growing up I remember my nana knitting or doing tapestry at night time. I love that she is still knitting because she came over with my aunt debbie and they each came bearing handknitted goodies. First up was this lovely collection of cardigans……
7 in total and 2 little hats. Nana said that might be the last baby knitting she does so I feel very special that we got so many! They are all gorgeous and so perfect for this freezing cold weather we have right now
and there is even a special little one for emerson’s baptism
and if that wasn’t enough my lovely aunty debbie had designed (yes designed) and knitted this stunning blanket for emerson. She made it in Bendigo cotton so it’s super soft and lovely and I can’t begin to imagine how many hours actually went into this.
ravelry details are here and I’ll let you know when the pattern is up
Thank you nana and debbie! We love our goodies so much and I know lots of hours and love went into them!!!!
These are so gorgeous! I love that blanket.
Gorgeous gifts for a gorgeous little boy
OMG they are just gorgeous! I didn’t know that your Aunty designed the blanket too, how fabulous is she!!!
Just gorgeous, Corrie! I love little baby knits. My grandmother has recently been knitting for us and my kids are really loving their handmade jumpers and cardigans.
That gorgeous blanket is just divine!
Lucky you x
my nana knitted booties and cardigans/dress for all my little girls too. Its kinda sad since she is the only one in our family that knows how to knit!
recently I commented on a cute cardigan on a baby at school and the mother said her grandmother knitted it. another mother said she was sad she did not receive any handknits at all when her kid was born and its a dying art and we are lucky to have grannies to do it for us!
tis a blessing indeed… and perhaps I need to learn how to knit!
Just beautiful.
That blankie is so pretty!
You are so lucky to have your Nana present and knitting and aunt Debbie is amazing! Love thier work!
So beautiful. I love hand-knitted goodies. My Gran, who’s now in heaven, was a fantastic knitter and both my girls have worn treasures from her collection that she put away especially for her great-grandkids. So special!!
Oh WOW! How lucky are you to not only recieve these gifts but also to have such beautiful talented people in your life to share them with you.
Ooh that feather and fan cream cardigan was my Mum’s favourite go-to pattern for all her baby knits
Wow, gorgeous little knits. I always wanted to have such a cute cardigan for my little daughter. Unfortunately, I’m not talented enough for knitting more than a scraf.
What a clever bunch of ladies you all are, the knitting is just lovely
Beautiful nana knitting, what a lucky little boy Emerson is – a lovely family tradition!
WOW what a beautiful lot of gifts. Love the blanket, how talented to design it and what a wonderful present. Louise
They are gorgeous Corrie, its obvious where you get your creative juices from, beautiful blanket created and designed by your aunt.
What lovely gifts. My grandma made me a little quilt for Squishy. It’s so nice to have things that have been so lovingly made by family. You will treasure them forever!
You are so lucky to have such clever ladies in your family! I have always been so jealous of anyone who can knit (I can’t even sew on a button) and those are just divine!! Absolutely lovely! And they’ll last for ages and ages too! My little Bubby wears clothes that were made for Hubby by his great grandmother and they are still in mint condition!
What precious gifts – lovingly made for your family. The little cardies will be really useful and the blanket is just amazing.
oh so gorgeous!! Lucky Emerson (and retromummy). I just adore handknitted cardy’s and the like. I couldn’t part with mine the other day as I prepared all my children’s clothes for sale at a market. They are far too special and so much love has gone into them…its nice to see you appreciate them so much.
What gorgeous gifts! Such a lovely Nana and Aunty
I had a similar little cardy to Emerson’s baptismal one and I loved it! Its one I’ve kept and put away for the grandchildren as I can’t bear to part with it!
You are so lucky, Corrie. Those knits are beautiful! Agree … time and love went into those. My husband’s Nanna was a knitter & she made a gorgeous cardigan and beanie for my son but unfortunately the silver fish have got to the cardigan, even though it was handwashed in wool mix before put away. It’s ruined
Oh Corrie, I can see where your beautiful crafty talent came from, so lovely to have a family of wonderful crafters. These knits and that gorgeous blanket made me smile. My Mama is a knitter and I am in awe of her skill. There is nothing nicer than a little hand knitted outfit on a baby. Emerson looks very happy with his new gifts xoxo
I remember as a kid helping my Nana with rolling her ball of wools so I loved seeing your Nana’s gifts for Emerson. That is an awesome blanket!
I love both of them, Emerson and of course the lovely blankey. Congratulations to your aunt. Greetings from Spain
Aren’t those so very special. That blanket will certainly be passed on that is for sure!
What a beautiful job they have done. Love the blanket and nanna’s stitches are perfect.
How absolutely gorgeous! My Nan, aka. “Supernan” was still knitting for my daughter in the week before she passed away- at the age of 89! So, so special. You are very fortunate- but then again you know that already! 😉