I know the weekend is under way but yesterday went by so fast. Stations of the cross at 10am and for the first time I had my 3 big kids come with me. They were so eager and participated so beautifully, following all of the words and kneeling when necessary. I was so proud of them. For those who don’t know we made a big change with their schools this year and I can tell you that my little twins have learnt more in their religion classes than keira learnt in 3 years and it was so beautiful yesterday to have my little finn with me at both services with such a reverence and eagerness to be there.
Easter is a time when I recommit myself as a catholic to live a better life, to be more like Jesus and to not be a follower in a culture that has in the most part turned its back on religion and faith. I am glad for the faith I was raised with and am committed to raise my family with the same. To know that you carry Jesus in your heart, that no matter what happens in your life and even if you lost everything that you had and loved that you can turn to God is a gift. I am grateful that I have always had that in my heart and mind and that I am doing everything I can to raise my little ones the same way.
Easter is also an emotional time when we think of suffering not just of Jesus but for all who suffer and a time to be a better person and do more for others. I was crying singing the first song yesterday morning and the emotion of Easter is never lost on me. I loved being in a new church that was packed out at both times and with lots of families. It’s funny how a different area has a different mix of people and it was really beautiful to see lots of families and teenagers at church yesterday as sometimes we’ve been one of a handful of families at Good Friday services.
Just another reason why we are so happy this Easter with our move. I must write a post on why it happened and how the timing was right but both of us yesterday said we are so happy here and it’s a beautiful place to reflect on Easter and our own lives in this new house and new life. It takes courage and faith that everything will be all right to uproot your family and decide on something different. But we have been so blessed and the timing was right. This house was meant to be ours. The school is exactly what we had been searching for and we are happy. And we are expecting another baby…what more could we ask for.
I hope that for you this Easter is a time for family and reflection and for those of you who have perhaps been wanting to go back to church then why not, look up your local service this Sunday and come back. Having my faith and belief in Jesus fills my heart with something that nothing ever can in this world. It hasn’t been an easy 6 months or so for me but I’ve got prayer and I have faith and that will always carry me through. No matter what.
have a wonderful Easter everyone and as always thank you for your support here xxx
Thankyou. We’ve just moved too, and haven’t got back into church yet. Sunday will be our day.
hope it was lovely!
what beautiful thoughts. Thanks for sharing this with everyone. I have those same thoughts of gratitude for what the Saviour has done for each and every living soul and its wonderful to have time out from the hustle and bustle to think about these things.
it sure is and easter is such a great time for reflection
Lovely post Corrie.
We had our Good Friday service at the beach yesterday. A small procession of the parish walked down from the church carrying a large cross and set up on the grass near the water. The priest told a heart breaking story / analogy of a father that had to choose to save the lives of hundreds on a train even though it cost the life of his son. An amazing reminder of the sacrifice God made for us all.
You do have a lovely gift for writing blog posts that leave your readers feeling warm and blessed. It is really nice. And I’m sure I’m not the only one of your readers that can’t help but feel happy for you with all the lovely things going on in your life right now.
Have a lovely Easter with your beautiful family.
that sounds beautiful
Thank you Corrie for writing this beautiful post. I’ve read it and re-read it.
I am very pleased that you have found that special home and space for you and your beautiful family. I think that this is going to be a happy and rewarding time for you all. A fresh start which happened because you and your husband had the courage to make the big decision.
Have a wonderful Easter. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.
thank you, I hope you had a lovely easter
Dear Corrie, this was such a lovely post to read and thankyou for sharing. Grandad especially would be so happy that you have the joy of Jesus in your heart. You and your family are blessed in so many ways, and I’m glad that you took the initiative to move to your glorious new home. May you have many exciting experiences with Retrodaddy and the children. This Easter I’m grateful for the religious freedom we have here in Oz, and am praying for Christians in so many countries where people are still persecuted for expressing their faith. Happy Easter to each of you and may the Easter Bunny find you in your new home xxxxxxxx
thank you, hope you had a wonderful easter:)
It is a lovely time in your life .thank you for sharing this post
thank you
What a beautiful post. I am also a Christian, and this was such a timely reminder of Jesus’ love and what really matters in life. Wishing you many blessings in your exciting new season in life. Wish we had the courage to make such a life change. Are you very far from family and friends?
