Following on from yesterday’s recipe I thought I’d share something else that I baked straight after the slice. I’m experimenting and having some fun but also very new to the whole gluten free way of cooking. For a bit of background, I’ve been doing a lot of reading for the benefit of Elodie (oh have I been reading) and one of the things that has come up a few times is diet. And one of the things that is recommended is trying a gluten and dairy free diet. It’s just something we can do to see if it helps with concentration, moods and overall well being. I don’t know about elodie but day 3 and I’m feeling great….except I’m still having milk in my coffee each day.
So I’ve eased myself into it and waiting for two books to arrive from Amazon and help me get on board a bit more. I will say though that the kids are absolutely loving having eggs or sausages for breakfast. And I quite enjoy taking the time to cook them a hot breakfast………..but don’t ask me to do it every day or on those days when I might sleep in a little. They don’t miss vegemite toast but I will have to try to get my head around baking a gluten free loaf soon.
Anyway, I had 3 very brown bananas staring at me from the kitchen counter and I did want to try banana bread so I just chucked this lot in the thermomix, whisked an egg white on the side and was really happy with how this turned out. I think it could be a bit sweeter (but I have a major sweet tooth) so I’ll work on that but for a first time gluten free banana bread I’m pretty happy with this. And the kids demolished the lot. I quickly cut one piece for elodie to take to playgroup and the rest was gone.
- 3 very ripe bananas, peeled
- ¼ cup maple syrup
- 2 Tbsp vegetable oil
- 1 egg
- 1 egg white
- 250g gluten free self raising flour
- 2Tbsp Crio Bru/cacao grounds (totally optional, I have a huge bag of it here)
- If you have a thermomix then place the bananas (whole), maple syrup and oil in the bowl and process for 20 seconds on speed 5.
- Add in egg and process 10 seconds on speed 5.
- Add in flour and cacao and mix for 15 seconds speed 5 and scrape down bowl. Tip mixture into a new bowl.
- **Whisk egg white on its own until peaks form and fold into the cake mixture in 2 additions.
- Pour into a lined loaf tin and bake in a 170C/340F oven for about 35-40 minutes until the top is golden and the loaf is cooked right through. I found this cooked faster than my regular banana bread recipe.
- If you don't have a thermomix just mash up the bananas, add maple syrup, oil, egg and combine. Add in sifted flour and cacao and mix until all combined. Follow from **
This sounds delicious Corrie – More and more people are choosing to go Gluten free. I’m hoping that the price of gluten free products will come down as more people make the switch. Elaina xo
yes it’s not cheap at the supermarket is it!
Hi Corrie,
for gluten free products. They have a GF bread mix that is really good …compared to a lot of others this one feels like you’re making a decent loaf of bread! Anne
Nice Corrie. You can also do a great lemon loaf with a glaze. I find that breads that are meant to be dense works better than expecting a light fluffy cake. So banana bread works well. Do a bit of reading on the many flour choices and that will help you decide whether to go all purpose or a specific one like rice.
ohhh now that sounds good!
I was actually reading gluten free girl website last night and she uses a mixture of flours which sounded interesting so might try that
Sounds simple and delicious. I am coeliac but my hubby and three kids aren’t. My bread has 14 different ingredients (even in TM) but this looks so easy.
wow 14 ingredients! that’s a lot!!!! this was very easy!
Always keen to try a new GF recipe…might whip it up today. Thanks for the inspiration.
pleasure! just taste and add more maple syrup if you like! the kids didn’t mind but I love the sweet stuff:)
Hi Corrie…another lovely recipe….what is Crio Bru? what does it taste like? where do you buy it?
hi there
I bought it at the last tenina thermomix cooking class I went to. It’s like coffee grounds but they are pure cacao so none of the caffeine and supposed to be very good for you. you are supposed to brew it and drink it life coffee but I’m a big coffee drinker and it’s not really my thing. You can find out more here but it’s great for baking and the chocolate covered ones are to die for and are on my next shopping list from the store If you’re after recipes using it just go to
hope that helps you
My daughter and I have been on a Gluten Free diet for a number of years for medical reasons and we have learned a lot along the way, especially for baking as this is what we had missed since being gluten free. I have tried many variations of flour and we have finally found one that we love and which works. Yay! The following link is for a crazy cake (which is gluten and diary free). I make this into cupcakes and they are wonderful. You need to follow the recipes exactly though.
