I’m getting that question more than ever but sometimes I do forget that they are all mine! Like when I was looking over photos I took on the weekend and I look at these 4 and think wow they are all growing and they are all mine.
I think the bigger our kids get and the more space they take up (and the more noise they make, and the more money they cost) the more I’m amazed that I’m responsible for 5 little people! And it’s crazy (oh man, it is crazy) but I love it. And I love that I’m happy with 5. I really feel this is it now.
I admire you, you are a super-mom!
It is so huge happiness – to have children!..
5 is great (I stopped at 4) but you haven’t even started the expensive bit yet! Worth every cent though as having happy children in ones life is priceless :o)and yours are adorable xx
And what a gorgeous 5 they are, you sound brimming with content
I often say that about my ONE!!
I’ve watched my sister, who’s had 7 children, go through all the stages and now they’re teenagers and young adults and it’s so lovely to see them as friends with their parents 
Corrie you’ll have friends forever with your children
Expensive yes… Wait until they start eating you out of your home!
Enjoy the stages
Lovely photo … wait until you can get a photo of the 5 lined up together … that will happen so quickly
Happy stithcing, P
I used to get that comment…followed by “to the same father”! Your little one are so cute and luckily the funny crazy times do outweigh the crazy crazy time!!!
I have four and was contemplating no. 5 and my MIL said “don’t forget that one day they will all be teenagers at the same time” and that was the comment that scared me off! LOL
Your kid are all gorgeous and I’m impressed you have the brainspace to think of renovations!
A lovely family touchwood.
They are all beautiful. I was walking with my 2 in the double buggy and the dog the other day and saw a lady with 5 children. My first thought was “she must be a child minder” and then I thought of you
I think big families are great but we are stopping at 2. I don’t know how you give every one the time and attention they need, or how you and retro Daddy have found the time and energy to make 5! You are a special lady, a lovely couple, and an amazing family xx
Five was perfect for me too!
The little stair-steps reminds me of growing up with (yes) seven sisters! We were 8 girls and loved it. I can’t speak from a mom point of view–I had only three boys, but growing up in a large family was absolutely wonderful. I still have best friend sisters at 52! Enjoy it and may God bless your little family!
i babysit alot so i love it when I can say no! these four yes.. that one/two no.. lol. I look after a neighbour girl twice a week and another old lady around here tells everyone I’m the mother of the 5 girls…. when I only have four….
I too hear you on the scare thing.. It is easy when kids are small and can be fed easily… I do occasionally get that fear of ‘what if something happened’ what if we ran out of food (ie bad weather/political climate etc), what if we lost jobs etc… the burden of a big family does play on my mind occasionally… but usually too busy to think about it much 😉
Elodie’s facial expression is so cute! I wonder if she was looking at Finn? Every Mother is different with the number of kids they prefer/want/have. I’d always imagined 5 but the reality is 2.
I love this photo. What gorgeous, gorgeous children you have. I love the face on the youngest. Rachel x
I’m one of five Corrie (no.4) and I must say, it is awesome pants! You’re doing a wonderful job toots and your darlings are truly blessed to have you as their mumma. x
Oh Corry, you are such a sweet mom! I love your blog, your honesty and the fact, that you are raising a gorgeous family. You are a Supermom!
…and if I would live right around the corner, I would paint your whole house for you! Just to be around your crazy happiness!
(Sorry, sounds a little bit creepy, doesn’t it?!:-)
Big hugs for you and your family from Germany, Nicole
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I am so glad to hear you are happy – everyone of your children bring an interesting perspective to your world. Re: expensive – try two in university. Ouch.
Sorry for the problems with posting. I just broke my arm on Sunday playing soccer and am typing with one hand. Another reason for children – they help a lot – I am on an 8 wk total sabbatical from dishes.
Five is a serious accomplishment Corrie… and five so close in age just makes it more amazing.
I don’t feel I’m done with two, but I feel realistically, I will ‘have’ to be done with two. So many factors go into having children, I wish it was just plain simple.
Love the pic of your little scallywags, fantastic poses! xo
Beautiful children,and a great Mum.
I think I saw a little Corrie in there. Great photo.
I just got my first, a little chinese gboy of 14 months who is with us only since July 2, and our life was turned upside down in a way that was not possible imagine … there is no more time to eat, sleep, sometimes just to wash my face, but every day is a discovery and a great surprise and we are already thinking about the next, but I do not know if I can reach you.
A big hug to your five wonderful treasures
Standing Applause for you Mummy….! And look at the picture, Tillie The Princess and Keira The Warrior Princess…kisskiss :*