Must be time for another giveaway. Last night I announced on Facebook the winner of The Athlete’s Foot Giveaway – Ariane. And the three winners of my EnergyAustralia giveaway were Carol Lee, Carissa and Kirst. Congratulations ladies and thank you so much to everyone who entered. Now it’s time for something crafty. I picked up a copy of Cotton Time magazine for myself, loved it and decided to go back to Kinokuniya and get another one for you guys.
It comes with a calender for 2013 with each month having a little craft project to keep you going. There is a nice little bit of japanese fabric in there too for you. Plus you get the cute japanese craft magazine, Cotton Time. What more do you want? These are pretty hard to come by so I’m excited to give one away.
This one is open to everyone, wherever you live in the world and just tell me why you’d like to win. I’ll pick a winner this sunday night.
Good luck………………
Oh my! Looks super cute! You had me at the babushka’s on the March calender day!!!!
I would love to win the Cotton Time magazine for my Mum. She has helped me out by caring for my boys while I have worked part time. This year my youngest is off to Kindy and my mum will be using her free time while he is there to get back into craft and sewing, which she loves so much. I would see this magazine as a inspiration for her as well as a thank you from me.
I would love to look through this magazine and choose some great little projects to complete – also that calendar is so cute and would inspire me no matter what I have to get done. Thanks for a fantastic giveaway
That looks so cute! I adore the Macaroon pouches! I think it would be such and inspirational calendar to have above my laptop might get me off the computer and onto the sewing machine!
I would love to win this. It’s so hard to get Japanese magazines in this city. I can imagine making all these projects for my newborn niece
Hi Corrie! Thanks for the give-away! I’d like to enter. I’ve never seen the magazine but i’m very curious
Ohh my!!!!!!

I would looooooove to win tis giveaway! It can’t be more suited to me! I have been craving to have this magazine – here in Portugal it’s very difficult to get this..
And the calendar is so beautiful ♥♥♥
I’m crazy about japanese crafts, fabrics, clothes and overall aesthetics. They are my kind of taste – natural materials, neutral and pastel colors e great details
Ohh Corrie, what a fantastic giveaway! ***
I live in regional Vic so these types of magazines are not in high circulation.
It looks gorgeous. I love the small scale and potential portability of the projects.
Thanks for the chance.
Would be awesome to win! I love Japanese crafts, but have never seen a mag like this in Perth – just the pictures above have my crafting muscle working overtime!!
I don’t really know what to say except I’d really love this magazine. I could tell you how I’ll I’ve been or that I’m unable to work but I won’t. I’ll just tell you that I’d really love this because I love Japanese crafts and I love to create and I’d really love to win this.
Thanks for the opportunity to win.
What a super giveaway! I’ve never seen a Japanese magazine before, so would be keen to see one. It looks so bright and colourful, something to cheer me up in the midst of all the winter snow we are having at the moment here in the UK.
What a super giveaway! I’ve never seen a Japanese magazine before and this one looks so bright and cheerful. Just the thing to browse through during this cold, wintry snow we are having here in the UK at the moment. Thanks for the chance of winning.
Years ago my husband was stationed in Japan. I used to go into the book store and look at the craft section of books. Of course I couldn’t read them, but I could look at the pictures. I found that I could understand the crochet diagram books, and so I bought those for myself, and for my mom who had taught me to filet crochet. She was thrilled. I never thought to look beyond that to the crafts that I now do. I didn’t quilt at the time.. (dummy me right). Now I wish I could go back, but alas I cannot and they don’t sell those books here in the U.S. So I would love the chance to get my hands on it…. thank you for a chance..
I’ve always admired the clean lines and beauty that a lot of Japanese crafts seem to have. I recently purchased Zakka Style and love it to bits.
Would love to win a new book! Thank you for the chance to win
I’d love to win! I love making adorable little projects and this looks chock full of them! I love using up scraps and ending with a something totally cute!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Wow, fabolous!! I’d be so happy to craft something beautiful in japanese style, those little pouches -keychain are absolutely fantastic…and what a great thing would it be to receive this beautiful magazine from the opposite side of the planet…finger crossed from Italy and thank you for this opportunity!
I have just got back into cross stitching (after a few years hiatus!) and would love to get stuck into more crafty projects!
There’s something so fresh and different about Japanese crafting, but it was the Russian dolls that did it for me! Thanks for the opportunity of entering. x
Hi corrie,
Although I would love this gorgeous magazine for the beautiful craft projects. The dear comments above certainly could do with a bit or crafting pleasure also. What a generous gift from you. Thank you.
