brother sewing machine only a couple of weeks ago and have been teaching myself to sew. I wish youtube was around 10years ago when my mum first bought me one. It collected dust and she ended up selling it…it was also a brother. I’m finding it so relaxing and wish I had taking up this craft many years ago.
I love my Husquvarna Viking “Daisy” – basic but real work horse!
I have a Janome which was my Mums. I would love to learn quilting, Corrie you have inspired me… I can sew the basics and have made cushions with zips. I just love the fabrics especially the teal colour which is my fav.
I have a Bernina 430 (I think). I grew up sewing on my mum’s mechanical Bernina so I gravitated towards that brand when I was buying. I also have a Juki serger. My next purchase will be a cover stitch machine. That will either be brother or janome. I’m still deciding!!
Hi Corrie
I actually have 3 sewing machines in my home. A very old singer treadle which was used by my grandfather to do his mending (my nana did not sew at all). It still goes well. My once very trusty Bernina which I brought when I first started work 35 years ago – it was very expensive and I paid it off over a few years. it started to play up about 6 years ago and it didnt always go – unfortunately I could not get the part required to make it reliable, so brought a Janome DC1038. At the time I couldn’t afford another Bernina – maybe one day!!!!
After many years of having a Bernina that I burnt out from making kids clothes I changed to a PFAFF to start patchwork. I did manage to nearly wear that one out too haha, my hubby then brought me a new PFAFF Quilt Expression 4. I absolutely love it and have made so much more and now that I have my first Grandie he benefits now as well from my sewing… gorgeous fabric range to Corrie xxx
Janome. Love her. She sews through everything I ask and never complains!
I’m a very beginner quilter.
I have a Janome serger too. I don’t do enough quilting to justify a proper quilting machine
Hi Corrie, thanks for another great giveaway! I use a Janome DC3050 machine. My original one before this one was given to me as a very precious 21st present from my parents. However in our move 5 years ago the removalists broke it and when I went to get another, Janome was having a buy back sale and even though my machine was broken they were happy to trade it and I ended up with an even better one! It was exciting to end up with the one I did, although I was sad to lose the memory of my other one, as my mum still has the machine she got for her 21st and I think that’s pretty cool! I love it, it doesn’t have too many bells and whistles but it does all I need it to and has done without any problems for 5 years of lots of sewing!
Hi Corrie…lovely fabric…I learned to sew on my Aunt’s Singer treadle, which my dad has restored for me, but thinking it looked grubby he cleaned the decals off. LOL and cry . When I was 14 I laybyd my first machine – a Pinock – still runs – going to donate it to a charity. A couple of years after I married I bought a Janome and she has served me well, then last year for our 40th wedding anniversary
I received (bought) a Bernina 750QE her name is RUBY – she has pride of place in my sewing room and I still have a lot to learn about all her bells and whistles…also have a Brother NS30 to take to classes and travelling as Miss Ruby has a weight problem like me LOL.
I brought a husqvarna Emerald a little over a yr ago
Having never sewn before I am slowly teaching myself now
Love this fabric it’s gorgeous perfect for a few little things Ive got in mind to make
for the arrival of my niece.
I have a Brother and my mums old Bernina which I love. Thanks for the chance. Cheers LynS
Just a very basic Brother that I bought half price at Target. It’s perfect for me until I build my skills and ‘need’ something bigger and better
I’ve got a Janome My Style 28 hubby brought it for me about 8 years ago for my birthday Its perfect for what I use it for lately I’ve been making cute little pants for my little miss 15 months old and also sewing doilies flowers etc onto long sleeve tops
I have a Janome Decor Excel II 5024. My sister convinced my parents to go in with her on a birthday gift of this machine to me a number of years ago. She did this because she figured it was the only way to get her own machine back, which I had been borrowing on and off for years. The ONLY think I sew on it is quilts, and I would love to create a quilt with these beautiful fabrics for my sister’s little girl who is having her 3rd birthday soon. There would be some nice symmetry there!
I have a lovely Janome MC2000. My gorgeous mum got it for me for my 16th birthday and I still absolutely adore it (I turned 30 on the weekend so she’s been around a while, the machine, not my mum!!). My machine may not be the most flash machine out there, a little slow to get going sometimes or a little cranky, but I’m am always so happy to be sitting in front of her. I’m experimenting with quilting at the moment, hoping she will work her wonders!
Thanks for letting us share this Corrie
I have a lovely Bernina 830, a once in a lifetime purchase that I use almost every day – especially the embroidery module. I have just started to teach my 12 year old daughter to sew on it so I am hoping one day she will love it and use it as much as I do.
i have a very old Brother Machine that I bought when I had my first baby 20 years ago which has served me very well, but recently my lovely friend has lent me her Bernina and it is amazing. I feel like I have gone from a horse and cart to a ferrari
That fabric is so pretty! I was given a basic Singer model which is fine for my requirements at the moment, but I will look to upgrade it in a year or two.