All th e best for your change of diet. It is certainly worth it to feel well and of course keeping out all the nasties that come with processed food. Well done for making the change to help your daughter.
oh wow I am loving the look of that cake and will have to try this weekend! yummo
thanks for that, so much to learn but interesting at the same time! already feel great after almost a week gluten free so that is something:)
Im same as Carolyn above, amber and I are both coeliac, I often hit the Natural Foodstore here on the coast buy flours and ingredients in bulk and then it makes it easier . It can be very daunting at first but worth it pricewise and taste / nutritionally compared to shop bought gluten free. The coeliac society in each state publish a wonderful mag and it has recipes tried and true its worth being a member just to get the mailouts and they are great to ring for advice on gluten free foods which you may be unsure of. Im loving your recipes keep up the good work Corrie .
oh thank you! there is so much to learn but was thinking if I just cleared out the pantry, got what I needed then I could really get stuck into it plus I love baking so now I have more reason to bake for the kids:)
I am going to try this one Corrie.
I’ve recently had to go gluten free and I love it. Feel so much better. Gluten is such a poison. My next step is to get the girls to go. They have mostly all I eat anyway so are nearly there, except for bread. Savannah doesn’t eat much else and I’m finding it a struggle with her.
You’ll be blown away by the new food world you’ll discover in going gluten free. So delicious and makes you feel good. Last night we made a gluten free pizza using packet dough from Woolies macro. (post coming up next week. ) It was awesome.
Just going to through a post out for you I wrote about my allergy path and some alternative healing I did for it. It’s a little out there, but I’ve had incredible results. Could be something to think about. Let me know if you have any questions about it
ohhh will have to read and will have to try that pizza dough! my kids love pizza! I feel great and my itchy scalp which always happens when I eat too much bread or too many cookies and cake is all better within a week so that’s great for me:)
I am aso going down a similar path at the moment analysing everything the family eats, i have made some changes and noticed huge improvements! I am more looking at sugar, preservatives, addatives etc, and our kids diet is now very organic dairy based. They start the day with an organic egg and eat a lot of yoghurt and custards, rice puddings etc, but are sleeping sooo much better which was our aim without all the sugar and all the other nasties.
It is scary what is in purchased food so everything is cooked from scratch – but i only have 2 kids.
Good luck with the gluten free sausages they can be tricky to find even the ones from my local organic guy contain buckwheat. Maybe try baked beans for beakfast too?
I don’t know where you are but all the local supermarkets have several varieties of gluten free sausages. My granddaughter is medically diagnosed as coeliac and her sister is intolerant, so I need food for her. Buckwheat is not a wheat. It’s a grass. Be careful with purchased ice deserts. Ice cream is usually out but gelato is OK. Not all however,so check label.
My son gets a bulk order of special bread and other products at a place near Rydalmere in Sydney and freezes it. I could find the name. A woman in Marrickville has cake shop of delicious goodies, all GF. She also has a well reviewed recipe book.
Granddaughter is now thriving. Sh’e just eleven and was diagnosed about three years ago after some time of ill health, not thriving, trips to hospital with suspected kidney infections etc.
Her mum says that the IGA super food store in Fivedock has the biggest and best selection of various goods she has seen.
ohhhh lots of handy hints Jan and places to shop! must find out about the place in marrickville! will google it! thanks!
ohhh baked beans! that would be easy, thank you! must try that. I found gluten free sausages at the supermarket so that was a bit easier and the kids think it’s christmas getting sausages for breakie on a weekday – especially finn! boys!!!!
Going to try this one , we are just changing over to all gluten free and minimal sugar too. My hubby just found out he has a gluten intolerance and I’m fairing better for doing it too. More energy, better moods etc, and the kids have just jumped on (not knowing lol) but the tantrums are fewer and they are not asking for food all the time as they are fuller for longer. I found this website / blog which is great for getting lots of cost effective ideas and great baking recipes. There are a couple of recipes for making your own GF flour too. Gluten free girl is also another good one. We’re using things like buckwheat flour (no wheat it’s made from beans ), rice flour, almond meal/flour, coconut flour and I’ve ordered some rapadura sugar to try as it’s meant to be better than white sugar but you can use it the same as you would white sugar. Peppercorn Food Co. do GF snags which are yummo and can be bought at Woolies. The beef chipolatas are great for the kids : ) We still eat a bit of rice which is a good filler since pasta is out. Sausage and lentil casserole is a big hit now. Doing the research I have found heaps of options, more than I thought there would be. Loving the updates though , hope it helps with elodie too x
oh thank you! yep was reading gluten free girl last night, and must look at making my own flour! I think I need to read up then do a big health food shop and stock up the pantry:)
Quirky cooking is also a good one, she’s on FB and also has a blog. Lots of Thermomix recipes too : )
quirky cooking was one of the first thermomix blogs I read:) love her recipes
I always add an extra banana – a really mushy sweet one just stirred in at the end. Makes the loaf slightly sweeter and moister.
Also I’ve discovered the gluten free bread at Aldi – Wildbread. The crusty white loaf is my favourite and the kids love it. You have to toast it longer than regular bread but it is absolutely delicious!