Love this cute calendar.! Please, enter me. In Spain is difficult to get this magazine.
I would love to receive your generous gift, because I am being blessed with my first granddaughter in May and I want to shower her with all things handmade and girlie. I love everything you do for your precious children and if you love this Cotton Time magazine, then that is a perfect recommendation for me. My fingers are crossed. Kristy
I’ve started taking note of Japanese fabrics and patterns and I am really surprised at how much I like them. Would love to win this, thanks for the chance. Linda
I would like to recieve this great giveaway, because here in the middle of nowhere in Germany where I live you never can find such awsome things from the “big world”. The fabric looks very cute and I would really like to look at this calender every day. It would make my day! Elke
I love the attention to detail in these magazines and I like to read magazines from the back to the front. Would be great to get some new inspiration.
The book looks wonderful. I love those little cute projects.
Tudo que há de bonito estam nas revistas japonesas,isto é um fato mas,encontrá-las fora da internet…Nunca vi em minha região nas bancas ou livrarias,e somos a primeira e maior colonia de japoneses.Gosto das miudesas feitas a mão e tenho “”copiado e criado em cima deles,é uma vergonha….Gostaria sim de ter uma dessas.Obrigada. Beijos do
Wow, who wouldn`t love to win this! I like the japanese books I`ve got even if I don`t speak japanese, their diagrams usually is easy to follow. So please, please pick me!
Such cute little projects, I’ve never seen a magazine like that, thanks.
Hi, Corrie!
What a georgious giweaway! I would like to win because I love crafting and like Japanese style and fabrics.
Snowy greetings from Sweden
I would love to win because I have 2 boys and it’s so nice to do “girly” things. I have never won a giveaway, so it would really make my day!! Thanks for the chance Corrie
I would love to win as I adore Japanese needlework.
What a lovely giveaway Corrie – I would love to win this Cotton Time book, the ideas here on your blog look great
Fingers crossed for me
I would love to win this. Such cute little projects and some awesome inspiration.
After working, studying, renovating and being mum with poor health. My New Years resolution is to slow down and enjoy the simple things. Time to pick up a book, get in the garden, bake and make. And what better time with a new baby on the way! So pleased to have discovered sites like yours over the past weeks and the wonderful things you have to share like this gorgeous mag
Wow, so amazing gift! I adore Japanese mags and these cute little stuff, I’d LOVE to win but not sure if you agree to send it to Moscow
Good luck to everyone!
I love it all!
Thanks for the giveaway!
HI.I would love to have the change to look through a Japanese magazine. Can´t find magazines like that here. I can take a look through the magazine through your blog, but would love to read through one whilest enjoying a cuppa. Good luck with the renovations in your house. Enjoy the change and the different look it gives to your home. Thank you for sharing your ideas. Take care and God bless you. Greetings from Mozambique.
Thank you for this opportunity. I adore everything Japanese and have been fascinated with this shop since you posted on IG. I had never heard of it and I don’t think there is one in Melb. Have always wanted to see this magazine up front. Lastly Japanese fabric is the reason I found your blog many years ago cause I googled ‘Japanese fabric’!!
Wow… I just LOVE Japanese books.. I went to Japan last year for a holiday… Great place. (Didn’t buy any Japanese books.. now I wished I did)
Thanks for the giveaway.
Wow thanks corrie it looks like a beautiful magazine would love some monthly inspiration!
I’m with Julie. It is hard to get great magazines like this but it is even harder in the country. I use to follow a blog by a Japanese/Australian which was alway full of cute and beautifully handmad items. Unfortunately that blog is no longer operational
I was given my first Japanese craft book when I was nine. It changed my life – it was the best thing ever! I still have it – I have held on to it preciously, as it has long been out of print. Did anyone else have this way back in the 80s?
Ooh what a fun giveaway! After reading your last post about Kinokuniya I was so disappointed we live in rural vic and can’t get to Sydney just for this shop. A bit of Japanese craftiness will help me cope : )
The Japanese do everything so well and their fabrics and books are no exception. Love Love Love them ! If only (sigh) – how I would love some of this !
How absolutely adorable…. how thoughtful of you and thank you.. have a lovely day x
hi Corrie i would like to win because the mag looks so cute .xx
I would love to win this! I just bought my very first sewing machine 2 days ago and need some projects to test it out!