I use a Toyota machine which my mother bought me when I was about 10. I have used it to make a Gone with the wind style dress complete with petticoats when I was just 15. I am now about to start making quilts for my soon to be born nieces, which I would use the fabric to make more of if I won.
Thank you for the opportunity to win such beautiful fabric! I am new to sewing and just learning to quilt. I use a Singer Fashion Mate that my father bought me for my 16th birthday
I’m very blessed to have a variety of sewing machines, Bernina, Husqvarna, Phaff and 2 Vintage Singers. Sheesh, you’d think I couldn’t make up my mind but I love them all for various reasons.
I learned on a Kenmore and bought a Janome 2010 when I started quilting. Upgraded to a Janome Horizon 7700. Love all of them: my Kenmore because I got it from my parents and it has history, the DC2010 easily travels to classes, and the 7700 for the long throat. Janomes are econonomical and wonderful machines.
I have an elna, which is not too flash and has been around for about 13 years now. But it’s special, cos my Mum bought it for me when I was a busy mother of toddlers. So kind!
I have my original Brother (25th birthday present from Mum) and a new Brother, which is actually my 11 year olds! I also have a very old industrial Juki over locker which was my Mums from the 80’s when she used to sew fluoro board shorts and sell at the markets. If online shopping was happening back then she would have turned into an empire as she could not keep up with shorts for a market every Saturday! The Juki is still going strong. My sewing machine service man made be vow I would never get rid of it, he reckons you just can’t beat Juki!
I’ve had Janomes for years. I can’t remember why I first chose one but have always been happy and stuck to them. Recently I acquired my elderly Mother’s Pfaff but find it very unfamiliar.
I use a Bernina Bernette 66, and I have had it for a few years now. I bought it just after I had my second child (I have three kids) and If there is any quiet time at the end of the day I sew clothes and quilts for the kids with it. It’s not fancy but it gets the job done, and it keeps me happy.
Oh what a gorgeous giveaway! Thank you for being so generous.
I use a Bernina that my Mum bought for me, both the machine and my Mum are super lovely
My sister and I had both learned to sew on Mum’s old Singer, which is still going strong, despite all the abuse it suffered at our hands.
I have a Brother machine that I bought in a half price sale at Target. It is perfect for me as I am still a beginner. Actually it is much better than I expected. The only issue is how loud it is; sounds like a jet it taking off in our dining room when I put my foot down. I do feel a little envious when I use my friends’ more fancy machines. They feel so so smooth and quiet in comparison.
Please count me in!
I use a Janome I got from my mother-in-law for ten years ago. I would love to have an overlock because I sew (want to:) elastic fabrics for children clothes.
I was just thinking last night how I love my trusty Brother NS 10 that i bought from Spotlight 6 years ago. It’s not fancy but I have made many children’s clothes on it. I must say it was a disaster trying to quilt a double quilt on it!!
All the very best with your new bub x
I have a Husqvarna Viking Opal 670 which I’ve had for two years. I bought it for quilting as it has a longer throat space than normal. It’a a great machine and sews all sorts of fabric, including knits.
I have 4 Janome machines and an embellisher (Janome) as well. I have a 9000,300E (embroidery only) 6600P =my favourite work horse and an 11000SE which has larger hoops for embroidery plus sewing as well. Love all my machines and use them all the time. I would love to win this beautiful fabric and start to teach my 8 yr grand daughter how to sew with them.
Hope all goes well with your new baby.x
I have an old Janome that was gifted to me from my mother on laws cupboard. She had never used it!
I use an old singer that was a wedding present of my grandmother’s back in the 50s. I love it; it just purrs.
I’ve got a semi industrial Janome. It’s the best.
I have a Elna excellence 740, because of the possibilities it has and the space it has for quilting. Because the Elna is heavy I have a black singer to take with me.
I have a preloved Neumann machine. My very first machine was a Singer replica Polish machine which I bought with my savings when I was 18, it is still working. Then I bought a Singer machine which unfortunately broke after 2 years and could not be repaired, then I bought the very basic preloved old Neumann which is strong as a horse according to the repairman :-), and is perfectly suitable for my sewing adventures.
I have a basic Toyota without any whiz bang features. Its great for my basic level of sewing and I love it because it was a gift from my husband. He chose it as was so pleased with the gift, and so was I
I have a Singer Futura. I used to use my mothers Janome which I inherited when she passed and it broke my heart when it could no longer be fixed. I do love my singer but I’ll always miss the Janome and the memories of sewing with my Mum
I use a Singer Traditional which was my very first Mother’s Day present from my beautiful children (with a little help from their daddy!).. I love it almost as much as I love them, and LOVE being able to make them things!
