This weekend is my little niece’s birthday! I had in my mind that I’d make her a quilt…….of course life gets in the way and time is getting away from me. But I’ve decided a nice comfy quilt made from precut 10 inch squares will be perfect and I’ll hand stitch a few words in some of them. Well that’s the plan. I could be sewing on binding at 2am the morning of the party but I’m itching to make a quilt and my computer is set up in my craft room so I’m always surrounded by pretty fabric and sitting next to my machine.
Anyway, I had this crazy idea that if I laid out the squares just before school pick up when I had a quick 30 minutes and nothing to do then I could just close the door and start sewing at night.
Well first Elodie snuck in…………….
closely followed by emerson…..oh did I tell you he is walking everywhere. He is. And he is loving it. Some of the others have been a bit lazy but this guy is off and in a few days has mastered walking from one of the end of the house to the other and turning. He’s got it all going on and is fast.
look at his face……….mmmmmmmmmmmm let me at it while elodie was a bit more like mmmm what can I make with this………………………
fabric went everywhere and it was fun.
elodie walked it off into another room and I realised it’s probably best to do your fabric work with the door closed or keep it off the floor…………. a cutting table in the middle of my sewing room might be next on the cards.
So I need to start over again but it made for a fabulous photo opp in the afternoon light.
So funny. They are gorgeous, can’t believe how big Emerson is getting. Great photos with light coming through the windows. Elaina xo
I know! he’s huge! he’s a real toddler now, I don’t think I can call him a baby anymore
v cute and I love the fabric as they do !
hahaha yes the kids do love fabric and wool in this house! hopefully I get a few crafters too
I love how children remind us to delight in the everyday things. Beautiful photos and beautiful children, Corrie!
they do don’t they!!!!! whenever I push emerson in his little car his face is just pure joy! it’s so lovely to see
thank you
Simply beautiful
thank you!
Just beautiful,Corrie.
thank you! let’s hope I get a beautiful quilt in the end!
It’s so lovely Corrie that you didn’t get frustrated & annoyed with these two….paticularly when they just saw a great fun play opportunity! LOL
hahaha with 5 kids I’m used to it! someone always wants to be a part of the action in this house
That fabric truly is scrumptious…and the kids are too! Looking forward to seeing the quilt!
yes! I better make progress on it!
I love them, they’re so cute! Each so very happy to be in your precious room with your fabric :-). Plus such delicious fabric! Aaahhhh Bomnie and Camille, you’ve done it again!
isn’t it gorgeous fabric:)
they are pretty cute helpers:)
Just gorgeous quilting is one craft I would love to do but not brave enough to try lol
oh! you need youtube and craftsy! so great with the internet, you would love it! I do! just need more time
I love that you rolled with the material disturbance Corrie and had fun! I am quickly learning that if I want to get anything done I need to work in the twilight hours with Mister 15 months.
P.S I got hubbie an Olympus OM-D for Fathers’ Day on your recommendation and we LOVE it!!
oh isn’t it the best! looks good, takes great pics! what a lucky hubby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you spoiled him:)
so so cute – love this little story!
Oh love that fabric!! Such a good idea to be pre-cut!! Where did you get it from? Good luck with the quilt making
Those two are just adorable! At least they can recognise lovely fabric, even it it is only to play with it
WIth all the fabric in the pictures I just feel like moving into your craft room and staying there!
I love these pics! What a funny afternoon for them!
Hello from your newest follower from !!! Those photos are fantastic! You just couldn’t be cross at those little faces, could you…. ( and you cant blame them really… who wouldn’t love to sit in the middle of a pile of yummy fabric and throw it over yourself!!)
Ha! You took that very well! I love the look on Emerson’s face! My second son Felix is just a month younger than Emerson, they’re so delicious at this age… I’m almost feeling clucky again
Good luck getting the quilt done!
They are both so adorable little happy babies and I can tell they just love in Mum’s Sewing room full of all things different than the toy box.!! Looking foreward to seeing the quilt .
Where do you get the jelly rolls from? I want to make my first quilt and they look perfect!