dear little emerson is one week old today. Has it really been a week? It feels like he has always been here and although I tell retro daddy ‘oh yes he is definitely our last baby and I’m soaking it all up’…….but deep down, well I’d go back in a heartbeat and do it all over again to have just one more. But then I’m a breeder, aren’t I? And Emerson is our ‘one more’.
anyway, poor little keira just got her first cuddle of emerson today and loved it. Talk about a photo opportunity. My biggest and littlest.
We haven’t had any jealousy or issues from the bigger kids. They are all fascinated by him and crowd around me while I feed him or while he is looking around and he is definitely adored by everyone here. Quite the contrast from when we bought home the twins and keira ignored them for a few weeks.
and do you love his old school look. I’m sorry but you can’t beat the old bonds jumpsuit with a little handknit over the top to keep him warmies at home. This is a little knit from our Nana Shirley.
one week old but very much loved and welcome here. I think I could keep having babies just to take cute photos of them…………..
These are such beautiful photos of Keira and Emerson!
Keira looks so proud of her littlest brother.
So beautiful!
He is just beautiful!
Love the photos, yeah they are so sweet when they are sleeping but it’s the sleepless nights that get you, I have a 5-1/2 week old an he is having another growth spurt so lots of broken sleep but it’s not forever an since he is our last we also have an 11yr old, 9 year old an 7 year old im taking the good with the bad!
Just precious!
Beautiful family
You certainly can’t beat a Wondersuit with a hand knit! My three kids were dressed like this for their first 3 months (nearly) and all slept in a Wondersuit until I couldn’t buy them big enough – got to love Bonds!!
And congratulations on your cute little blue full-stop (or perhaps he’s only a comma in the punctuation of your life)!
Welcome beautiful baby, about 5 years ago I had my ‘last’ baby & grieved at the end of every little stage, fast forward 4 years & we were blessed by another, which is to be our last
so I rejoice & grieve over every stage again!! Enjoy every minute Corrie, you know how fast it flies.
Ps – last week when I was thinking of you I has pictured Eamon as his name…. Love the dignity of ‘Emerson’
He’s gorgeous Corrie and how funny ‘Oie’ my Dad’s name is Eamon!! I have to say Corrie before the birth when you said the name was American and preppy I had Brady in my head to go with your house!!
He is gorgeous
What lovely photos. Emerson is gorgeous and Keira looks so lovely with him! It is a very hot and humid summer here so I’m missing all the gorgeous newborn knits
Lucky the grandmothers will br more than willing to knit for him again in a few months time!!
Beautiful photos! Kiera looks just gorgeous!
Such a beautiful little boy Corrie!! Such sweet big sis cuddles :). Love Kristi
love your comment about being a breeder! For me I realised our time was up when I wanted to ride bikes, go hiking, camping (which we do with baby but its all more complicated) and do more grown up stuff with my other kids. It would be great to keep having them but I thought it was time to start focussing on those teen years which seem to be looming pretty fast!
enjoy that baby! I can almost smell him from her (that good sweet baby smell, not the stinky type 😉
I’m almost clucky.. almost 😉
Oh he is just divine!
Well done, and congratulations
É notável que este menino seria muito amado por toda família,que meiguice esta foto.Parabéns mais uma vez e que DEUS continue abençoando a todos.
Oh Corrie. What precious moments you’ve captured of the two of them – you clever mama. He is a doll. J x
oh my!! so so cute!! adorable!! every fabulous adjective!! (makes me very clucky though – not much I can do about it with hubby getting himself ‘fixed’ after no. 3, as he says – not with this hubby!). enjoy!! oh, btw, I agree – nothing better (and easier) than a bonds growsuit and gorgeous hand made knit. All my winter babies were the same.
Umm – Dear Susie; I didn’t get myself fixed. ‘We’ got me fixed … Your loving hubby….
This makes me want to bust out all of my daughter’s old Bonds suits.
I bet its nice to be home back amongst it all. How is little Elodie taking to not being the baby of the family anymore?
They look so cute together!
Gorgeous pics of your 2 “bookends’ (for now????). Love his wee double chin in the last pic… and Susie’s “Anonymous” loving hubby’s little retort LOL….
You have the most precious family Corrie. Soak up all that newborn baby goodness. As for the bonds suits, all my 6 wore them with Nanna cardigans too. Note to myself…stop looking at Retrobaby photos..cluck cluck. Alison
Very precious, those photo’s are lovely.
He is just so adorable. You forget how small and vulnerable babies are.
You truly have a beautiful family. I always get broody when I read your blog.
Unfortunately, at nearly 49 I’m too old to start again. I’m just hoping in a few years time for some grandchildren to come my way
Ruby x
He is a very handsome baby! Well done! (Make another one!)
Corrie, he is absolutely gorgeous. My #6 baby is the “one more” baby and she is now 8 months old! I too, would go back in a heartbeat despite “soaking up” my last baby moments…
Keira looks like the doting older sister and isn’t it wonderful all the children are embracing and loving having a younger brother
Those bonds little suits are the best with a little woollen number over the top and so quick and easy to change! I didn’t find out about them till my third and wonder what I had been doing with the others!! Such a handy little piece of clothing!
you’ve made a cutie. That double chin is to die for!
What a wonderful childhood Emerson has begun- so full of love and with lots of family to share the fun. Bonds suits are so comfortable- my children lived in them as babies. I used to top them with handmade cardigans too. Unfortunately, however, I cannot knit, so I used to shop at the Senior Citizen’s Centre. The elderly ladies made beautiful garments and were absolutely delighted to sell to me- a very happy win win situation. Warmest wishes Kim
Oh Corrie, these pics melt my heart. Love them! You do make the most beautiful babies.
So lovely to hear there is no jealousy, that is the one thing that made my job a whole lot tougher when we brought number 2 home. SO MUCH jealousy.
Kids definitely give you many kodak moments. God bless Emerson and your family
Little wonder you want to keep going, he is just gorgeous. I love the bonds/cardi combo. My two were dressed like this most days until they were 12 months old!
I’ve finally convinced the mister into letting me have one more “one more”, and then that is absolutely it I’ve been told.
My littlest is 14mth and still wears a Bonds/knit combo . . . it’s been like a baby uniform in our house over the years.
He’s so scrummy Corrie, i bet he’ll love all the noise at home that he’s familiar with & be very content. Love Posie
Oh Corrie! He is just adorable!!! You make the so cute. My youngest is 5 weeks old today – and yet it feels like he’s always been here too. Love the photos of he and Keira. Blessings on little Emerson, and your whole family.
So gorgeous Corrie. A big congratulations and I so get the I want one more feeling. I don’t think it will ever leave me. Enjoy your precious cherub xx
I love picture number two…..<3
when i see your photos, i want to have my 4th baby (though my youngest is 4 months old)
What a beautiful family. You are so blessed.