A few things about me. I do not lead a glamorous life. I prefer to take pictures of my children. I avoid being in front of the camera. And the last time I had a headshot taken it was done by retro daddy a few years ago with a quilt hanging over a door behind me. Very professional looking. With a quick bit of makeup and lipgloss. Fancy. But recently I’ve been asked for my head shots by a few magazines. And I kept thinking to myself I wish I had some nice up to date photos to send.
And I was asked just one too many times and decided I had to get them done. Professional and up to date. So I emailed the lovely Nicole at Seed Photography who kindly did a newborn session of Elodie and knew I’d be in safe hands.
My hair was done on Saturday and I asked a lovely school mum Nicky who is a makeup artist if she’d do my makeup. I told Nicky I wouldn’t mind her 4 kids in the background since it was school holidays and really it was just like being at home. Nice to see other kids do the same things as mine. Drive their mum crazy in the school holidays! Thanks Nicky for the gorgeous makeup and I loved my false eyelashes. I plan on using your services a bit more often for special occasions because I loved it!
this is my posey pose photo which makes me laugh! I’m so not a poser!
I went straight from makeup to Nicole’s studio – this was a northern beaches team effort with hair, makeup and photos all done on the beaches. I love that. Nicole of Seed Photography is so lovely and any nerves I had went away as soon as I got there. She taught me how to look to avoid the double chin and she has a wonderful light and airy studio with so much natural light coming in. And my little guy Emerson makes the perfect prop, don’t you think?
I can’t begin to thank Nicole for these gorgeous photos. I’m so self conscious about my weight at the moment and watching what I eat but I look at these photos and don’t see any of the bad things I think about my shape. I just see me. I almost want to get back in the car, drive over to her house and give her a big hug and a kiss to say thank you. I have some beautiful photos that just capture my life at the moment and make it look beautiful. And I wish all my mummy friends had this opportunity……………………………
So thank you Nicole. You are so kind to take these for me and did the most perfect job. Now when someone asks for a head shot of me I’ll have this lovely collection to chose from. Thank you. And to all my lovely readers you know where to go when you need a lovely photo taken…………just go and see Nicole.
Looking gorgeous Corrie
Gorgeous pics Corrie. My favourite photo is the last one.
Oh Corrie, they are magic photos. You look just beautiful. That first one of you holding Emerson is so Mama glamorous, perfect for magazines.
How lovely to work with such talented and relaxed ladies. I’ve only worn falseies once for a friend’s wedding and they do look quite spectacular… just a bit weird as they start dropping out gradually at the end of the night, haha! xo
Oh looking good Corrie! Beautiful!
Corrie, these shots have captured you beautifully. I especially love the first (with Emerson) and the last one.
You look absolutely stunning
Now help some of us out please
How do we avoid the double chin?
Don’t worry about your weight sweetheart- you look gorgeous and have 5 healthy babies
so pretty!! I love all of them. they are great.
Gorgeous photos Corrie! Absolutely stunning. I love having professional photos taken, and we’ve had them after each baby. To me, it’s not about vanity or about trying to capture an inaccurate portrayal of how we are at a certain time, it’s about feeling special, about showing (in 20 years time) that there was more to our life than the daggy, unbrushed hair, double chin photos that we took ourselves. So good on you for stepping out and doing it. xx
Corrie. I love your photos. You look so friendly – exactly how you sound when you write!
Wow! GlamourMummy! You look amazing and naturtal! Don’t you love a good set of pics?! I just had some professionals done with my girl that I can’t wait to see!
You look fantastic… Definately nothing to worry about
Sophie xo
P.S. Emerson is getting so BIG!! They grow too fast don’t they… I sometimes wish there was a pause button that I could hit with my gorgeous daughter just to keep her babyness a little longer!
Beautiful moments captured, and to be treasured. Lovely Corrie.
As I expected, you look absolutely *gorgeous* in these shots Corrie!!!! ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!!
You look fabulous!!!
What wonderful photos, you look amazing.
Lovely lovely photos Corrie. Would have been lovely to have your hair and makeup done. Got to love a bit of glamour every now and then xo
Corrie you look absolutely gorgeous. I wouldn’t worry too much about your weight. You really don’t notice it at all and remember, you’ve only recently given birth. It takes longer to get back in shape each time, unless of course you’re some Hollywood starlet with a whole team of personal assistants.
Lovely photos Corrie, please do share the way to hold one’s head to avoid seeing the double chin
Oh your photos look Fab Corrie. If it wasn’t for Emerson nobody would even know you just had another baby. Can’t wait to see these shots pop up in a magazine.
Beautiful Corrie! I was wondering…where did you get your navy top?
looking good. Great idea. always good to have on file. I did this a little while ago for work.
Oh just stunning!I completely understand the self concious thing, I much prefer being behind the camera than in front too, but you really need not worry, you look beautiful! And isn’t your Emerson just DARLING!
Gorgeous shots. You can see Keira and Tillie in your face (if that makes sense?!)
Lovely pictures
You are so beautiful Corrie. Love the photos
Corrie you look wonderful, very glamorous.
They are beaufiful, you look so young and happy!
You look really beautiful. It’s nice to see yourself in a different light – the way everyone else sees you – as we tend to be the harshest critics on ourselves!
Beautiful pictures!!
Great photos Corrie
Oh Corrie. These are just enchanting. You look sublime. And little Emerson is too cute by half. I am so pleased for you, my friend. J x
You look fabulous. So lovely to have a professional photo taken especially with the baby.
Absolute gorgeousness!! You look beautiful Corrie
Wow beautiful photos! Great work.