Yesterday I headed off to the dentist. Another thing to check off my list before our newest addition arrives. Just one of many things though on the list. I have a few things that I really want to sew and have 7 weeks to get my butt into gear. Here are a few of the things on my list or things I love to make for a new baby.
so quick and easy. I just do flat sheets and measure my cot or bassinet mattress (including the sides) and add a few more inches and off I go. You can fold over the edges twice or do a simple rolled hem on your overlocker (if you like playing around with your overlocker and getting it back to its usual setting – not always an easy job).
muslin wraps
Another quick job. I always find muslin at Spotlight and even have some very cute muslin from Japan stashed away somewhere. Just a rolled hem or even a nice tight overlocked edge will do on these. I usually make it about the same size as a cloth I already have. Don’t make them too small or they aren’t big enough to wrap baby in. I love to use these as a quick sun cover on a pram, cover up while feeding, make shift change mat, great for wiping up spills and accidents, lay down and pop baby on it if you’re out and don’t have anything else and of course to wrap a baby in. Just can’t live without them.
there are so many cute bib patterns out there but I use a japanese pattern. I have a few favourite ways of making them. One is to have a layer of cute cotton fabric on the top and some polar fleece or terry towelling on the other side. So you sew them right sides together leaving a gap to turn out and then stitch the opening closed. Another way which I really love is to use 2 layers of cute cotton fabric and a layer of quilt batting in the inside. It makes it really soft and lovely and they wash and wear so well and of course are absorbent. Check out pinterest if you need more inspiration and you can always find a bib pattern in a baby sewing book or just grab a free pdf pattern online like this one.
quick change trousers
Oh how I love this pattern. You’ll find it in Anna Maria Horner’s ‘Handmade Beginnings’ and it really is the cutest pattern. I’ve made over 5 pairs and really want to whip up some more. Use a quilting cotton and they’ll wash and wear really well and I’ve learnt to cut a few pairs at once to save time and because they are so addictive. Definitely one to add to your list.
quick blankets
I’ve made a few of these after following the simple pattern in Last Minute Patchwork & Quilted Gifts and it is so great. You’ll need 2 pieces of fabric and batting the same size. Pin the 2 pieces of fabric right sides together with the batting underneath the fabric. I used a walking foot to sew around all sides leaving a gap of a few inches. Trim corners and turn right side out. Now I top stitch all around the quilt. The pattern doesn’t but I just love the top stitching and keeping it all together. Then you find a cute satin stitch on your machine and do some little stitches all over to hold it all together. So cute and a great gift to make.
applique some singlets and onesies
having a ready supply of singlets and little jumpsuits is a must. I love to decorate them with cute fabrics. You can use patchwork templates or just draw your own onto your iron on adhesive and then iron onto the wrong side of the fabric you’re using. I love to do a blanket stitch to stitch it onto the singlet or onesie. The blanket stitch looks like a comb when you are looking at your machine stitches.
I also love to make nappy bags (Amy Butler’s nappy bag pattern which is a really old one of hers is fabulous and I love making it for the kids as they get bigger too) and of course small quilts made out of charm square quilts are perfect to keep a baby warm in their pram or carseat. There is a fabulous tutorial if you’ve never made one here and it’s not quick but it’s so worth it.
What is your favourite thing to make for a baby? Love to hear…………….
Perfect! I just borrowed my mates sewing machine because mine was giving me grief and I have so many bubbas in my life right now. Love it!
oh you need to give me your address so I can send you some fabric! so much here I’ll never use, just tell me if it’s boy or girl or both and I’ll send you a little collection!
