Or retro daddy’s rocky road! Last Christmas retro daddy started dropping hints that he had the best idea for rocky road………….I was stuck in my own way of doing it (maybe I wasn’t convinced on his idea) but this year I said why not! He even named the recipe himself.
So he bought everything…………you’ll notice the homebrand, he loves homebrand and does the groceries each week with a very keen eye on the prices.
You’ll notice that the bananas were opened before we actually made the recipe and that was me looking for something sweet last night………………OK, and this morning too. I’ll admit it. I don’t usually have lollies in the house so when I do they don’t last long.
Now this is one for the sweet tooth’s out there and will be lots of fun for Christmas, giving away as presents and kids parties. And if you stock up on chocolate then you’ll also be able to get 2 – 3 batches out of the lollies shown in the picture so go crazy
What’s your rocky road secret? Care to share…………
- 1 bag white chocolate melts
- 1 handful raspberry lollies
- 2 handfuls banana lollies
- 2 handfuls marshmallows
- 100's and 1000's to sprinkle over the top
- Melt the chocolate stirring as you go. I like to do mine in a microwave safe jug or bowl in the microwave for 2 minutes 30 seconds on medium high and stirring a few times.
- Tip in the lollies, stir well so they are all coated in white chocolate, spread into a silicone lamington tray or a tray lined with baking paper.
- Use a spatula to get all of the chocolate out of the bowl and spread or drizzle over the top of the rocky road.
- Sprinkle with 100's and 1000's and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes or until set.
- Slice with a big sharp knife and enjoy or wrap up to give away.
- During summer I keep this in the fridge and then take it out about 10-30 minutes before serving.
Hi Corrie,
My favourite rocky road is a mint flavoured one. A mix of dark and milk chocolate, mint m&m’s (that have white and green centres, crushed peppermint crisp bars, white marshmallow, mint pods. If no nut allergies can add nuts for extra crunch. The chocolate, green and white look great when rocky road is broken up of the lovely mint taste.
ohhhhh now that sounds good, must try it! thanks for sharing, yum
Me too!!!
Wow Corrie! That dear husband of yours never ceases to surprise us! What a clever cookie he is. I think I may have just found my new favourite rocky road! Thanks Retro Daddy and thanks Corrie for letting him in your new kitchen!!
he did good! he is very proud of himself for this one:)
I wonder what is meant with “lollies” here. They don’t look like the kind of lollypops on a stick for licking sold here (and not in bags unwrapped either), if it really were lollypops like the stuff sold here it must be a huge tooth inlay destroyer.
Could you explain that ingredient to your non- aussie readers please?
sweets, confectionary, soft jubes….that sort of thing. Not your traditional sweets:) these are softish and come in bags
This I have to try!!
it is good! the kids loved it too as a special treat on sunday, it didn’t last long:)
Now that looks yummy and I reckon would be good with some crunch? Rice bubbles or cornflakes? And the other day I was thinking about a salted rocky road and was wondering about adding pretzels rafter we tried Cadbury’s chocolate coated pretzels
wow yep pretzels would be good, love a bit of chocolate and salty something together
This looks great although I’m nota fan of banana lolies – grand kids would love it
My rocky road has glacé cherries coconut mini marshmallows jelly snakes (cut up) and sometimes macadamias
Yum, guess what I will be making while the kids are at school????
We love the clinker rocky road here for christmas – raspberries, mini marshmallows and clinkers (pink and green for the festive season) and melted chocolate! Easy and divine!!!
Looks yummy can you tell me where you got the gorgeous latte cups are they china ?
Coles for $3:)
isn’t that great!
Thank you for the recipe RetroMummy, white will make a nice change from my usual production. I am not a fan of rocky road, generally I will eat anything (especially if I don’t have to cook it!) but rocky road is just one of those things that doesn’t appeal. However, it is very popular with the family and it is an easy dessert/sweet plate to take for festive season functions.
Yum….I love bananas & ripe rasperries!!
Don’t you just love something that is so darn unhealthy with raspberries and bananas
in it. I just got the date for the church Christmas sale and am going to make your gorgeous candy cane bark…. I will put it in cheapo mugs and they can up the price cuz it will look like Corrie made it!
Super pretty&attractive – looks amazing! I made your peppermint smash on Saturday & my white choc buttons didn’t melt nicely they went solid-ish— boohoo do you think it could have been water drops in the microwave bowl that ruined the white?? Thanks RetroDaddy!!!!
is your microwave new or old? sometimes if you have the microwave too hot or don’t stir enough it can overcook it. I’d try doing it on the stove on a low heat or over some water next time! what a pain!!!!!! and I always use a dry jug too, try that and see how you go
Hi Corrie, just wondering about the cute little cups you have displayed the rocy road in?
$3 from coles, just picked them up last week
Our rocky road is back to basics: using only milk chocolate, tiny marshmallows, and Turkish delight bars all chopped up. Love the simplicity, so quick to make and such a hit for Christmas gifts. I’ve now got friends that request batches made so they can gift them!! Thanks for sharing Retrodaddy’s version. Will be on the list to try before the silly season is over!!
Wow, I am going to make this! thanks for sharing Retro Daddy
Oh, all my favourites in one! My usual is milk chocolate with raspberries, marshmallows and broken biscuit bits.
Wow, Retro Daddy must have a very sweet tooth! I like the idea of lolly bananas thrown in, am going to add them to my Christmas Rocky Road.
we use variations of this nigella recipe… the extras are usually changed but i stick to the chocolate/ golden syrup/ butter combo. a sprinkle of chilli works well for adults’ after dinner treats.
Hi Corrie, how long before a party could you make this? I have a party on Saturday and wanted to get some early prep work done but don’t want it to spoil! Thanks