Oh Corrie, I’ve been lusting after Cotton Time for years – I also bought some Japanese craft books on our last weekend away to Melbourne before baby number 3 arrives – I truly don’t think I’ve seen such loveliness, simplicity and style anywhere else. Thanks so much for the chance to win
Hi Corrie,thank you so much for this great opportunity,i`m a great, great Cotton Time fan,but they don´t sell it here in Portugal,i would just love to have a shop like that near by ,so it would really make my day : )
Beautiful calendar and magazine…I’d love to win as I’ve never seen Cotton Time in the flesh and I really would like to.
How cute is that!!!
I don’t think we have anything like that here in SA. Well certainly not where I live anyways.
My house is filled with boy stuff would be wonderful to have a girly calendar (one that’s not best kept in the garage or the teen boys bedroom) hanging up.
I had never seen a Japanese craft book until I saw them on your blog. I can see why you cant stop buying them. I love the little macaroon pouches, ideal to carry daily meds in. Living in a small country town this like this are not available here
How very generous
I can just imagine if I had this mag and calendar I’d never get anything done as I’d have to many ideas to try after looking at them
I’d love to win. my baby is about to start kinder so im thinking some cute little hand made gifts for new friends’ birthdays would be fun!
Opps sorry . not suppose to be a reply but its own comment … stupid phone.
I love to enter on this giveaway! I love Cotton Time!
Oh a lovely giveaway! Cotton-on is one of my favourite Japanese craft magazines, that said I haven’t bought one in years! So I’d love an updated copy, not only to look fab in my little library but also for more crafting inspiration.
Thanks for the giveaway Corrie. I have a whole pile of fabric stored away at home that needs some different projects (rather than just quilts) to make a dent in it.
At the very least, what I’ve gotten out of this is finding out about a crafty mag which I had previously not heard about. I’d love to win a copy as I need some fresh new crafty inspiration. And who doesn’t love a spot of Japanese craft. Really.
BTW – I adore the new look blog. Very chic, clean and inviting. Well done lady-cakes.
I would love to win them, because I haven’t got any japanese magazines nor fabrics yet
Thanks for the chance!
I have never seen this magazine – I’d love to win so that I could have a look-see at all that Japanese crafty cuteness!!
Oh wow I would so love to win! I am very fortunate to live in rural NSW which has a number of quilting shops nearby and whilst they are beautiful they only stock the standard stuff. I would love to try these magazines but I couldn’t find where to buy them online and when we go to Sydney we are so busy catching up with family that I have buckleys chance of taking time to find this store, as much as I would love to!
I haven’t seen this magazine before – it looks wonderful! And the cute calender would be handy to keep track of craft projects too.
Oh what a lovely giveaway.Count me in!
Hi Corrie,
Thanks for the giveaway…I’d love to win so that I’ve got a little bit of Japanese inspiration to keep me going until I can buy some gorgeous books like you shared in your previous posts…just might keep my hubby from “banning” me from reading your blog too lol (as if!)
I would love a calendar with a craft to make each month – what a neat idea!!! Another reason that I would love to win is because I have never seen that magazine anywhere around my neck of the woods and I know that I would pour over the pages again and again!! Thanks for the chance!!
Wow this is soo super cute!!!
Very cute. Thanks for the give away.
Om! I’d love to win cos I’m a huge fan of Japanese crafts and prints! Pls pick me! Tks fr the wonderful chance! xx
Ooo sounds like so much fun! thanks for the prize my new years resolution is make more time for craft!
Lovely projects and a calendar too, Perfect!
I am obsessed with Japanese craft at the moment and I would love to win. Thank you for making it open to international readers!
You’re awesome. Would love the chance to experience Cotton Time.
So cute! Love the calender craft…would be something to enjoy with my kids each month
This calendar is so cute!
It would be good to be able to pick something to do on those times when you don’t have anything on the go. Thankyou for the opportunity
Oh they are just to beautiful! I am lusting after the Babushkas but I need to be serious! I’ve jsut re-discovered my love of crafting/sewing/all things delicious, and am craving inspiration. I am at that point, right on the edge where I just need to leap….. please help me leap! Might make me brave enough to attempt a charm quilt – first quilt ever!
I would love to win. One of my goals for this year is to try new patterns and to sew more. Thanks
This is gorgeous. It would also fit perfectly into my new year’s resolution to find more me time by sewing 52 items this year. So far I’m only 2 items in (and that involved sewing up pj pants for my girls that I’d cut out last year….).
I’m already feeling inspired by the felt matryoshka dolls, adorable!