Oh I’d love that! I totally will! xxx
Retro Mummy you are amazing.
well let’s see how many I make shall we
always have a bigger list than what I get through:)
O how I love baby sewing makes me clucky but no more babies for me as I’m getting to old at 42
I adore the quick change trousers I bought the book just for the pattern & they are fantastic on miss 21 month old even fit well over cloth nappies & get so many comments when we are out. My eldest daughter is expecting a baby early in the new year so will be sewing & knitting for grand babies
oh I know! the pants are just the best!!!!!! happy sewing for grandchildren…even better:)
These are wonderful. I never thought of making sheets for a newborn baby. Love the quick blankets. Easy enough to do a few at a time and have them tucked away as a last minute gift. xo
oh yes much cheaper and you can make nicer ones too! the blanket is a winner and great for charity projects too!
I think I am going to have to buy the Anna Maria Horner book! I love making baby harem pants (Pattern Emporium pattern) but I love the look of the quick change pants too. I also love pretty nappy covers with ruffles for baby girls! (if the weather it warm enough!)
oh yes I made one pair of ruffle pants! they take a while and that rolled hem is gorgeous but they are worth it! definitely see if you can get the book as it’s a really lovely one
Oh you must be getting close now Corrie! You are so wise to do the dentist before the baby comes
so close now!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh I’m in love with all of these pictures. So much prettier than anything in the shops. Wish I knew how to sew! And at the rate my little girl goes through bibs I really ought to learn!
a basic sewing machine, youtube or a simple beginners sewing class and you’ll be off. It’s a great skill to have especially as a mum when they hit school:)
I am going to have to buy the book, those pants are adorable and so many of my friends are having babies they would make a great gift. How do you find cute boy material? That’s my biggest challenge. Purl Soho recently posted the cutest tutorial for a bonnet that I’m itching to make
Purl bee that is.
oh I’ll have to check out that pattern!
for boys look for Michael Miller and japanese fabrics as they do some cute stuff, I buy fabrics from quilting shops and the quilting section at Spotlight as they have great fabrics in there with cute designs for boys, stripes, polka dots etc:)
What a wonderful post Corrie. You have inspired me to make some of these items – I have a lot of friends whose daughters are having / just had first babies. It’s all lovely – I don’t know where to start!
oh yay! I hoped that it would inspire someone:)
I love all of these. Gorgeous fabric choices!
I make most of these but I really want to make some of those cute pants!
the pants are very very cute!!!!!!!!
I have so many baby gifts to sew I appreciate this list of yours! I am going to have to make some of those cute pants and bibs!
Oh thanks Corrie. These links are just perfect for me atm with much knitting, sewing, crafting to do for my future Grandbaby….so exciting
Some things I’ll wait to make as they intend to find out the baby’s gender. My daughter isn’t in love with hand crafted items, but……it is my Grandmotherly right to make till my hearts content!!! LOL You never know, when she realises how expensive baby items are, she may even want my handmade with love items 😀
I hope you can get everything checked off your list Corrie
Made one bib today – an achievement for me….22 weeks pregnant 2 kids had open day at school which I HAD to attend and a kindy pick up in between. I was so proud of myself! My kids loved the bib and were searching through my stash of material to find more unisex material to make more. I’m looking forward to making some other of your ideas thanks so much
Thanks for the links Corrie, My 8 grandchildren are big ones now and I knit scarves and beanies for them for the football and the snow but my neighbours are haveing first babies and these projects are great ideas .Love the quick blankets.
Makes me want another baby! Such an inspiration – these things are just beautiful Corrie
I love making bibs, they are quick and easy and the baby doesn’t grow out of them in a hurry. I have the handmade beginnings book and those pants are the only thing I have made out of it lol I love them. I really like the welcome to world cards in that book to but was never organised enough to make them.
It’s amazing, that you still have enough time for making something for your new baby. I had only two things on my list: a little cardigan and a mobile with crocheted hangings. I managed to make only the cardigan, though I have only three kids 😀 Our new baby is already three month old and I’m afraid to be late with my mobile 😀 I posted the pattern for that cardigan in my blog, maybe you would be interested to try making one for your baby
Love this! Would you please share the link to the Japanese Bib pattern that you use? Thanks!