Would love to make them winter quilts now
Such lovely fabric. I would love to make some gorgeous purses from it.
I was gifted a basic janome after my last son was born and i have been using it ever since. It’s a great machine and I love it!
I have always had. Janome which I just love!!
I enjoy using my Bernina 440, bought for the BSR option, but has many great extras that my trusty old Phaff is without. Still love my Phaff – so reliable.
I have a Singer, and right now is enough for me, it doesn’t have a wide throat, but I don’t sew big quilt too often. Maybe next year I can afford a new machine.
Thanks from Spain
I have a singer that my hubby bought for me as a surprise with his first overtime pay because he watched me spend a year sewing my first quilt completely by hand.
Hi Corrie! Such gorgeous fabric:) I have a collection of machines, my main sewing machine i call my big Husky (husqvarna Viking). I also have a brother computerised embroidery machine which I haven’t used in years! A Janome, which is pretty much worn out, but I keep set up with the walking foot on it. And lastly I have a little Huskystar Husqvarna Viking, which I bought to take to classes
this one sits waiting for when my daughter (12) would like to sew
Hi Corrie. I have a Janome 6125 Quilters Companion which I bought on impulse at a craft show. It has been the best impulse buy. It was $750 but was marked down to $500. It is probably 9 years old and it has been supremely reliable and will tackle anything. Best of all I have never had to fiddle with the tension. Ever. Thanks for the giveaway. I adore those dark blue fabrics.
Hi Corrie! I sew on an Elna that I got about 12 years ago, and it’s still working wonderfully, as long as I feed it good thread. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. This fabric is so lovely. Enjoy your new baby!
I use a 20 year old Singer that was given to ‘us’ as a first wedding anniversary present by my mother. I also have a hand Singer machine from the 1950’s which my daughter has learnt sew with. We made a quilt together. She sewed squares of fabric I had from a trip to India in the 90’s, I assembled it on my machine and it is now on her bed. My third machine is a treadle Singer which was was given to my grandmother by my grandfather as a wedding present, and which my grandfather overhauled before given it to me. I haven’t got to grips with this yet, they take a while to get used to working them smoothly. Now the children are all at secondary school and I have a little more time to think this may be the time to learn to use it and make something beautiful with a really lovely looking machine.
I have a cheapie that i bought from Tesco for less than $50. It was only meant to last until we moved back to Australia but I am still using it three years later!
I have a Pfaff, which is about 30 (or maybe more) years old, and was my Mums. It’s the machine I’ve done all my sewing on, and one I feel so comfortable using. Plus I love the sentimental value of knowing it’s my mum’s. My mum has a new machine these days, and tells me I should invest in an updated model … but I just can’t bring myself to do it!
I started my sewing journey on my mother’s Elna machine, did a knitwit class, made most of my tee type shirts (sweat shirts, hoodies and t-shirts) in my teens. Fast forward 15 years and I inherited my soon to be MIL’s Janome with a sewing machine on one side and turn a lever and overlocker on the other. Then when she passed away naturally her ‘new’ machine came to me being the new repairer in the family (i.e.: the only sewer!). The machine was in the car during an horrific accident so took some serious thumping in the impact. Servicing it was a $120 affair and unless I used it regularly, which with a toddler, was not easy. Hubby and parents went halves in a newer Janome for me and I got hooked on sewing again and started quilting. Taking advantage of a LQS having a 30% off sale I went with a budget of $2100 and my heart set on a new Janome 8200 machine… lusting after a deep throat for fine tuning my FMQ skills! I was asked the question ‘how quickly did you outgrow your current machine?’ and before I knew it, without even giving it a test drive I had spent more than some cars my husband has owned and laybyed the brand new Janome Horizon 8900QCP and I LOVE her to bits! Have not looked back. Not once.
Thanks for the chance to win such a gorgeous bundle of colour. I will be stroking them for a while as I decide what to make with them…
I had an old Elna, which I replaced with a second hand Bernina when I started teaching. I have just bought a janome and excited to o some lessons
We have a few machines in this house too, but my favourite is my bernina 710. I purchased this one as I had started making quilts and wanted one with a deeper throat. I love it!!! It does all of the thinking for me! Thanks for the opportunity to win some pretty fabric!!!
I have a Singer 7258. When I did research on sewing machines this one came with the highest rating, no negative comments. It is a great machine, no problems.