Those macaron zip purses are divine!!! I have been in the city lots, however the last time I was in Kinokuniya was with 30 SIT women before dinner at the Rocks. I need to plan a visit once the kids are back at school/preschool!
I’m expecting number two in a couple of months, so nesting has well and truly kicked in. Our little man has a gorgeous mobile from Kyoto that we bought on a trip when I was expecting the first time around. A trip to the Japan doesn’t really fit in the family budget, so I would love a copy of this magazine to be able to make something just as special for bub number two. Those babushka dolls are just gorgeous!!! Fingers crossed its a girl 😉
I am struggling to find time for big projects at the moment but this looks like it has supercute small ones – and we don’t have Kinokuniya in New Zealand so I am intrigued!
Wow, I havent seen this one. I live in a rural town with not too many options. Thanks for sharing, I might just have to google this and find a copy (if I’m not the lucky winner) Thanks and happy stitching
I would love to win. That gorgeous calendar is just what my sewing nook needs to brighten it up a bit. Plus I am not familiar with the magazine. I would love a copy.
Ooh, I always sigh over Cotton Time every time I come across it but have always considered it a bit of a luxury…. It would be a joy to have a copy in my little craft library.
I would like to win the Cotton Time because it will be a great opportunity to see the Japanese way of crafting (ideas, meterials etc) since I live in Greece. It will be a great addition to our small craft club here in Thessaloniki.
I’ve never been to Kinokuniya or seen any Japanese crafy books or magazines. It looks like this would be a great introduction
I want to win because it is TOO CUTE!!!
2013 is the year of ‘Craft’. I declare this every year, but this year I mean it (like every year). Please enter my name.
Thank you for such a generous giveaway.
I would love to win this magazine because I am suffering serious Japanese craft withdrawals. We didn’t make it back to Japan last year so I didn’t get a chance to stock up on gorgeous fabrics (especially the beautifully soft double gauzes) and craft books.
I just came across your post while doing a search for Japanese blogs. Your give away magazine looks so cute! My daughter and I love Japanese things to make. We could have so much fun with it if we won. You are so kind to share with your readers.
It’s such a cute magazine! I would love to win it and try to make the little coin pouches. Thanks for the chance!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
It’s hard to find this magazine in France … so, thanks for the chance to win !
I’d like to win because this is sooooooo lovely and cute!! Thanks
Those are adorable! I’d love to win because I’d like to share the magazine with a few Japanese relatives, and have them read it for me.
Looks so cute would live to win because we are having a no spend jan and feb and I am totally drooling over all your new books!!
I would like to win because its super duper cute!
Love all things Japanese!! Thanks for the chance to win.
I’m a little bit Japanese addict. Sushi is so yummy and I’m never fed up with it. Japanese cartoon is awesome and I love watching it. I especially love their goods, well designed, unique and exquisite. This calendar is so cute and I really adore it.
Oh gosh, the sheer cute factor has me wanting to win this prize! Not to mention, I do have a bit of a soft spot for Japanese fabric 😉
So cute! I would love to win this! Lately I have been lacking motivation with sewing, maybe that darling calendar would give me inspiration, and I could use it to plan out project timelines.
An adorable giveaway!! I would love to win. I adore anything Japanese or Korean that is super cute. I’m also a WAHM who enjoys sewing. I would love to create something adorable for our 3 children
What a gorgeous magazine and calendar – these would inspire anyone.
What a lovely weekend you had, and a couple of Japanese craft magazines to boot! Thanks for sharing them
Until last year, I lived in Japan. I left unexpectedly (long and not entirely happy story!) so missed stocking up on the lovely fabric and magazines etc that I now miss so much! I would love to enjoy this magazine. I might need to take myself on a little trip to Kinokuniya.
Lovely eyecandy.
Small projects sound ideal. My poor dad has just had a stroke, no time to do a lot with the creative juices, but planning from a cheerful magazine, sounds brilliant while sat in a gloomy hospital for hours on end!
Love the blog anyway.
We are planning baby number 3 (fingers crossed I’m pregnant!) and I would love some inspiring crafty projects to help the 9 months of pregnancy go quickly. I’ve also made a pact with myself that I will give all handmade gifts this year because I love to craft and because we are saving to buy our first house, so the magazine would be very helpful for ideas!
Oh wow Corrie, what a great Giveaway. I am in South Morang Victoria. I would love to win Cotton Time, I love all the patterns. The calendar is gorgeous and would look beautiful on My Studio Wall. Thanks for the Opportunity.
