What a day! Today we celebrated Keira’s confirmation and it was a celebration. So many proud parents and families and gorgeous children filled our church today…..and Keira was one of them. I got a bit choked up whenever it was time to sing, I’ve always looked forward to the time that the little ones would make their sacraments…we’ve done our fair share of baptisms and today was so special. And I couldn’t ask for a sweeter girl than Keira.
It’s a pretty special day when the Bishop comes to visit and I was trying to get finn to show some excitement with all the colours and garments that the Bishop had on. Slight drama when keira had a seat right near the front only to find out that row was reserved for readers so she got bumped to the back of the church at the last moment. There were tears but it was great to get a photo without the rest of the parents standing around so it all worked out but it’s hard to be 7 and all of that excitement. But it all turned out perfectly.
And it was so lovely to get a photo with the Bishop afterwards. He was just so lovely and friendly with everyone……………and he had a busy day with 3 confirmations at our church today.
We had a few photos with keira’s little friends, we tried to get a good photo of all of us………you know how it goes, no one wants to sit still and so and so…………………….
When we got home I went all out with the food…………..no I’m just kidding. The kitchen isn’t finished, the stovetop doesn’t work and it’s an effort getting the house immaculate and 5 children beautifully dressed and out the door. Keira turned out dining table into a very special table with her baptism candle, photo, statues and cards.
So we kept it simple and also had a quick trip to the patisserie this morning for a few little treats and a trip to the frozen aisle of the supermarket. Now the cake is a white chocolate and dark chocolate mousse cake with ganache and white chocolate curls from Ganache patisserie and a total winner. I had intentions and a few pinterest searches for confirmation cakes but next time, I’ll pace myself. Plenty more sacraments ahead of us and opportunities for holy cakes. But this one was totally gluten free and totally delicious. Half the cake is in the fridge and I’ll be counting down till dinner time and another slice.
and keira had a bit of holy jewellery to show off…..she adores her multi-coloured rosary beads (we bought them here because I know you’re going to ask where! I need some) and I’m going to teach all of the big kids how to say the rosary with me. Taking keira’s confirmation group and learning all about confirmation all over again has given me a deeper appreciation of the beauty of the catholic church and the traditions. I remember the little holy cards and medals that my aunty marie (who was a nun) would give us when we visited her in the convent. What an opportunity to bring up our children with something else that the modern world doesn’t offer.
And today was a great day to think about our own confirmation and faith and a day to be proud of our Church and what we are teaching our children. I won’t lie to you and say that taking our family to mass each week is an easy job. It isn’t but days like today make me stand there proudly knowing that I’m giving my children the opportunity to have a relationship with God that I was offered and raised with. It’s like having someone who is your friend for life and no matter what happens you always have your faith to comfort you and remain with you.
p.s in our parish and diocese we do confirmation in year 2 and next year reconciliation and first holy communion. It is apparently going back to early teachings of the Church whereby confirmation was confirming your baptismal promises before making the rest of your sacraments.
p.p.s I don’t know who this girl is. Surely this isn’t my tillie?
p.p.s a big thank you to our aunty kate who was keira’s sponsor and grandma jill who also travelled up from melbourne for the day.
What a wonderful day you all had -especially Keira and thank you for sharing it with us in the photos. Your children are very blessed to have parents and extended family such a strong faith yet you share it so gently with them that it is a natural part of their lives. Your photos brought back some memories for me -we are Baptists and both our daughters were baptised by immersion in their teens. Our younger daughter has Downs Syndrome and she was asked some simple questions about her faith to which she replied with a resounding ” I DO! before being baptised by her dad -our minister and then typically -said 0h the water’s cold I need a wee! which had the church fellowship in stiches! She has a great sense of timing.
So God bless and have a good day.
oh you have to laugh! I love that story, thank you for sharing. It is so special to have all these memories:)
You have a great day today! My congratulations. Keira is so beautiful and happy girl. Lucky family.
oh thank you:)
So refreshing to know that young families are following the faith. God’s blessings to you all.
oh thank you Lesley:)
Gorgeous photos, Corrie. Do you mind me asking what the fit of the Country Road dress is like? Is it generous in sizing? Is the bottom aline shape?
it’s aline on the skirt and just perfect. I’m small on the top and bigger on the bottom and it really was perfect. A bit gapey at the back where the zip was but was a lovely fit and true to size. So buy your usually CR size or if you don’t usually buy from there just go down one from your usual size at another shop. Hope that helps, little cardy also came from CR in white or black and just perfect and silky:)
What a beautiful, meaningful day. I love the dress Keira is wearing and she really is developing into a beautiful young lady. I pray that she always gains strength from her faith and that her relationship with God is deep and personal. xxx
oh thank you, that’s what I hope and pray for:)
PS. The picture of Keira in between the cake and the rosary beads has super star quality! Stunning!
hahaha thank you:) won’t tell her that!