24Tangent “at” gmail “dot” com
My workhorse is my Bernina 930, but I also have a really really old Viking that uses cams, and a portable Janome for taking to classes. We are in the process of a move and I just want to sew but everything is getting packed. I know you of all people understand what I am feeling. Love the fabrics, they give me hope I will one day be sewing again. Kristy
I have a Bernina 820 because it quilts like nothing else, and oh! the space! Plus I have a lovely Pfaff which I bought new when I left home 15 years ago that the children use when they piece.
I recently upgraded my 18+ yr old Janome My Style 24, with a Janome DC2050. I love that it is computerised, has some great features my old one didn’t, plus it is so nice to sew with. Flowers Sugar is one of my favourite fabric collections too. I only have a small piece of the yellow rose print remaining. A very pretty giveaway!!
I do have a couple of machines but a few are living at my daughters homes. I sew on a Elna 7200 Pro Quilter’s Dream. I bought it in 2006 because I wanted a longer throat to my machine for quilting. I still love it!
So pretty! I sew on a brother. It’s a small starter machine that cost about $120. Haven’t found the need to upgrade yet, though I think it might be time to invest in a good walking foot.
I only have one machine, an Elna Quilter’s Dream 6003. I really like the up-down needle position, and the 1/4-inch guide on the sewing foot. Love the fabrics in your lovely giveaway.
I have few machines, but the one I use I bought 42 years ago and it is a Good Housekeeper!!! The only one in the house:)
I have a mix. I have and use the sewing machine that I inherited from my mother. It is a 1960ish Singer. I also have a serger, gift from a friend, that I need to get running. I would love to start making my own clothes again. Then I have a Kenmore, from a yard sale and a 1950 Singer, that is the 100th Anniversary edition. (would love to sell the latter, but it is horridly expensive to ship)
i use a Janome 4800 Quilters Companion My husband bought me this machine 10 years ago and with regular servicing, i havenever had a single problem with it!! thanks for the giveaway,these are the most beautiful fabrics ever
Bernina B530.. Bought my first Bernina at 16 and paid back my mother at $20 per week. It cost $600. It sewed my work wardrobe, my going away dress and, my curtains. It saw me through a private order dressmaking diploma, sewed my babies clothes and school costumes with a few quilts in between. One daughter learned to sew on it and I made my other daughter’s 21st dress from a vintage Vogue pattern with it. 30 years later and my husband bought me a new Bernina for Mother’s Day. After so many years faithful service I didn’t even look at other brands. It sat untouched for 3 months as I was too scared to use it. One day I took the plunge and sewed a simple skirt. The invisible zipper foot worked its magic and I was under Bernina’s spell again. Your fabric bundle makes my fingers itch and at 2.30 am it has my mind racing in circles with possibilities!
Dear corrie, my name is Ella and I am 9 and I got my first sewing machine for my 8th birthday and it is a brother and It is very hard to make the bobbin thread properly but my mum helps and i made pynamas for my sisters and they came out quite well but I made the ones for me too baggy, so I want to make some more so I hope that I could win this fabric as it looks really pretty.
I love following your blog. I am the mother of four and grandmother of nine, live in Tennessee, (USA) and enjoy quilting and knitting. I think I discovered your blog via a sweater you posted on Ravelry and have been following ever since. Have always loved Lecien fabrics and thought I would throw my name in the draw. I have a Bernina 820 that I use for quilting and also a Bernina 350 that I use for classes and also to do a lot of quilt piecing. I started on a Kenmore back in 1972 and when I needed a new machine I stopped by a Bernina store out of curiosity and never looked anywhere else.
Best wishes to you and your family as you prepare for your newest arrival.
I use a 20 year old Husqvarna that belonged to my hubby’s aunt. When she died I inherited it. I am the youngest of three girls and by the time it was my turn to learn to sew my Mom had already patiently taught two daughters and wasn’t up teaching a third:) I have taught myself to sew. I have made my grandbabies quilts and backpacks and purses,as well as a few handbags for myself and friends. I also have sewn pillows and done countless other projects. I love my machine and sewing:)
Hello Corrie!
I have just one machine Brother Style 60-e. It was my dream for a long time, but 2 years ago my husbend made gift on my birthday). Step by step I’m learning how to sew on my machine. Hope to win such a good giveway.
And wish Good luck for girls.
I have Singer. I learned to sew on my grandfather’s old mechanical Singer when I was a kid. So when I was buying a machine for myself, I believed in Singer quality a lot.
Hi Corrie. The first thing I saved up for when I started work was a gorgeous Baby Elna. I wore that wee one out and graduated to a bigger Elna. Currently I have 3 Elna sewing machines and an overlocker. As well as being a fabricaholic I have a thing for sewing machines LOL. Kind regards Julie
I have a Husqvarna Lily and a Bernina 700 – I use them both but I love my Bernina best!
It’s old but so reliable!
I have a husquava viking oscar. I love it. Had It for years now!!! It has done a few miles.