Happy Australia Day
I would love the win this giveaway Corrie! I want this year to be the year I start crafting. I just never no how to get started! x
Love babushka anything! Thanks for the chance
I would like to win because it’s very cute!
What a wonderful giveaway! My baby has born just one month ago and I’m pretty sure I would find some interesting things to make during my maternity holiday. I never have read a japanese craft magazine but everybody says ther’re soo cute in
My crochet hobby has kept me busy but I Have lost my inspiratiom for sewing , theses little projects would have me inspired in no time.
I would love to win. I adore Japanese anything. I wish I could afford all of the Japanese fabric I am oogling at the moment.
Is that a macaron purse pattern I spy? Adorable! I love all things Japanese, and would love to win this mag!
I would love to win this to put in my study, I’ve taken time off work for bub and study, and this would look AMAZING, and just top it off.
Would love to visit Japan and shop endlessly for fabric and wool for crochet. My kids would love having all the chinese characters on display.
I have just died looking at the macaroon-shaped change purses in the middle photo. Who thinks of this stuff? Seriously, you could put me in a room with craft supplies for 100 years, and I would never think of even one project as awesome as the entire contents of these craft magazines <3. *sigh*
Great give away, super cute patterns and the calender just thing to inspire me month by month!
I love japanese sewing books and fabrics. I have not sewn from this magazine before I would love a copy.
I want to win, bc if you had every single giveaway in the world, and I got to pick one to win, it would be yours!!!! I LOVE Japanese fabric! I NEED that Calendar!!! I would be indebted to you forever if I win 😉
I’d love to win because I always adored magazines (especially the crafty kind – lets not talk about my “collection” in the attic right bow ;)) and, since I know about the existence of Cotton Time, I always wanted to have one copy of it. There’s something about it…they don’t sell it in Ireland and it’s so cute and inviting! It woul be brilliant to win
Would love to win just to look at those gorgeous pictures in the calender!!
Hi Corrie,
I would love to win. I have a passion for everything Japanese – Hopefully one of my next travel destinations.
Oh my gosh! How many people have entered this giveaway? I’ve no chance!! haha
You’re such a generous soul. Thank you
I’d like to win because the projects look so cute and I know my 3 girls would just love it!
Love love love Japanese fabric, have never seen a Japanese craft mag before, don’t think I would ever be able to find one in Brisbane. Would love to make all of the craft inside.
I’d love to win because I think it’d be great to have a new little project each month. Japanese fabrics always look amazing and I have no doubt I’d find plenty of inspiration for crafting in the mag!
We’ve just had a couple from Japan visit us this Australia long weekend to invest $$ into my husbands motorbike business. We spent a bit of time with them and I love the Japanese. So friendly, caring, and full of information. Over dinner last night we talked about everything Japanese from the tsunami 2 yrs ago, to their favourite beer, to their love for australia. They gave my children some origami making kits. My 3 yr old has been carrying his paper swan around all weekend. . This calendar and magazine would just top it off.
Aww that just looks so cute! I’d love to challenge myself and make something different each month and to have a japanese theme, well that would just be awesome!!
What a cute idea. I wish our mags would give us fabric!! Love the idea,
I would love to win because now I can finally participate as a non-Aussie, because I am learning japanese and because I have always admired the cotton time mags my friends bought and brought along on fairs to show me but I never have been able to afford one myself and we do not have japanese book shops here.. And I love all things japanese as it has been my fav country since I was 8 years old. So hopefully this time I will be on the lucky side.
Corrie, I would love to win some Japanese mag love. Please count me in!
I have never read a Japanese craft magazine (well looked at the pictures), so this would be awesome fun.
Hi Corrie I’d love to win as I’m always on the lookout for more ideas for Planet Joy! J x
This magazine is sooo cute. I think I’m in LOVE!!
Corrie, until recently I hadn’t heard of either Cotton Time or Kinokuniya – would love the chance to see these firsthand and maybe use some of my Japanese fabric collection.
My oh My!!! I’m just salivating at the thought of making goodies from this book! Here’s hoping I just might win! Thank you!
I would love to win and make some cuteness for my daughter and her univeristy friends who are graduating this year. They all love Japanese crafts and fabrics. Thank you!
What gorgeous books – I’ve never even seen or heard of Japanese craft books like these. The projects are so cute, just amazing. You have opened my eyes to a whole new crafting world. Yah!!!!!!
I’d love this for the inspiration it would provide. Japanese crafts are so adorable!
I have just come out of a 4 day migraine and am about to send baby number 4 off to big school. I could do with the pick me up and some inspiration and motivation to get back into my sewing