I love the excitement of picking a new project. On Friday I cast this on, took it out with me on Saturday in the car and kept knitting Saturday night and also Sunday. Thanks to one of the little ones waking me at 4.30am I made some great progress Sunday morning.
I’m using the Maile pattern which you can find on ravelry for free here or in this book. It’s super easy to knit and I’m using Bendigo Spring Cotton in white.
I just love white as a little baby knit and I’m thinking I’ll donate this to Dandelion with the next batch of quilts that we donate. I’m sure it will go to a good home and be treasured and with winter coming up with keep a little baby warm. The inspiration for this pattern is that my lovely aunty debbie made it for elodie when she was a baby and we wore it so often.
And the funny thing is that because this is a fairly quick knit I’m already thinking of my next project. Don’t laugh. I’m thinking a little something for elodie for winter and I’m trying to break away from the Kina and try something new…………I’ve got a skein of madelinetosh next to my yarn swift and think I’ll use that for a little something.
And because I’m always thinking of my next project I cut out this panel and hung it on my sewing room chair. I would absolutely love to get this started this weekend but know that if I can just keep my focus on the cardigan that I can finish that first and then make this panel.
I’ve ordered some lecien fabrics to start my little store again. I’m just keeping it small and things that I love and just waiting a week or so for my shopfront to be finished and I’ll share the link with you all. Lisa my super lovely helper on the admin side of the blog said ‘so are we having an uploading party?’…..I guess we are. Uploading and pre-cutting fabrics but I do love it…………………
hope you are having a great weekend and that there is a bit of craft in it too……
Oh wow I love that panel. Are you going to be stocking it?
yes! just waiting for my store to be done! I’m all paid up but need my template installed so patiently waiting, waiting! should be a week or so
Pretty! I might try this pattern.
it’s really easy too! I know it doesn’t look it but it is! I’m loving it and works up quickly
happy knitting
Lovely cardy, think I might give it a go. Noticed the carbons. What do you think of them?
I like them! I also have the nickel ones which I’ve had a few years but enjoying them, Now interestingly my nana used them but found the carbon ones too heavy but I’m enjoying them PLUS I have 2 sets of circulars so never lost for a needle now:)
Oh I am so not laughing at you for planning your next project! I find I actually need a “next” project waiting in the pipeline to push me to complete the current project!?!! And I am definitely admiring your willpower at restraining yourself from playing with that fabric!! Happy crafting xx
Wow a panel where can i get one from Love it.
Ooh! I love that panel!!!! Are you taking pre-orders?!?!
Glad to hear that the Maille is an easy knit as I have it earmarked in the book but am yet to try it.
Huzzah to this…I’m trying to reinstate craft Sundays like I used to do when I was at University…today I’ve finished up a bodice and am about to do a bit o’ knitting so it’s going well. Everyone needs to make time for some craft in their lives!
Love your little baby knit and that you said it is a quick knit. White on babies is lovely.
I must knit this pattern.
The little cardigan is very beautiful, and I quite like it in the brown color too. I cant wait to see what you knit up in the gorgeous skein. The quilt panel is very pretty. I am not quilting as I have too much knitting to do and dont want to have more wip’s. Maybe when the weather gets cooler I might do some more sewing. I hope your store goes well again Corrie, you always sold such pretty things.
thank you Sue! sometimes it’s good not to have too many crafts and you are such a great knitter:)
It looks lovely already Corrie. I am so envious. Sounds like this is just what I need to bring with me to swimming lessons! Wish I had a little girl to knit for but what a great idea to donate it to charity! God bless.
oh yes get your girl knitting out with some charity and knitting for others! that’s how I keep knitting for babies which I love doing and someone is always having a baby somewhere:)
Oh that looks gorgeous! I wish I have the patience for knitting… it’s the tension that I can never get quite right.
shall I bring a spare pair of needles and some wool to the rgm:)
teach you there:)
Gorgeousness. I have just started crocheting for the first time. I can’t out it down. xx
Have a lovely weekend.
Since my daughter was born…I haven’t really knitted much. Where do you find the time?? But as the cold weather will be upon us soon, I should start looking for a cardigan pattern for her
Once again you’ve inspired me! I’ve just finished the Summer Sky Blanket and I’m going to start one of these tonight. I hope it looks as good as yours!