I have a husquava viking oscar. I love it. Had It for years now!
I have a Janome, can’t remember the model (it’s pink), but it was the best I could afford at the time. It has done me for past 4 years and I love it.
Funny your giveaway is flower sugar as this was one of the first fabrics I bought on my quilty journey, still haven’t finished the log cabin blocks, but will get there eventually!
I have a Janice my style that I brought 15years ago to learn to sew on. It has made lots of baby clothes gifts and quilts but I am now converting a singer featherweight!!!! Vintage and gorgeous. It’s top of my Christmas list!!!
Janome not Janice!!!autocorrect!!!
I use a Janome Memory Craft. I love my machine.
I have a few.. my little Singer Featherweight (Tyne) and my 1980 Viking (Ivan, I got when I graduated from college!) and my newer Janome that I do machine embroidery and quilting with! Thank you Corrie – I enjoy reading your blog.
I have an old Brother sewing machine but it gets the job done. I am saving up for a new machine but it could take awhile. The fabrics are beautiful.
I use a Janome because I couldn’t afford a new one at the time and one of mum’s friends was selling her old Janome for a low price. I love it, it’s really easy to use.
My Janome has broke so it’s my dependable brother
It’s tradition in my family to receive a sewing machine on your 21st birthday. When I turned 21 I was about to set off on a trip around the world, so I was desperate for cash, not a sewing machine. Concerned that I’d missed out, my Nanna gave me our first sewing machine as a wedding gift instead. Many people thought it was strange that we’d receive a sewing machine as a wedding gift, because they assumed it was just for me, but my husband has used it almost as much as I have! It’s a Brother, nothing fancy, but we’ve made dog beds, and snake netting, quilts and clothes, and now with our first baby – baby clothes, change table covers & toys. It might only be a 4 year old machine, but there’s a lot of history in there already, seeing us through our first house renovation and our first child
Hi Corrie
I was given a Janome 2160DC sewing machine for my birthday last year. I LOVE it. I’m totally self taught and am loving making clothes and dress ups for my little girls. This year I’m asking for an over locker for my birthday. I would love this fabric for my little girls.
I had a singer that belonged to my mother, always needed something fix’n. Bought a new brother a couple of months ago, still trying to get used to it
I love those fabrics and yes I would probably just look at them all piled up for a while. I have a tiny little Janome Gem. My husband bought it for me in Singapore 20 years ago and it’s still going strong. When he was buying it my specifications were that it had to do straight stitch, zigzag and buttonholes – nothing fancy but that’s all I need!
I have a Janome that I was generously given a few years ago, right as I was getting interested in sewing. I love it but don’t have a manual (I have looked a number of times online) so I only know the basics. My cousin recently bought a new Janome with a single step button hole – amazing! I’m often popping over there to whip up a few button holes on my latest creation! I would so love to upgrade, but at this stage it is a want rather than a need!
Gosh it would be fun to turn this beautiful fabric into something lovely!
When I had my two baby girls my mother in law bought me my sewing machine, a $99 Elna. I doubted I’d have time to use it but the lure of creating unique and beautiful treasures for my babies was too much. Countless bibs, softies, skirts, and headbands later, I now am very fond of my lil Elna; even if I don’t have as much time to sew as I’d like!
I have only ever bought Janome. I still even have my first one in the cupboard and I upgraded a little to an electronic one for the stitch options and extras like automatic buttonholing. I’d love to make some new fresh pretty cushions.
Have a Brothe, pretty basic machine,but it has lots of different stitches and I bought it mainly because it did blanket stitch. Unfortunately in the last 18 months I have been a bit slack in the sewing department but I am thinking of investing in one of the books you recommended so that I can get back into it.
Love that material, so pretty and clean looking.
Mostly I use my Pfaff Expression 2.0…it is set up in my sewing room and is ready to go at all times…I love all the stitches it has to choose from. I have a Bernina 1001 that is 17 years old! I use it to quilt my quilts together … nothing compares to the walking foot on this machine … And it goes with me to quilting classes…my old faithful!
Firstly, I adore those fabrics! So perfectly sweet! ♡ Secondly, I only have one machine, a vintage Bernina 860. The reason I purchased this one as my first machine is that I had some sewing lessons on my sister-in-law’s Bernina 860, and I fell in love with the purr and the feel of the solid metal machine. My mama always said that a machine with metal parts lasts longer, so I actually hunted one down on eBay! It took a while, but it was so worth it.
The machine is simpler than most you find today, but it works so well for what I need and I just love doing button holes on it ~ which is good, because I used to be so afraid of doing them! 😀
bonita of Lavender & Twill
I use a Bernina 440, I love it. I originally bought it 17 years ago as it was the only dedicated quilting machine with button hole stitch etc on it. I still love it to this day. Though when quilting it would be nice to have a longer throat for wrestling those quilts through. Thanks for the chance to win.