I’ve been soooo much better since giving up gluten. No more bloating (or as I call them “gluten-babies”) and more energy.
ohhh that’s a good tip! an extra banana and will check out aldi bread too. Paid about $6 for a gluten free loaf at the supermarket today with chia in it and was so teeny tiny!!!!
my local butcher makes gluten free sausages , some with pumpkin and pinenut, and other flavours as well as the bbq and beef, I do buy the chipolatas from woollies but if you can find your own butcher who will make them they are waaay better. Also try looking at the Gluten Free Scallywag’s blog x x
oohhhhh how good does that sound with pumpkin and pinenut! delicious!
In the ‘health’ section of supermarket purchase Laucke Easy bakers, this is a gluten free bread mix, either white or grain. You just add warm water, mix, pour in pan, leave for 30 minutes to rise and bake for 30 minutes. It’s much cheaper than the bought GF bread and tastes and feels like “real” bread. well worth trying. (I mix mine in TM). Macro foods GF choc Brownie is FANTASTIC, although not dairy fee. Personally Woolies has a great range of products for allergies and intolerances. Good luck, we tried diet change for our son to help with concentration etc too, worth the effort.
ohhhh they all sound great! I do think it will be worth the effort and it’s really just making the changes and once they are done it gets easier – I’m still in the ‘what to eat’ now stage:)
Yep you right there,diet is very important,for my son I looked into aspects of diet and found that tummy problems like constipation etc related to the lack of malfunctioning good microganisms was associated to conditons as autism
yep, it just kept coming back to diet and I thought I have to do this! at least we all benefit by eating better so that is a good thing for everyone in our family! thanks Cath
FG Roberts Cottage Loaf bread mix is the best I’ve ever found. I’ve been gluten free since I was two (it makes me really ill) so it’s a way of life in this household. I blog lots of gluten-free recipes (mostly cakes) over at
Good luck with the switch! I imagine it will be a lot of work in the beginning but will be well worth it if you see some improvement for Elodie.
Hi Corrie – thanks so much for posting GF recipes! I am the only GF person in my household (not coeliac) and it can be a bit limiting when you love to bake. I see a GP trained by Bio Balance and take a primer formulation to help with the nutritional issues and it has a huge impact on my symptoms. but I still need to take care with diet and try to eat lacto-fermented veggies like sauerkraut. Has anyone put you on to MINDD yet? They have a great website and run training events and conferences that might be helpful to you with handling the changes. Good luck! (PS I have a few GF and some times dairy free food reviews and recipes on my blog if you want to come over and check it out
Love Banana bread, you may consider a coconut flour version also, takes a slight adjustment in flavour but the fibre content is unbelievable! Coconut oil used instead of vege oil (amazing gut and skin benefits). I make it here and goes so fast I need to get super organised and do double batch. No added sugar, only the banana content. Happy to send you a recipe link if you wish. Keep up your inspiring baking, making, caring and loving xxx
Hi Corrie,
Good luck withthe gluten free thing. It can be challenging at times, but so worth it – no doubt you will notice changes in the rest of the family too. Have you found the Arnotts Rice Cookies? They are gluten free and totally delicious. I know it’s not as good as home-made, but it great to have them in the cupboard when you are looking for something easy or for lunchboxes. The only trouble is not every supermarket seems to stock them, but I did find them in the new Woolies in Balgowlah on Monday.
lg xxx
We’re primal (paleo +dairy) in our household with 4 kids, age 9 down to 2, and the kids have had only 1 sort of sick day this winter, adults zero. The school kids make their own scrambled eggs in the morning and love it. Seems hard at the start but it gets easier…
oops ok sorry its been a crazy week and i have obviously missed this post – sorry for my q’s on fb you would be thinking gee just read my blog lol!
One of things that most people with coeliac disease or gluten-sensitivity miss is bread. Maybe when I retire I’ll be able to spend time trying to find a recipe that works. I don’t know about you, but I’ve eaten an awful lot of commercially available gluten-free bread that just tastes horrible. A lot of them contain eggs, so I can’t eat them anyway. One brand I do like is Schar, and another egg-free brand I don’t mind is Zehnder. I’ve also tried most of the mixes that don’t need eggs and I can’t say I really like any of them, with one exception. Last year a friend told me about the F G Roberts Cottage Bread Mix and yum, finally there is a gluten-free bread that tastes ‘normal’. It is dairy-free and egg-free but it does contain soy flour. I’m sorry for the non-Australian readers who have no access to it, but here’s some more infomation for fellow Aussies as to where to purchase it. I decided to have a go at making some cinnamon scrolls with this mix and have to say that they are way too yummy for my waistline!