There has not been a lot of time to knit around here. Our big girl is still camped out on the couch and carried around the house if she needs to get anywhere. One of us sleeps on the couch to be near her and give her some more medicine during the night. I did think there could be some knitting time but we’re just so exhausted that I fall asleep in a flash. Somehow I managed to finish this off this morning but I think it took me about a week just to get the sleeves done.
I don’t usually like weaving in ends and this one had a few but the beauty of the top down all in one knit is that at least there are no seams to sew.
This was 2 weeks on the needles. Not bad. Not one of my fastest projects but considering everything that has been going on it’s not too bad. I think I managed half a sleeve in the days we spent in the hospital because I was always getting up and down so having this finished is great.
I really love this pattern. It’s lovely and easy and I think that’s in part to tiKKi’s super clear instructions. I used Bendigo Luxury in 8 ply and BC Garn Semilla for the contrast. I used my circular needle set which is great for projects like this one because you just swap over the needle ends and keep going.
And even my littlest miss approves of the cardigan. And I’ve just cast this on in a size 7 for my big girl as it seems only appropriate that as we care for her and get her back on her feet over the next few months that I am knitting something for her at the same time. She picked Luxury in cream with an aqua contrast…….photos and progress to come.
Ravelry details for this project are here. The pattern is free here and the larger sized version is available to purchase here. Bendigo Woollen Mills Luxury available here and the BC Garn came from Suzy Hausfrau but might take a bit of an internet search to get some as it’s been in the stash a while.
So sorry to hear about Keira’s broken leg. It sounds like a horrific injury. Sounds like you’re doing a fantastic job looking after her, especially with being pregnant yourself. I don’t knit but I do appreciate other’s cleverness! Its a beautiful cardigan and its a great idea to knit one for your big girl while she is recovering.
craft is such good therapy for me, thank you. Did you get my email this morning about Olympus? Just checking, thanks, Corrie:)
I love your choice of colours for this little cardi. I’m still trying to get my knitting/crochet mojo back, here.
It’ll be nice for Keira to have something to look forward to while she sees the progress as well on the cardi you are going to make her. The colour combination she’s picked sounds nice & fresh
I’m still thinking of you all & praying for a quick recovery for Keira. I know it probably feels like you are running an endurance race atm! Take care of yourself Corrie & make sure you get some rest too.
oh thank you Lois, I feel like my eyes are going to drop out today they are so tired but grateful that it’s the weekend and we don’t have to juggle the school run and activities. I find the cooler weather is all the ammunition I need to get knitting again:)
take care
Oh man that is so cute. You’re a genius!
you know being an aunty and cousin means you need to learn:) someone needs to make them cute baby things:)
Your little cardigan looks lovely! I did the knit-along for this pattern and am also incredibly pleased with my finished product! I used Luxury too – Ghost for the main colour and Brick for the contrast. As I don’t have a newborn at the moment I will be giving mine to the new baby of some friends. But I’ve cast on another in Bendigo cotton in a size 2 for my daughter (who is suffering from what the doctor thinks is a form of eczema, so we have to stay away from wool.) My 4yo son is also keen for me to knit him one in navy blue with a cream contrast so it looks like my knitting plans have been made for me for some time!
To anyone thinking of knitting Gidday – go ahead and cast on! And make sure you read tiKKi’s blog for her tips regarding the pattern; they were extremely helpful and taught me a lot!
Hi Corrie,Everything is so full on for you at the moment and you managed to fit a baby knit in with everything else !! The days will fly bye and you will be back to normal in no time. I hope dear Keira is feeling better each day and you are the ONE who makes the cute baby things.
Oh it turned out so cute Corrie. I cant wait to see how Keira’s one knits up too. I hope that soon she can use crutches so you dont have to carry her around too much. I am sure once she has a lighter cast on it will feel much better. Is she going to be home schooled for the next couple of months while she recovers or can she go when she is on crutches?
It is so sweet, I just love newborn knits and the colours are great xo
I don’t know how you do it. I wish that I was closer and able to help out. I have never met you but feel that I know a little bit about you through your blog and can’t help but feel how though you are doing it now, you are probably like a duck calm on top but paddling hard underneath..
I consider myself lucky that my only child has never had a broken bone (though my husband has broken two bones put lets not go there, its a man thing lol!!) and has only spent a few days in hospital for croup and asthma, from which we received wonderful information and knowlege from the Asthma Foundation.
I hope that your little miss recovers well and that all your good putting out of karma returns to you in droves which would be so well deserved.
Utterly gorgeous, and I didn’t even know it was a free pattern, have downloaded it now
Cream and blue will be gorgeous on Keira, I hope she is recovering well.
Hi Corrie,
I’ve never commented before but have read along for awhile.
I’m not sure how old K is but was thinking this would be a perfect time to teach her how to knit!
I’m a very basic knitter and would love to have your talent! Must keep trying….
Hi Corrie,
I just love, love, LOVE your blog! I read every single post as they are just lovely! I love reading about your houses, your move, your beautiful family, your faith and your knitting projects – even though I can’t knit to save myself!
I think I love reading your blog a lot because you seem to be the happy wife and mummy that I once dreamt of being. I adore my darling husband and 3 super-gorgeous boys but…I am totally and utterly exhausted by it all. Which brings me to my question (which I suspect you probably can’t answer anyway!) but how do you have the energy to do all that you do?
You are such an inspiration. Your blog gives me hope that dreams are possible!
God bless you!
PS You are an awesome knitter!!!
Love these colours!! Hope your daughter recovers beautifully. Poor sweetheart!
I love this pattern . I have nearly finished my second one arm to go . I used big w wool as its more my budget.Already picked wool out for next