Well the green carpet has left the building! I repeat, the green carpet has left the building. And as I was moving things out and cleaning rooms out before the carpet guys came I kept singing a few little lines in my head. Now please excuse the fluff and carpet bits. I have emerson and elodie with me 24/7 and emerson goes nuts when the vacuum is turned on. So I’m still waiting for someone to watch him downstairs so I run the vac over the carpet upstairs. But I have to share……………………………………………
To the song of ‘ I believe I can fly…..’. I was singing ‘say goodbye to the green, say goodbyeeeee for juuuust one last time’………………that’s as far as I got with my lyrics but you can tell that it was a happy day when the carpet was ripped out. There is something about green swirl carpet from the 70’s that just doesn’t sit right with my style and how I want this house to look. This is Keira’s bedroom.
Above we have the before shot and below is with new carpet. Fresh walls to hang her artworks and go with the new carpet and her pretty bed. And let’s remember that originally her room had green and gold leaf wallpaper with green curtains and a green pelmet too. It was the green room.
Now the rooms are still pretty empty, the floors still need to be vacuumed and I’m waiting for an hour or so to myself to go and vac, pick leftover nails and pins off the floors and get things back in rooms.
and it will take us a few years before we have this house just right but that’s ok. Paint and carpet were always going to be the priority and now they are done. Well almost, we have a few French doors to replace and paint white and the stairs need to be carpeted in a week or so once they overlock carpet edges.
The carpet is called Augusta Lane by Beaulieu Carpets and the colour is Mink. It’s a solution dyed nylon which we knew would be best for our big family with lots of little kids. Who make mess. So far so good. Having new carpet and underlay means it is like walking on a mattress compared to 40 year old carpet. We are loving it
So we have a fun weekend of getting things back in bedrooms but it’s just great to have nice carpet. Can you beat me with older carpet at your house or beat my green carpet???
What a difference, it looks great. I have to carry my little guy when I vacuum.
The walls and the floors look amazing! A lovely home
Julia xox
The new carpet has added elegance to your home. I love your choice of colour (says me with the same carpet). I know you are going to love it, it’s very low maintenance. I’m not much of a decorator so I can’t wait to see what you get up to next.
Corrie, I can understand why you were singing! The carpet looks amazing. I’ve been waiting for the before and after pics to be posted because I love your style. Blogging’s funny that way, isn’t it? I feel like I ‘visit’ your house regularly and get to share in the excitement of things like new carpet
That looks so amazingly good. You must be so happy
Looking so good Corrie. You must be one happy lady. x
I think you should purchase one of those robomaid things!!!
Looks great! Nothing like new carpet, and such a relief when it looks as good as you had hoped. We are renovating and finally put down the carpet in one section of the house and makes a HUGE difference. The wall colour, which I loved but looked terrible against the existing floor colour, finally looks how it should.
Love it Corrie – I hope mine looks as good 😀
We are back in the house, but the non-carpeted rooms are just paint-splattered old boards at the moment .. only a few weeks until carpet though I think! x
I’m even loving your chandeliers…..looking gorgeous!
Thank you for inviting me into your home! I was very respectful and kicked off my shoes before I went in. Love the colour and it felt so soft and clean not like that yucky green one that must have had years of someone else’s goodness knows what in it.
Lovely cosy days ahead for the family this winter. I look forward to seeing the window treatments when the time comes.
When my son was little he used to actually ride on the vacuum while I got the job done, my daughter used to dance to it in typical baby rocking fashion!
This is looking really great, and I love the chandelier, was this in the house when you purchased it?
I can so picture a cushion covered bench in your bay window
The new carpet and new wall colour look great together! I love the windows in your house, it will always be so light and airy.
Corrie – amazing! It’s really becoming a beautiful family home. Only a wee bit jealous… 😉
It is looking fantastic Corrie, I just love the all white French windows and doors and the carpet looks….well what can I say, it looks terrific, a job well done. And I absolutely love the chandelier hanging near the stairs !!!
You beat me on carpets – when we moved into our house the carpet was pretty old but at least it was beige and not stained. It was ok. But I beat you hands down on kitchen. The wall cupboards were so shallow I could not get plates in them. One cupboard had no bottom so stuff went on the floor and it was all about 50 years old. All the cupboards/worktops were less deep then. Also, no proper work top – just two planks of varnished wood with a gap down the middle for ‘stuff’ to go down – eeeewww! rank. I lasted about 6 months before we got new ikea work top and 2 yrs 7 months before we had the back of the house knocked down and rebuilt! You had engineered stone last time but I would recommend corian every time – it is fab.
Marianne, our former home had bench tops at 45cm deep and a third of our kitchen ware was stored in the garage, so I know your pain. Bench tops now are average 60cm deep. It shows how much space people have now compared to then.
Very nice, actually a very similar colour to our solution dyed carpet we put in last year at our coast house. Hoping to one day replace the wheat coloured sisal look wool carpet in our country house.
Corrie, your color choices has brought this house to 2013! It’s looking great and with your homely touches it will look Fab.
Just beautiful and what a difference! (You have a lot of windows to have to clean and furnish!) used to have to carry the girls vacuuming. My boy would follow it everywhere with trucks, loved the noise and now gets the hand vac out after dinner / he is 2!
