We have cupboard handles! Now you can go to Bunnings or the local hardware store and select cupboard handles or you can have your heart set on a particular type of cupboard handle and search and search and then end up at the store where you bought them for the last kitchen renovation. And that is what I did. They aren’t the cheapest of the handles out there but they are exactly what I wanted and something as small as the cupboard handle that you use can have a big difference in your kitchen (new or old!).
I probably saw these a few years ago in a home beautiful magazine………………and I knew I had to have them as they were totally hamptons/american style. I couldn’t find them last time and wasn’t sure that I wanted different handles for drawers and cupboards. But I am happy to say that I have them here and ready to go for installation this week. You can find them here and here at Mother of Pearl & Sons Trading who have a store in Sydney and also Melbourne. Another great place for handles and kitchen/renovation supplies which I like to use is Restoration Online.
I can’t wait to share more with you. There will be lots of action with the installation of cupboards and then the caesarstone gets measured and then it gets really quiet for a week just hanging out waiting for the caesarstone to arrive and then it gets really busy again with all the trades and people coming in to finish off their jobs.
Love the handles
Martha Stewart did one of her shows on changing handles and she chose the same pulls for the draws and small knobs for the doors too 
well there you go, I thought they were very martha stewart but didn’t know that:)
They are stunning. I remember how stressful it was when we built, I just wanted to get my Kitchen right!! Blues, Whites and more importantly beautiful white sparkly Caesarstone. Can’t wait to see the developments. Looking great.
thank you! yes there is a lot to get right but I know it will all turn out in the end
They’re gorgeous Corrie!!! I’m not surprised you wouldn’t compromise on these beauties!!!
haha thank you:)
Beautiful choice. They will look fabulous. Retro Daddy was wise to wait around on collection day!
Good quality is always worth spending the money. There is a such lot of cheap rubbish around nowadays. I believe if you pay for quality, then you buy once not twice. Same philosophy applies for shoes and bags. Haha!
Just make sure you get the exact positioning you want and the screws aren’t too long. Nothing worse than the screws bursting through the other side!
Looking forward to seeing it all come together for you.
oh I know the installer from last time and he did a fabulous job
They look really nice. For me the benefit would be if my little kids aren’t using them to climb up onto the benches and thus, warping my handles. They would be so easy to use too. Can’t wait to see the finished result!
I have been looking for these exact handles for my kitchen! Are these in the polished nickel?
yes, polished nickel and just perfect:)