I know! It kind of took me a while but I got there! You’ll find me as retromummy (well, obviously) but I don’t really know what I’m doing! In fact I had to ask my nanny how to reply to someone:) And I haven’t worked how to blog the photo yet without using flickr but I’ll get there.

Anyway, I’m going to have a play around with it for the next week or so but I do feel like the last person on there! Are you instagram? If so please come and find me because I haven’t worked out how to follow anyone else who isn’t on my facebook list! At least I find my incompetence funny!
You are not alone – I see it on Facebook but have NO idea what it is yet?! I will ask my 12 year old – I’m sure she will be able to update me
I will go find you now. I posted a pick on it last night of my 3yo daughter and her first attempt at a quilt for one of her babies … so adorable!
I’m on instagram too, but I am a bit slow at getting into it. I do like how I can share with my facebook wall and my flickr when I upload a photo, that does save time, but I don’t think I am social enough on instagram. I need to spend more time looking at other people’s photos.
That’s it! I’m going to have to start doing it too. I see it all over Facebook every day. I’ll join as Aliblahblah and link! I’ll post the fake Boden photos I took today!!
I probably instagram more than I Facebook. I love telling stories through pictures but had to just stop myself instagramming my shallot chopping. Whoops. Addicted much?
Ha ha Corrie I don’t think you are last…I have heard of Instagram but don’t really know what it is!!!!!! you might have to tell us….
Be careful Corrie it is addictive! So quick and easy
Haha, don’t worry Corrie, at least you are working it out. I joined up months ago, but couldn’t figure it all out & therefore don’t follow anyone or have any followers…but I do get a kick out of playing around with my snaps
You’re going to love it for your vacation!!!
Well you are not the last as I just looked into it and downloading it right now. So it’s all your fault if I waste even more time looking at pics online LOL!
If you want to find people, click the symbol that looks like a star down the bottom, then search for users
It’s easy and quick, just have lots of practice. I’m on it too and it’s great for your blog too. You’ll bs addicted to it in no time.
Ha Ha! I posted much the same content as this post yesterday. Aren’t we funny things?
I just got the new iPhone 5 (my first smart phone) so joined Instagram too, i’ll be Posie Shoots once i get some actual photos on!! Love Posie