Corrie, it looks fantastic & as one of your previous commentators said, it has added a real elegance to your rooms. No wonder you were singing & dancing.
Transformed completely. It looks fantastic. I am looking forward to seeing the progress from here now the ugly bits are gone!
Wow! What a difference! I bet you just stare at it whenever you go upstairs and forget why you went up in the first place! On a side note. . . Sebbie was absolutely petrified of the hoover whereas Tilly May laughs and follows it round the house!!! Talk about chalk and cheese!
Hi Corrie,
Your new carpet looks great. When we moved into our home we had early 70’s red/burgundy carpet throughout the house. I have posted a photo over on my blog if you would like to have a look http://withvintageandme.blogspot.com.au/2013/06/our-lovely-stair-carpet.html.
Enjoy your new carpet!
Wowie! after I have been looking that that green carpet for so long, i was like my heart sighed in relief when i saw the grey… looks fantastic! I can only image how much better the carpet makes you feel!
That sounds funny… carpet making us feel good?
Gorgeous carpet Corrie, what a huge improvement
As Kath and Kim would say. You just be ‘loving yourself sick Corrie.’
totally!!!!!!!!!!!!! I laughed out loud at your comment Alison:)
Looks Wonderful Corrie and I Do Love Your Lights
oh thank you, they aren’t fancy just 70’s plastic chandelliers but they look a bit more fancy with the carpet and nice paint now I think:)
In the 70’s my parents had red shag pile carpet right through the house. I still remember trying to pick red fluff out of my favourite baby dolls hair…….memories
red shag pile! Now that is something!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this carpet and am thinking it will suit our living rooms perfectly.
I recently painted our en suite bathroom in Vanilla Quake and now my beloved thinks I should paint the living rooms the same colour. I only painted them 3 years ago (Crewel Work half strenght). The Vanilla Quake is so elegant though.
oh it is a lovely colour! I love it in this house:)
“Can you beat me with older carpet at your house or beat my green carpet???”
Corrie, you are so funny! Enjoy your new carpet:)
haha so glad it’s out now:)
Wow, looks so much fresher! I love your quilts, especially the one in the first “after” photo. I think I could give you a run for your money on fugly carpet. Ours is disgustingly old and brown thick SHAG 70’s carpet in all of the bedrooms.
oh no! shag pile! I had orange shagpile as a teenager and hated it! and with kids, stuff gets stuck right at the base of the carpet!!!!!!
Your house looks amazing…so beautiful and inspiring! I love it! We are looking to buy an old house with similar carpets and walls that your house had and you have really helped me to see how our future house could look like (I seem to like many of the things you like Corrie). Thank you for sharing and enjoy your new carpet!
oh good happy to help you:) you definitely need vision and look past the décor. I think buying this house right after we had renovated meant I was so positive about it all BUT trust me it can’t seem a big job but you get there eventually:) good luck
I LOVE your new carpet! Well chosen and hasn’t your house transformed beautifully! Love your work!! Happy vacuuming when you get the chance…it will actually be a pleasure to do it!
A lovely home!! I follow you on web, I’m from Italy and I love the way you love your sons and your home!! (sorry for my english…!!!!!)
The carpet looks amazing!!! I would never have thought to try a dark colour but this looks wonderful. We have floorboards all throughout our house and I have been missing the soft warmth of carpet lately…. maybe something like this in our next house
Your home is looking amazing. I love the carpet! Can I just ask what colour your walls are? We are preparing to repaint our home and I wanted a similar look to what you have done.
oh yes the walls in the living areas, hallways etc is Dulux Vanilla Quake half strength
in the bedrooms its Dulux Antique White USA
we’ve kept it all pretty neutral but the vanilla quake is very lovely! had it recommended by the dulux colour consultant in our last house and it’s lovely in contrast with the vivid white on trims:)
Our house was built in 1961 and I think we have the original carpet in 2 bedrooms and hallway, gold and cream. Third bedroom has burgundy pieces that look like corduroy laid over pink floral lino… one day it will be replaced.
mmmm you have some interesting combinations there:) Nice! I cant’ pick a favourite
That’s okay, we got rid of the 60’s narrow kitchen cupboards and bench tops and the pink green and gray bathroom. Oh and the floral carpet in the lounge that covered the polished floorboards.
Growing up in the house my parents built from scratch we had hand me down carpet from friends and family for years. I distinctly remember a large purple piece and another that was bright aqua green. Then when they were able to afford it they got real carpet (pale green – it was the 90’s) and a week after it went in I accidently flooded the bath and the whole hallway section had to be replaced….whoops!
I hope you kept just a small piece of the carpet as a reminder? Friends of mine had hideous green carpet, a similar shade to yours without the swirls, and they kept about a 20 x 10 piece which they’ve put in an Ikea frame & have hung it on the wall of the room the hideous carpet came out of. Very funny!
Love it all Corrie, such a vast improvement, the before and afters are amazing! The grey and white looks so fresh and beautiful, you have a great style. So lovely to see it all coming together for you, it is a stunning home. And yes, I STILL have the most revolting green carpet… from probably the 70’s or EARLIER… on my stairs and upstairs. It will take some years to have that replaced I am thinking :/
Enjoy your gorgeous new flooring! xoxo
Your home is looking wonderful with the new improvements .Love the new carpet and colour. It is looking amazing also with the new paintwork. You must be really happy with the result.