I love my Pfaff. Im 39 and still use the same one my dad gave me for my 16 birthday. I got it serviced the other day for the first time! They said the quality of it was so good it was still in brilliant condition. Its not only just a machine its a treasured gift as dad passed in september last year so Its very special to me. My sister also still uses hers that my dad also brought for her 16th birthday lovely memories. Our third baby is due on the 17th so Im super super excited and making a few bits and pieces.
Hi Corrie
I have a Bernina 830. I bought this little gem in 1976 to make my girlfriend’s Wedding Dress and my Bridesmaid Dress. I was only 19 at the time. Wow!! since then many quilts have been made alongside baby clothes my own clothes and lots of mending for family and alterations for friends. I will never part with this lovely machine… But it’s now time to make another quilt!!
Hi Corrie
I bought my first machine when I was 17 – it was an Elna Lotus and cost $200 – my dad went with me to purchase it and couldn’t believe how much it cost – he said you could have bought a car for that much – and I bought a VW the next year for $500!!
This was 42 years ago.
My Elna still works and could be sold on EBay now for the purchase price !! But I would nt sell it for anything – it brings many memories of my sewing life.
I now sew on a Janome which is about 14 years old – I am saving up for a Janome with the 11″ space for quilting.
I would love the fabric – you can never have enough firstly to look at and secondly to make baby clothes for my grand children.
i have had the pleasure of using my nana’s treasured janome machine for the last 15 years. 12 months saving was rewarded with my very own memory craft, my ‘forever’ machine. although i will never part with nana’s!
Such beautiful fabric! I use a Bernina 830. It was my mom’s and thought it sad that it was just sitting in the cupboard. So I’ve learnt how to sew at 34 and I’m working on my first ever quilt! xxx
I use a Kenmore that my mom gave me when I was in college. It’s nothing fancy, but it does everything I need it to!
I have an Elna Q7200. It’s one of the lower-priced machines with the longer throat option. And it has been working fantastic for me.
I have the Brother CS600. I purchased it for $145, which was what I could afford. I like it, it is easy to use. I am new to sewing, so I didn’t want to spend too much right away. I have done quite a bit with it and it works well.
I can see a couple of beautiful quilts in that fabric! Hope I am lucky enough to win. I used a Husqvarna which I bought when I was 23 and used it for 35 years. Was recently made redundant and was paid out my pro rata long service leave so decided to buy a Janome. Love both machines and am trying to encourage my two daughters to use them as well.
I got my first sewing machine for my 21st birthday, a semco. Since then I have made a quilt, make up bags and lots of bibs.
I bought a Janome 6600 when I retired so that I could start making quilts – it was the first machine I’d ever bought! (I’d been using my mother’s old Elna till then!) I had no idea where to start but I did a fair bit of web research and it seemed as if it would be the one. I love it! (And that fabric is lovely – I haven’t got any Flower Sugar yet, and it would definitely suit my two littlest grand daughters!)
I have a John Lewis sewing machine, bought in the UK as a treat to myself before my first child was born. We moved to Australia last year and my precious machine was shipped over too! Have been struggling to find the time to do much sewing recently following the birth of no. 3 but these gorgeous fabrics could definitely provide the inspiration I have been looking for!
Wow, so many Janome owners here. I too have a Janome and mine is an oldie but a goodie. I bought it when I was around 18 years old (I’m 49 now) and I used it to make cool dresses for myself out of old curtains for that 50’s vintage look. I also made my mum quite a few outfits as well. I used that machine a lot back then but once I moved out of home it didn’t get used that much. Once I had my kids though, I brought it back out of hiding and it has been used to sew many softies, bags, quilts and even some scrapbook layouts and it’s still going strong. It’s a super basic model but it does almost everything I ask of it.
I am currently using Juki industrial sewing machine. Straight stitch only! But I love it! Once I started using it, I am hooked with its power to sew.
Well I have no idea what kind I have… A friend of my mums gave it to me because I wanted to learn to make quilts, I have made a few, they’re by no means perfect, but I guess practice makes perfect….
I love my Brother sewing machine. I love the way it sews….
I have a Janome 6500 that I use for most of my sewing
Hello. I use a pfaff because that’s what I own
My awesome husband bought me a Janome when I was pregnant with our daughter because I wanted to sew for her! My mother in law is a very talented sewer and she picked out a good one for me, I love it! Never had a problem with it, and have been able to learn and make so many things on it in the past 3 years
I have a Janome that I bought (new) on eBay five years ago when I started sewing. I love it but have nothing else to compare it to! It can do buttonholes and more fancy stitches than I’ve needed. Apparently it’s possible to get a walking foot and when I finally get into quilting (in a year or so after finishing a number of other projects I’ve got in mind) I will try that out.
