Saturday mornings here usually involve staying in my pyjamas a little longer than usual, housework, groceries and family time while Keira takes her art class. But this morning I was up early and headingĀ out to a Tim Coulson photography workshop for the day. Just what I needed to work on my photography and also a little time to myself out of the house. I think everyone needs a bit of time to do something for themselves. And after the week I had it was just what I needed.
The morning was spent inside introducing ourselves and learning. Lots to learn. I may have got a bit teary when he did a slide show of a recent session with some music and a bit of background story.
little roo worked the camera…he reminds me of my emerson so much and made me miss being at home! I know, I leave the house for a day and just miss everyone so much. Crazy.
Before I had even checked the time delicious smells were coming from the kitchen. Thanks to Kesh and Tim for their hard work in the kitchen and all that beautiful food. It was delicious. You can’t beat pumpkin soup, crusty bread and a delicious homemade quiche and salad for lunch. It was just perfect!
Then it was time to head outdoors with our cameras and put what we learnt into action. I still have my L plates on when it comes to taking photos in manual but just get out there and put what I do know into practice and try to improve as I go.
I’m also learning how to use a new camera now that I’m using the Olympus OMD EM-5 (with so much thanks to Olympus for lending it to me for the next year). It’s a great camera to use and I took all of these photos with the 45mm lens and my new skills. And as luck would have it, Kristie one of the lovely ladies at Olympus was at the workshop today and on hand to answer a few questions from me. Thanks Kristie.
the sun was out and the weather was just gorgeous! This is one of my favourite places in Sydney and I was just imagining my crazy kids running around having lots of fun in all that space.
oh you didn’t think I’d let you leave without a shoe shot did you?
and one with my lovely buddy Sarah.
And that was today. If you get the chance to attend a workshop by Tim just do it. I can’t rave about it enough. We were a mixed bunch today of gorgeous people who all came with something we wanted to take away from the day. Tim has something to teach everyone in a very relaxed and personable way. I’m on my way to taking better photos and just love capturing everything at home.
It feels like learning from a friend and you walk away inspired, armed with some new tricks and skills and a new understanding of how your camera actually works. That was my 2nd class with Tim and I focused on shutter speed and aperture this time around.
Thanks to Tim for another great workshop, Kesh for all the behind the scenes work that went on, Roo for just being his cute little self and all the lovely people I met today.
Lovely! My favourite is the shoe shoot, no fetish! I shoot feet too. Can’t help myself since a foot photo I took of my cousin, her daughter & I on a beach several years ago when we marvelled at the similarities. Foot genetics! Haha.
A lovely day after your hectic week. Noice!
oh yes I do love a good shoe shot:)
Corrie, I am green with envy. For quite a time now I have been reading about The Nursery and have never managed to get to one. They have always been booked out.
Some months ago, I checked the page and there was one, in Sydney, when I was free. Now I have a significant birthday coming up in a couple of weeks so I bought myself a birthday present. Signed up then and there.
However, I now don’t drive because of eye problems so I was devastated to find it was at the back of Kenthurst. I know the area well as family and friends live there but there was no way I could get to it.
So I gave it to my middle son who has had things tough after a retrenchment. I had to lend him my Nikon as his DSLR wasn’t working. He could have written your blog post. I raved about it to him and he was interested but absolutely over the moon about it after the day. He had a wonderful time and couldn’t believe how much he had learnt. His wasn’t yesterday but the day before, on Friday.
oh Jan what a shame!!!!!!!!! I’m so sorry to hear that but glad your son had gone but still so sad! hope you might get there again
I sat next to him on Friday and we helped each out with our Nikons. We had a wonderful time and he was great company Jan! There are also some lovely photos of him from the day.
oh that is so great!!! I love that!
He’s my middle son. Gets on well with people. He’ll have to download from my computer to a USB stick as his computer is old and slow. He’s used my Nikon before but isn’t really familiar with it.
Small world, isn’t it!
Where did you get those shoes???!
would you believe target! I receive so many comments on them and I think from memory they were about $40 a month or so ago! love them! really comfy and love red:)
Argh! Sold out in my size! And only $20!
oh I’m sorry! you can check if any stores have them as sometimes online is sold out but the might be able to track them down!
Haha it’s not your fault!
I don’t expect you to take the shoes off your feet and give them to me (though on second thoughts, what size are they?.. š
I just love red shoes would have lots and lots if I had the space. There’s some sort of whimsy in putting red shoes on, I feel. And a little bit of rebellion too.
yes red shoes are fun and a bit racy!
Thanks so much for letting us know about your shoe find. I am so impressed they’re from Target (good on you!).
Being on a tight budget these days, I find it hard to justify purchases for myself (meanwhile my bambino seems to have the best shoes in the house!).
In case anyone else is interested, they’re now on sale online for $20:
That’s my Mum in the first photo!
I was blessed to attend Tim’s very first The Nursery and from what Mum told me of yesterday it just gets better and better.
I am crazy with gratitude to have had Tim photograph my little family twice now… The guy is walking talking inspiration!
So glad you had a great day… For someone with your photographic L plates on, you are brilliant! Beautiful photos.
Thanks for sharing!
oh your mum is gorgeous!!!!!!!!! I got a bit emotional when she was talking about wanting to photograph her grand children! it was so nice having her there and how amazing are tim’s workshops! just so inspiring and you learn so much!
sounds like a great day. Lovely pics.
Love your top and necklace. Where did you get them from?
oh thank you! top is sussan from last year (after I had emerson I did a bit of online shopping) and the necklace won’t break the bank…..Diva for less than $10:) It’s so fun to wear together!
I’m so excited because I’m doing Tim’s workshop this Saturday in Melbourne. I noticed when you went Sarah from the Beach Cottage was on your course. I never considered that when I go that I would know someone but seeing Sarah here you just never know from blogs I read. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia
oh you will love it!!!!!!!!!!!! have a fabulous time! and yes you never know who you’ll meet!
Loved Tim’s workshop too – learnt so much & Kesh’s food was yummy. I have already started putting it into practise. Will be able to do heaps more when I buy the new Canon lense. Such a talented photographer.
Love the photo’s you captured on the day. Great to meet you and you’re right it was a great group of people.
Lou xo
oh I loved meeting you Lou!!!!!!!!!!! hope we get to catch up again!