My biggest baby is now 7! And I forgot just how exciting birthdays are when you are a little person! Here she is partying like a rockstar in the people mover…………..after church! Keira did try to get out of church this morning because it was her birthday but she loved seeing her friends there and had a great morning.
The celebrations had really started the day before with her big art party! We had 26 guests for some face painting, dancing and art fun. They learnt some new techniques and did some amazing funky portraits. They drew them in pencil, then black texta, then coloured in with oil pastels and then did a water wash over the top and left them to dry.
We chose the art party because Keira loves doing art every Saturday morning and because it’s a little different for a birthday party. The kids had an absolute ball, everyone was so interested and deep in concentration and the art teachers and helpers were so enthusiastic and helpful. It was just perfect. Oh and they set up all the food and served it for me and cleaned up afterwards. A lovely change from the home party. And we love the home party but it’s nice to take a break every now and then.
Now of course I’d been up since 7 starting the cake from scratch because I’d fallen asleep on the couch the night before. For a bit of background I’ve just had my teeth whitened because they didn’t match my implant anymore (my top front tooth is a fakie). Now what I didn’t realise is that meant no coffee or diet coke for at least 5 days. Probably not the best timing and I’ve been falling asleep every night much earlier than I usually would. And yes the headaches! So if you want to get your teeth whitened and you love coffee and coke then schedule it when you’re on holiday or having some downtime!
OK so I get nervous making birthday cakes but it turned out fine! Just fine. It was all iced and done by lunch time and I can give the party cake book the big thumbs up. But the recipe called for candied almonds to be on the cake and surely in an age of nut free parties and school this should be something else. Thanks for the reader tip of jelly beans. I just put them on when we got closer to cake time in case the colour ran.
Of course when we got to cake time I was juggling elodie who wouldn’t go to anyone else and my camera so I gave the camera to retro daddy who never takes photos and told him not to miss a thing. I said just press this button. He looks at me and I haven’t even turned on the camera. With the camera turned on he took some great shots, flash was on but we don’t care. He captured the moment and Keira can look back on it when she’s older.
night time was for present opening and a well deserved rest for everyone
I’ll be back with more birthday fun soon……..
Happy Birthday Keira!!! Looks like a fun party! Love the cake Corrie. Glad it’s all over… how exhausting are kids parties!!
thank you! so exhausting, if it’s a home party I need a week to recover:)
Retrodaddy did a great job capturing those beautiful blue eyes and the joy in Keira’s face. Lovely photos and great memories for you guys. The art party means less clearing up but it just hurts the wallet more 😉 I think the kids all had an amazing day, and the cake was fab! I don’t know how you kept your nerve doing it on the morning of the party! Well done!
oh trust me! I woke up stressed and put plain flour instead of SR and couldn’t find my baking powder and we had a few dramas!
Oh Happy Birthday Keira! My baby is turning 5 next month and I have an Art Party scheduled in too! Lots of fun! Looks like Keira had an absolute ball and it’s her day so she should be partying like a Rock Star!
Sophie xo
you will love it! we had so much fun and so nice to do something different:) enjoy
Happy 7th Birthday Keira! I cant believe she is now 7 Corrie, it is flying by so fast. Before you know it you will have 5 teenagers. I love the photo of Keira looking at the camera, she has the most beautiful blue eyes.
I know! I feel the same way when I look at pics of yours Sue – we go right back when it comes to blog reading:) thank you
Awesome party and your cake looks amazing! Happy birthday Keira!
thank you! it was so much fun
The cake turned out fabulous! Happy Birthday gorgeous Keira!!
oh thank you! so glad it turned out in the end:)
Love reading your blog cause it brings back great memories of my days as a SAHM with my 3 children who are all teens and older now but just had to comment today and wish Keira a wonderful day as she shares the same birthday as me
That is absolutely beautiful Corrie, all of it. Keira is such a gorgeous little girl and I just love the enthusiasm and joy in her eyes while she’s cutting her birthday cake. Well done on the cake too, by the way, a masterpiece. Art party is such a top idea too, really different xo
Gorgeous party Corrie! Love those two babies looking at their big siblings rocking on after church! Captured the mood perfectly. They do grow quickly don’t they?! But boy, you do seem to be enjoying the ride
thanks for sharing XO
Happy birthday to Keira! I’m glad to read that she had a wonderful day!