I also have an Aldi overlocker which I’ve used quite a bit. I was scared of rethreading it at first, but hubby and I worked through it together and managed ok. Then I discovered you can just tie the new thread on to the end of the previous thread and that’s just a piece of cake now!
Lovely fabric to giveaway!! Thanks for the opportunity Corrie!
I have a Brother that I purchased a few years ago because my Kenmore died. It is a basic model, but I LOVE it! Thanks for a fabulous giveaway.
Had to be a Singer. Just like my Mum and Nanny before me : )
I have Janome that my lovely family gave me 5 years ago for Mothers Day I love it but I also like my Husky that I bought when I first started working back in 1987 I can’t part with it. It is a great 2nd machine for if I have someone else over and we get into the groove of turning out aprons or other craft for the craft stalls I have co ordinated in the past. Thanks for the chance in this giveaway those fabrics are delightful.
Brother electric machine but tend to mainly use the old Singer treddle my Mum left me probably because its what I learn to sew on and well it was Mum’s
I got my Janome QC6260 second hand 2 1/2 years ago. I only went for Janome as that’s what my Mum has so I recognised how things worked on it! It’s got way more features than I’ve used in my very short sewing life but I’m slowly learning more. I just love it and any chance I get, I’m using it!!!! Thanks for the chance to win those FQ’s!!!!
Oh I love these fabrics!…So pretty and perfect for my little girl Isabel first patchwork blanket handmade by Mama
My sewing machine is aSinger; it was a Christmas present from my husband and perfect for a beginner like me
A 25 year old 16 sitch Janome that’s great for taking place a Janome 6600 that stays at home for piecing and quilting and my MIL”s Phaff that my girls are learning on
I use an old Singer metal-body machine.
I’ve got a Bernina Aurora 440 and think it’s great! My first machine was a Bernina which I bought used, 30 years ago, my second was also a used bernina and the one I’ve got today I bought brand new!
I have a Brother machine. I haven’t sewn since high school so have recently purchased a basic model to take up sewing again.
I am using a Toyota sewing machine. I am new to the sewing world, I was having a lesson by my nan at her place and she decided to give me her spare sewing machine. That was until it decided to break just as I was going to take my new baby home. Nan stuck to her promise and surprised me with a brand new machine. It’s perfect for beginners
a cheap Janome that I brought from K-Mart 8 years ago after my Singer died… Was going to be the cheap option until I could afford a quilting machine… Still using it on a weekly basis and managed to make a few quilts, however it struggled with a patchwork denium quilt.
I bought a sewing machine off ebay which I need to get rid of.It works but its needs someone that knows sewing machine to fix the tension etc.
I’m currently using my sister in laws singer machine but I have my eye on a Janome!
I have a singer professional 9100. It is my first machine . I have been looking at others that may be better for quilting
I have a Pfaff Creative Vision I bought used, and just love!!!! I also have a Bernina that sews beautifully! I also collect old Kenmores for my grandchildren to use.
I’ve just taken the plunge and bought my first ever sewing machine, it arrived yesterday
It’s an Elna EL2000, nothing flash but is easier to use for this beginner sewer 
I love my machine! I have a pfaff expression 2.0 and it is awesome. I researched it a lot and I asked for it for my 30th birthday from my beautiful husband. I have loved sewing lots of baby quilts for all my family and friends and lots of cute dresses and clothes for my two gorgeous girls! I think the reason I love it so much is that I don’t have to worry about a walking foot any time I want to quilt as it is a feature of pfaff machines. It is just a dream to sew with! I would love this fabric to make a new quilt for our new home we have just bought! Our first home ever and we are just so excited to move in and decorate it to our taste and not be in a rental anymore! Thanks for the chance Corrie!
I have a Husqvarna Designer II, utterly reliable and been one of my best purchases ever. It does whatever I ask of it easily!
hi Corrie. the fabric is beautiful and I’d love a chance to play with it. I have a couple of sewing machines but a few years ago when my mum (who was a gifted quilter) died I am the only daughter who sews and therefore inherited her machine – a Pfaff Creative.7570. it’s amazing and i’m slowly learning to use it. it took me ages before i had the courage to use her machine but it’s lovely sewing on it and feeling close to her. cheers fiona
I have a Janome, I got it for myself after wanting to learn to quilt. It’s nothing fancy, was under $500 and has never let me down.
I have a Janome as it was my mothers and I remember listening to it’s working away and filling with anticipation for what was being created!
I have a Pfaff that is over 20 years old and still going strong. I bought it because it has lots of embroidery options which I love.
