If you’ve been on facebook then you’ll know we are a house full of sick little people. Fevers, runny noses, coughs and now elodie has an ear infection which caused a convulsion and meant I was watching over her like a hawk yesterday. Needless to say there has been a lot of sitting on the couch with them and late nights to keep them up to date with medicine. Perfect opportunity to make some more facecloths. I’ve been using debbie bliss cotton dk which is lovely and thick and works up beautifully.
but the trouble is now I can’t stop. This easy pattern is just a breeze. You just need to know how to chain, single and double crochet and teach yourself the reverse single crochet and you’re done. I’m on my 5th facecloth and the sensible part of my brain says try a new pattern. But I can’t. I’m addicted to this one.
These are on my ravelry page here.
what a great idea. will give them a whirl.

good luck we are also a house of sickness but I am not about to have a baby.
they are so neat Corrie. Yep, I know this addiction but I am yet to crochet them, I’ve got the knitting bug right now. I’m glad Elodie is on the mend. This year we started witnessing our 3 year old having seizures. It is frightening. His are random, generalised seizures and occur even without a temp. So I totally know the shock you went through! The worst thing about parenting is watching your little one suffer. Blessings Fi
These are very sweet facecloths Corrie, I can see why you’re hooked(pardon the pun!) I’m so sorry to hear of your house of little sick people. Especially poor Elodie with another seizure, my thoughts are with your family. Take care of you too, not long to go!! Another ray of sunshine for your sweet family
Big hugs JettsXOX
ha ha …i know the feeling. A good pattern sticks!
Love the colours
That’s no good about your little one. We have all had it and I know that worry well.
The facecloths look great. I’ll show my Mum, shes mad on crochet.
What a great idea – i will have to give it a go. Hope everyone is getting better x
You are amazing Corrie! You seem so calm about it all, taking everything in your stride. I wish I was more like that. All the best for the next week – can’t wait to hear your news
I remember when hugely pregnant with my fourth, my kids got a vomiting bug. One of my kids was sick for almost 5 days and I decided I better go into emergency. On the way there another kid vomited. I had no money for parking and we had to walk 5 blocks to the hospital. We waited all up 3 hours. All 3 kids fell asleep and diagnosis was just take her home and keep giving her ice she wasnt too dehydrated. I pushed two sleeping kids in a pram and carried another with a huge belly.
I remember the nurse telling me that she thinks I’ll go into labour so I can come to the hospital ‘for a rest’.
anyways whenever I hear of a pregnant mum with sick kids I think of that nurse… you too can go to hospital for a rest to escape the sick kids! lol
They’re beautiful Corrie, so perfectly made, they look too good to use even. And I think you’re a marvel to keep producing these lovelies when you’ve had so many dramas with the littlies being ill xo
Hi! I’m a mum from Portugal and I love your blog! Sorry my english. it’s very bad!
Can you explain me how I do the facecloths?
Thank you!
The colors are so pretty.
These are great. I need some new facecloths so I’m going to give these a go. Love your colours.