I’ve received a few questions about the granny stripe blanket and thought I’d answer them all here as well as replying to each one.
What cotton am I using?
I’m using Bendigo Woollen Mill’s cotton in 8 ply. You can buy it online here and there are a great range of colours.
What hook are you using?
I’m using a 3.75mm hook. The cotton has a tendency to stretch and be a bit loose (the Bendigo cotton) so using a bit smaller helps keep it in shape. If was using a wool then sometimes I go up a size to make it a bit looser. Doesn’t that just confuse you all. A great tip is to get onto ravelry, look at the yarn that you are using and see what people have used in crochet or knitting projects. Sometimes you can find the exact pattern and what people have used. For example go into ravelry, go to patterns, put granny stripe blanket into your search (here), click on the specific pattern you are following (say Attic 24 which will come up first), then in search over on the right hand side or yarn ideas put in Bendigo or the brand yarn you are using. It will bring up all of the projects made by people using the yarn you have and is a great way to see how it turned out and any tips. Honestly ravelry saves me some time……………well that might not be true since I can spend time on the forums or searching for new patterns to add to my favourites. But you know what I mean……..
What brand hook are you using?
I invested in a set of hamanaka hooks many years ago. And because I spent quite a bit of money on them I really do look after them. They have a hook at each end and it’s nice knowing that I have all of the hooks at home and don’t need to duck up to the shops to get a new size just for a project. The cushioned grip makes them very comfy to use and you don’t get a sore finger like you sometimes do with hard hooks that you might use a lot. You can find a local supplier just by googling them or find some on ebay and etsy too. Another brand that looks lovely are Tulip who do some pink ones in a cute little pink case….I found them here at tangled yarns.
How much yarn would I need?
Because I just grabbed everything from my stash some balls had been used and are running very low and I had to buy some more. But if you started with brand new balls/unused 200g balls in a variety of colours you would get a lap sized blanket out of it. From memory I had a foundation chain of about 150/160 and am going to a large rectangle and making it as long as I can. If you are using 50g balls then get 3 or 4 of each colour to keep you going.
How are you tying in your ends?
Now some people like to weave in their ends at the end of the project. I carry mine at the back of the work for 2 sets of 3 x double crochet and will weave in the ends or trim them when I’ve finished. So rather than having all of my ends hanging at the end I’ve carried them behind and then work over them as you work the first stitches of the new row with the new colour. This is what the back looks like
What pattern are you using?
I’m using attic24’s pattern here but using US terminology as she uses UK/ Australian terminology so what I call a double crochet she calls a treble. I started using US terminology because I was following american youtube videos so just be careful when you buy a magazine or pattern to what terminology you are using. My mum always used aussie terminology as she learnt before youtube and all the US patterns coming out here.
Love it Corrie! As always xoxo
thank you:)
I love the colours you use they are beautiful. I am slowly taking lessons from my mum hopefully one day I will be able to make a beautiful blanket like this
thanks for inspiring me to learn!
oh lucky you, so great to learn from someone else and spend time together! happy crocheting:)
I love your choice of colours
thank you Lois me too! I’m sure I’ll do another one of these:)
I do the ends of my blanket the same way you do, but on the next row when I do the stitches I pull up the strands that are there and find that way they stay tucked in alot better. Not sure if that made sense at all.
ahhhhh might try that, I think I know what you mean:) sounds good
Just love the colours, Ive always wanted to learn to crochet… my friend said she would teach me
oh good! it is nice to learn from someone else and then you can show them your problems too and get help right there! get onto it!
Hi Corrie,
Your blanket is lovely! I made one with Zara wool, using Lucy’s pattern as well and I love it! I used Bendigo wool for the white and there was a huge difference – I found the Zara much softer and easier to work with. It is of course far more expensive!! Finished product was blogged here: http://stonefruitseason.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/tales-of-granny-stripe-end.html. I would highly recommend the pattern – the worst part really is the start when you need to get the right number of stitches!
oh yours is gorgeous! and yes the first row took me 2 goes before I got it right and then I was off!!!!!!!!!!!
well done, I think I need a small project after this one:)
Your granny stripes inspired a quick dash to Bendigo Woollen Mills, and I spemt the 90 minute drive home starting my own. Love the Bendigo cotton although I am finding the white to be not as soft as the other colours (daffodil, french navy, kiwi and a light beige whose name I can’t recall). Fingers crossed I can get it done by the time the cold weather reappears!
oh yay enjoy! lucky you being close enough to drive there
I’ve never been down to Bendigo it makes me want to visit. Or maybe I just need to order online it’ll be quicker.
yes although it takes about a week to get to you but worth it! you can email them and get a shade card sent to you and that’s a great way to get a better look
I wondered how I had stumbled across Attic 24, I think maybe you mentioned the blog? Anyway, my goal for this year is to learn how to crochet. So last week I ordered some Bendigo cotton (it arrived yesterday, yay!) and I have spent the last two days mastering the beginner steps. I am currently making a minature ripple blanket as I have always loved them and once I have the stitches mastered that is what I will be making
Your blanket looks gorgeous and it looks like Elodie loves it.
she does! so glad your cotton arrived and happy crocheting
I am dying to learn how to crochet! My mum was/is a bit of a whizz and hoping that she’ll be able to give me a few lessons. There always seems to be something so calming about crocheting/knitting.. Though knowing my luck I’ll end up with a big mess and it’ll be anything but a soothing experience
Looks gorgeous!
oh you can do it, it’s so easy! good luck and hope she teaches you as then you’ll be off and running:)
So clever. Unfortunately my crocheting endeavours only lasted 1 night. I plan on getting back to it…..one day. Until then, I’ll just visit here and be in awe of your creativity xx
Right, this year I MUST get back into figuring out crochet! You taught me in the class all those years ago, so I need to refresh and get into it. That’s this year’s goal
Love the blanket
I know I am responding to this post well after you posted it, but I am just now finishing my Granny Stripe Blanket (as can be seen here on my blog: http://honeycombstitchesandpepperminttea.blogspot.com/2014/03/putting-finishing-touches-on-my-granny.html) so I become curious to see what others had to say about it.
Yours looks great. I like your method of dealing with the ends. I will definitely need to try it because as you can see on my blog, I have my work cut out for me in weaving mine in while crocheting the edging. I also like Lisa Balm’s tips in these comments for a way to secure them even further since I am compulsive about that aspect of finishing.
Corrie, I love this design so much! Forget granny squares. Time for something different. I was going to make this using acrylic yarn however the Bendigo cotton looks Luscious. I just placed an order. Can’t wait for it to arrive so I can make my own Granny Stripe Blanket. Thanks for inspiring me to try this design. Wishing your family a safe and happy Easter