It is no secret that I love books, I love knitting and I love debbie bliss. They were the first knitting patterns that I started with when I rediscovered knitting. I was at John Lewis on Oxford street in London and discovered their knitting section. I was in love. So many modern patterns and gorgeous wool. I love her patterns and although I do a lot more top down and seamless knitting these days, I love the simplicity of her designs. And of course she does baby and kids wear so well.
Baby Cashmerino 5 has just been released and I really fell for this tunic for Elodie. And what is really nice about this book is that some of the patterns are for babies/toddlers and some start at size 1 and go up to a 4/5 which covers the twins nicely.
and this sweet cardigan for tillie
And the other book to go under the tree this Christmas is Debbie Bliss Celebrating with Family. I know there are a few older patterns in this book but it’s been beautifully styled and photographed.
Any good knitting book recommendations or patterns I must try? I have stopped buying baby knitting books for a while as I have the biggest collection but realised that there aren’t that many great knitting books with patterns for kids. I do love Essential Knits for Kids also published as Essential Kids (the book which had elodie’s doll pattern)…that’s a good one. And a little tip before you buy a knitting book if you’re wondering whether you should buy it or not. Jump onto ravelry, put the book title into the pattern search and see how many of the patterns are up on ravelry and people who have knitted them. It’s a great way to see if the book is for you and what you’ll make from it.
Very nice books. I love books which cover the older kids as well as the littlies
me too! otherwise you end up with a huge collection of baby books like I have and then a gap…….what to knit when they grow a bit bigger:)
That is a great tip to check out the title on Ravelry to see what people have made from it, I hadn’t thought of that & often look at books & wonder how much of it I would use, I’m sure that would give me idea of how good it is
oh yes greatest tip ever and now I just do it as habit:)
doesn’t always work for the newest books but definitely a help!
Hi Corrie, love your blog!!!!!! You’re tempting me with more pretty things to knit up and I haven’t finished the rag doll from your post earlier (very close though)
oh lovely! be sure to share a photo with me. I’m looking forward to making her again:)
Love your second last pic,that little dress is divine
isn’t it! so much from the books that I want to make…now to make the time
Lovely books. I might just have to make a trip to my local wool shop to check them out further. I have two grandboys aged 4, and am always on the lookout for sweaters to knit them.
oh how lovely for you to have little ones to knit for! I think they just make the best presents when you’ve knitted something yourself
It makes me want to start kntting!!!! I LOVE LOVE a gorgeous knit on a baby/toddler/big person.
you can! youtube and some knitting needles and wool. So wish youtube was around when I was learning and got stuck in the middle of the night at home
My favourite pattern book is ‘The Third Little Sublime Handknit Book’. All of the Sublime pattern books are beautiful but this one is my absolute fav. My kids are too big for the patterns now but its almost worth having another baby for!
ohhhh I’ll have to check that one out, haven’t got that one!
I love Labour of Love…….stunning patterns for older girls
by Ulrik Sondergaard
ohhhhhh I’ve been eyeing that one off on amazon! thanks for the tip!
they do knit up fairly small, I knitted the largest size Marie Cardigan (which is on my ravelry page) My 4 babies/toddlers were always big for there age and so I knit the largest knowing they would grow into it !