I have a basic Janome machine (1860) and I love it. It’s all electronic and makes the adjustments for you. This can be both a good and bad thing, but overall, it’s a great machine.
I also have a Singer Genie from the 1970s. I bought it for looks, but it’s also a sturdy, fun machine to sew on.
I wish I could afford a Bernina, but they are just too far out of my price range. That would be my dream machine!
I have a janome mystyle 20 which I bought when I was still at highschool, some twenty or so years ago! it had it’s first service late last year and although I don’t use it as often as I would like, it’s a great, reliable machine
I use a Husqvana 2000. It was my grandma’s. I found the receipt for it one day and in the 80s she paid $500 for it! That was a lot of money back then. It still sews beautifully.
I have a Janome, I bought it because it was to raise money for breast cancer and I had dreams of sewing EVERYTHING
I have an Elna Supermatic which would be almost 50 years old and still works like a charm. Recently I was given a Brother Innovis 600 for a birthday gift and I love it too and use it a little more often as needle threading is a breeze and the newer technology makes sewing life easier. Love those fabrics from Flower Sugar by Lecien, would make a charming quilt.
Corrie, when I had my fourth baby nine years ago my lovely husband brought me a beautiful brother sewing machine.Its still going strong and has never let me down! I love love love flower sugar too !
A year ago my birthday and christmas present was a new Janome DC4030 and I absolutely love it!
It simply meant I could take my sewing and crafting to another level entirely and I felt so much more confident and competent too.
It comes with a whole lot of feet including a walking foot which I just LOVE as now my go to baby gifts (there have been so many lately lol) are a baby quilt. Friends now joke that other friends are getting pregnant just so they can “score one of Emma’s beautiful baby quilts!”
What better compliment in the world could you receive?
I am a new sewer, and my machine is a Brother…I love it! Its so easy to manoeuvre!
I don’t have one yet…I’m saving like crazy to purchase myself one. But when I do get one I’ll make sure it’s one of the best. I’ve started doing my research already.
At the moment I have two Singers, one Brother and a rather old Husqvarna, the last one used to belong to my mother, who used it a lot to make dresses and shirts for us when we were very young. She also had a Pfaff, that now lives a my brother’s home. He uses it to mend his jeans! I also have a little toy sewing machine that used to be my sister-in-laws when she was a little girl. I have no idea how to use it, but it looks very pretty in my studio. And most of the quilts I have made have been made by hand. The machines are mostly for dressmaking.
I have a bottom of the range Janome. It isn’t anything flash but then either are my sewing skills. But together we still manage to make lots of nice things for the family.
I use a 35-40 year old Janome that was my Mum’s and my Mama’s before that. It is starting to fail and I dread the day it no longer works. It is a very basic machine but it does the job.
I have a Pinnock sewing machine that is approximately fifteen years old which would love to upgrade when my finances allow.
In January shipped from England to New Zealand was a brand new Janome XL601. It’s still in it’s box. Your blog has inspired me to make my first ever quilt. I have given myself until Christmas and your fabric looks divine, would definately use it in the quilt and would send you a photograph of the finished article. I have been procrastinating since 1988 so it’s time I bit the bullet and learn to sew by machine as all my sewing up until now has been by hand and it takes a long time!
Good luck with everything.
Kind Regards,
Anneli Kemp, Wellington, New Zealand.
JanomeDC2101 I love it what a you beaut of a sewing machine!
I have to borrow my mums. I have no idea what brand it is, but its a lovely discoloured yellow. I assume it was once white.
I use a Bernina it was my great grandmothers machine I am currently learning to sew & quilt from my mum and Nanna & it’s perfect for a beginner
My 19 year old Janome has just died; may it rest in peace. I am now the proud owner of a beautiful New Brother Innovis 950 and would love to be able to make a new quilt with your lovely fabric
Oh my goodness. I LOVE this fabric too. I hope I’m not too late to throw my name in the draw. Thanks for the chance to win.
I have a Janome sewing machine… because I knew where that shop was! I like it very much.
My mum’s ancient beast of a machine. It’s a Singer and has been going strong for decades! The thought of getting a new machine feels like a betrayal… this is the machine I learnt to sew on, and really nothing handles quite like it. Not sure what I’ll do when I move out – might have to pop back home for some sewing sessions every now and then!!!!!
Thanks for the chance, love that gorgeous floral fabric!
I have an older model Janome and I love it, it’s built to last and will sew through anything.
I use a Brother Runway for most of my sewing, although I do use my Singer Featherweight too. I have a Pfaff quilter that I love. Thanks for a chance to win some Sugar, just think it is such great fabric.
I have a Janome I bought several years ago when my daughter had a week long summer sewing class at a sewing store. There was a discount if you bought the machine your child used and hers had just been put out that week.