Such a special day! Some beautiful memories to treasure, with the first ‘growing up’ sacrament. Keira was beaming, and looked gorgeous in her outfit, you must be so proud. Our daughter in year 3 in Qld did Reconciliation, Confirmation and Holy Communion this year. Seems that the pace of the sacraments differs from state to state. We did have the Bishop come and confirm all the children, there were 170 participants in our Parish, with ceremonies on a Friday and Saturday and then Holy Communion for the course of the next 4 weeks during the various Mass’s. The children were also asked to wear white for both Confirmation and Holy Communion, so I had 2 different dresses for each ceremony.
now that’s a few dresses:) we were told just to dress nicely and no denim for the service. It’s so different everywhere with the order nowadays and so confusing for everyone, I’ve lost count of how many people have said shouldn’t she be older for confirmation:)
Corrie, is Cecilia Kiera’s Confirmation name? I wish I could remember mine!
in my french catholic upbringing, we had First Holy Communion, then Confirmation, then at about 12 years of age “Renewal of Baptism Vows”… What a lot of white dresses my father had to buy me!
yes it is! patron saint of music. Mine was rose:)
Thankyou Corrie. What a gorgeous family you have. Tillie looks just like you xxx
oh thank you, she is a bit of a mini me like finn is a mini retro daddy:)
How absolutely beautiful Corrie. So glad Kiera had such a lovely day. Thanks for remembering Auntie Marie, who would have been watching over the proceedings, I’m sure. I loved the choice of Cecelia ♥ Did you know that your mum, grandma and I each chose Therese as a confirmation name? We only realised years later. Your family is growing up so fast. Thanks for sharing these photos and story ♥
thank you:)
What gorgeous photos of a gorgeous family! I love celebrating each of the sacraments. My own sons have finished theirs now – my youngest’s First Communion was last year. However I still get to enjoy them as part of the sacramental team. Confirmations are next Saturday at our church and I’m looking after Bishop David between our two sessions. He is lovely isn’t he. My confirmation name was Cecelia too.
oh Margaret I hope you have a lovely day. There were 180 confirmed yesterday and that just seems so many. Bishop David is so lovely and warm and friendly and you could really tell that from meeting him. I still remember how impressive it was when the Bishop came to do our confirmation back in the 80’s in our parish in canberra
What a beautiful ceremony. It differs from our parish in NZ too. My year 5 had his first reconciliation a few weeks ago (I am not Catholic and my husband was sick, so I had to go. Had never seen one before and found it rather scary..) Then in November he will have his confirmation on a Saturday and Holy Communion on the Sunday. I am a Methodist and have no idea about the Catholic Church, which is my husband’s religion. I have left the whole thing up to him and will turn up on the day. I am on the school board of our Catholic School (boards run the schools in NZ) so learn a lot!
oh yes I must admit when you grow up with it it’s just the way it is:) What a busy weekend that will be with 2 outfits or the same:)
Que belo dia para fazer suas confirmações!Hoje 12 de outubro aqui no Brasil é comemorado O DIA DAS CRIANÇAS e o DIA DA PADROEIRA DO BRASIL,NOSSA SENHORA APARECIDA.DEUS OS ABENÇOE!!!!
thank you:)
It looks like you had a beautiful day. Congratulations Kiera! (Is that the right thing to say? I don’t know, I’ve never really had anything to do with confirmation before).
thank you:) yes we were saying congratulations afterwards, it was such a special day for her
What a lovely special day for Keira and I love that photo of Tillie what a beautiful little girl she is.
oh thank you:) she’ s been putting on the charm lately
Congratulations Keira and what a proud mummy you must be. I don’t know anything about Catholic traditions so was a bit confused why Keira had a name tag that said Cecilia. The comments above have cleared that up for me.
Love that photo of you, Retro Daddy and Keira. She really looks like the spitting image of you there.
oh thank you! that’s nice to hear as everyone always tells me the kids the look like their daddy and just emerson and tillie take after me:)
It’s so nice to see my girls growing
What a wonderful day for your family & especially Keira. I still remember mine & how special I felt. Your kids are all so gorgeous & very photogenic & Tillie, wow! Happy weekend to you all.
thank you! I think they are photogenic because mummy always has the camera or iphone ready to take photos:)
Beautiful photos of a special day xx
thank you! it was so special
Beautiful photos Corrie and what a special day for you all. Your family is so beautiful!
oh thank you, it’s nice to have a special day where I can look at the photos and think the same:)
Congrats Corrie. My daughter doesn’t have hers until she gets to yr 3 and she is looking forward to it. I will probably shed tears as these events are always special and the Holy Spirit moves me at church. Wishing you many blessings. Tillie is gorgeous and looking very grown up.
My little year 2 man had his Confirmation (with Bishop David) a few weeks ago. Hats off to you for taking your 5 kids to church. I struggle with just 3!
Congratulations Keira! What a special, beautiful day to renew your faith and receive God’s grace
It always makes me so happy reading about the way you share your faith with your family, Corrie. They are so blessed to have a mum so dedicated and loving! Blessings to you and your big brood. xo
Congratulations 😀
Truly inspiring to see such a young happy family deep in their faith.
You have such beautiful children, I hope they make you very proud
Ps. This parish is very familiar, I sometimes work at the school next door