thank you, Easter is such a special time and even more so as I grow up:)
A great post Corrie about the real meaning of Easter and like you my faith has got me through a lot in my life. One of the reasons I love reading your blog is because you are such a wonderful role model to other women as they raise their families and without even knowing your faith, the warmth that exudes from your blog is evidence that You have a heart that knows Jesus. You are an amazing witness and I am so blessed to have met you in person and sat next to you at Problogger. It is still one of my fave memories from Problogger! I pray that you have a blessed Easter with your family and that you are able to settle in well in your new home! X
snap! I still remember problogger when I see a comment from you or your fb page:) isn’t that funny:) thank you and I hope you had a wonderful Easter too
I sit here smiling, reading your words. It’s so nice to find someone who is so honest and open with their faith. I too was very moved by both Good Friday services yesterday. Looking around you could see many who had tears in their eyes. It’s easy to forget, until you are reminded what a beautiful sacrifice Jesus made by dying.
As I prayed yesterday after communion, I prayed that my faith will be strengthened this year because sometimes it wavers. It’s really hard living in a secular society when sometimes being a person of faith you are portrayed as being stupid or ridiculous. It’s helped a lot that my kids moved from public to Catholic school. It’s nice to be able to have a conversation about faith with other mothers. It’s so great that the kids come home and talk about it so much more now. This is our year, I can feel it.
Thank you again and have a wonderful Easter with your family.
oh that sounds lovely and I hope it is the year for you and yes I saw other people crying but then that sets me off so I have to be careful:)
Thanks for your beautiful thoughts….Easter is so special for our faith and it renews us and fills us up again…
it does renew us and it’s so different to Christmas too:)
Happy Easter to you and your family, I’m so glad you’re happy in your new home.
Yesterday’s service was an emotional one for me too, there is just so much beauty to be found in our faith and in Jesus himself. Easter is such a great reminder to be grateful for the constant and loving care we receive.
God bless
thank you Kelly, I think as I get older Easter just gets even more emotional for me!
Thank you for sharing this beautiful post. A very Happy Easter to you and your wonderful family.
thank you Tina, I hope you had a lovely Easter too
Well said!
What a beautiful post. Thank you for not being ashamed of your faith, your ideals and what you stand for as a family. I am so glad you are happy n your new location and may you have contentment there. X
thank you:)
Thankyou for your lovely words. I am looking forward to our Easter service tomorrow, they have all the children getting up to sing at the beginning which should bring a beautiful feeling to the service. I hope you & your family have a wonderful easter.
oh how beautiful, that sounds lovely. I hope you had a lovely easter:)
Happy Easter Corrie. You sound so contented in this post and that’s lovely to read.
thank you, we are so very happy right now:)
So glad you are happy with your move. It sounds idyllic. Have a wonderful Easter.
thank you, I hope you had a wonderful easter too:)
Thanks for a lovely post. I so enjoy reading about the joy you have as a stay at home mum. It truly is the most important job to raise your children to love Jesus. I’ve been humming the ocean song all week – one of my favs
God bless you and your family
oh yes I love the song and couldn’t decide between the upbeat fancy version or the acoustic one:)
Beautiful post Corrie, I loved it. We have had a really special Easter with Luke understanding the story & meaning of Easter, has made it really wonderful for me. Happy Easter. Exx
it is isn’t it once the kids get involved and have more of an understanding it is more special:)
Thankyou for sharing the meaning of Easter to you. It is such a special time in the church’s year. Beautiful post.
it sure is, I hope you had a lovely time
Hello Corrie
You know I’ve been a Follower and Friend for some years now I just wanted to say his happy I am for your new move I know you have been wanting this for a long time it looks Beautiful and so wonderful for the kids to be able to have all that space too play and have adventures
So looking forward to seeing your new Bub….
Take Care Sweetie xx
oh thank you! we have been wanting it for so long and it’s taken sacrifices and there will be more ahead but it’s all worth it. thank youxxxx
Such a beautiful post…Thankyou Corrie! I’m so pleased for you and your family, you seem to have found yourselves in a really good place..both spiritually and most definitely geographically!! Keep enjoying…and growing that gorgeous bub!! :))
thank you! I think we are where we have always wanted to be and it just feels so good. Thank youxxxxx