One of the things on my to do list before having this baby was buying the book Beyond Snapshots and learning how to get off auto on my lovely camera. I’ve been wanting to do it since before I had Elodie. I love my camera (an Olympus E-620), I love using it but seriously how long am I going to stay on auto function. So yesterday at blogopolis copies of Beyond Snapshots were for sale and I grabbed one for myself and one for my lovely readers. And I had it signed by the lovely Rachel Devine who co-wrote the book with Peta Mazey.
It’s a gorgeous big book full of information and gorgeous photos and is a must if you love photography and just want to get better. Or just want to start. No jumping through hoops for this giveaway, just leave a comment and tell me why you want to enter and that’s it. I’ll pick a random entry next Sunday. You can enter wherever you live in the world for this one (the book is in english btw)
I love taking photos of our holidays and now that we have 6 grandchildren I thoroughly enjoy taking snaps of them. I just have a regular Canon Digital camera but would love one of these.
I am yet to buy a DSLR but it’s on my wish list. We are about to embark on a working trip around the country and would love to get some great photos for my new blog along the way. Any tips greatly appreciated
lucky entry number 3! Love the idea of this book, I very much need it.
What a great book. We are off our first more than 3 day holiday in 12 years. I would love some tips to help record our trip, the ever growing kids and my 40th birthday
That’s exactly what i’m trying to do now, using manual.
I take heaps of photos, the good ones end up on my blog.
Having some success and many failures, this would be an awesome help.
That looks like the perfect book for me. I have a small custom knitting business and I blog about my life and also to showcase my knitting. I also stick with using the auto function on my camera, but would love to learn how to get the most from my camera and make my photos look professional as well as giving my blog a bit of zing.
I have two stunning babies and I need to capture their world and mine.
Thank you for the chance to enter!
Occasionally I venture away from the auto setting on my camera but I have no idea what I am doing, I’m sure this book would be a big help.
I love my DSLR… I do know how to use more than just the auto mode… I know how to use “no-flash” too… Ha ha ha… I would love a book like this to inspire me to use more than one of these two modes!
Hi Corrie,
Am going to seek this book out. I’ve been game enough to move over to manual mode but with 6 cherubs haven’t yet discovered exactly what I’m supposed to do. Sometimes I capture good things – more luck than skill at this stage! You can take a glimpse of our large family love (6 kids here!) at
Cheers Ainsley
Learning to take better photographs is on my ‘to do’ list. I was given a ‘proper’ camera before my son was born…and still haven’t work out how to use it properly!
I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I’ve only ever used my DSLR camera on auto settings! My photos usually turn out okay but it’d be great to know how to make them better!
I am another who needs to learn to get of the auto ! Good luck with the impending birth
This looks like a lovely book. I would love to win because I don’t have the patience for professional shoots with my boys but it seems a waste if a camera to us auto all the time x
I love taking photos with my SLR of my two beautiful children, but like you I want to move off the auto function too! What a great giveaway!
Your a lovely thoughtful woman Corrie. This book would be a great help to me, and if I don’t win it I will biputton it because although I have had my flash camera for a few years I still use auto. My kids are grown now but I want to take pics of my first grandchild due in 8 weeks.
Thanks Corrie
The book sounds like something I need. My husband brought me a SLR for Christmas 2 years ago and I only know how to use it on auto
saekae at bigpond dot net dot au
I have a camera on my wish list with 3 kids under 4 to take pics of… This book would def help me get started!!
Ceeers Sam
I’d love a copy of this book I’ve had my dslr for years and been meaning to learn what to do with it instead of using auto all the time. Nowadays I just reach for my phone. A copy of this book would be just in time for me to learn before baby number 2 comes along in 12 weeks or so
I’d love a copy of this book I’ve had my dslr for years and been meaning to learn what to do with it instead of using auto all the time. Nowadays I just reach for my phone. A copy of this book would be just in time for me to learn before baby number 2 comes along in 12 weeks or so
I would love a copy of this book. It would take my photos from okay to great.
Thank you Corrie for the lovely giveaway. I would love to win a copy of this book sounds like it would be a great read.
Thanks for another wonderful giveaway! I definitely need to improve my photography skills and this book looks like it would help a lot :o). Count me in Corrie!
I’d love to win this book because it would be so geat if I could improve my photo skills which are so important for the readers of my blog to capture the moments of my family or my desings/projects in nice “taste”. Not to mention how much I fell in love with photography but that’s a serious had work to take in one photo the beauty of the moment.
My husband is the snapshot taking pro in our house but I’d love to be behind the camera more often so he is in the shots.
Would be great to help improve my auto photo skills. Thanks for the chance to win Corrie.
Thank you, Corrie for the opportunity to be in the running for a copy of “Beyond Snapshots.” My photography requires help – beyond belief
This might be the encouragement I need to pick up the camera and get creative again!
What a generous giveaway! I also have a dslr, and I have yet to take it off auto
I would love this book for some great tips on how to use all those confusing things, iso and whatever all those other numbers are 😉
Oooh yes please, I would love to win. I use a couple of the modes on my dslr but I’d love to use the more knowledgeably
Oooh, I would love to win this Corrie! I have the same camera as you and I love it – but I need to utilise its potential!
My camera has mostly been in auto mode since I got it. Definitely need the push to change..
My photos would love any help they can get!! Six years of owning a DSLR and still no development of my skills despite it being one of those things I’ve wanted to learn for ages… This book would be a great help!
Even though I’d love to win this book for myself, if I won it I’d give it to my teenage son. I feel he has a natural talent in photography and I would love to encourage him as much as I can..
The same reason as you Corrie…to get off Auto! With all the extra time you have on your hands in the coming weeks to read the whole book I’m looking fwd to seeing some great shots from you real soon!!! (Tongue now removed from cheek…) Cx
i would actually gift this to hubby
he has the fancy camera & never gets it out. it might prompt him to feel more confident.
I have just discovered some of the features on my old canon. I seem to get way too much light when photogrpahing the children at my kindergarten so have been playing around with different settings. I am yet to get it right…so some tips and tricks from an expert would be most helpful!
P.s great effort on attending the blog event and even thinking of your readers!
Ah well I always thought your photos were good anyway . . cant believe they can get better! SO…if yours can get better, then maybe so can mine , thus I would love to Win this Book!
I brought a beautiful dslr in the hopes of taking photos the right way, it is still on auto after a year.
We have a new baby due early december so my christmas pressie this year will be a snazzy new camera… that i will have no idea how to use! This book would come in very handy to help me capture some cute new baby pics!
My photos always get rejected from craftgawker because of issues with lighting and exposure – I really need some help. Thanks for the chance to win.
Still learning how to balance the light and aperture using my DSLR. Your photos are always beautiful
My Dad left me a DSLR when he passed away a number of years ago and I have been wanting to learn to use it properly – off auto – for a long time. This would be an awesome start to helping me get there I’m sure!
I would love to make better pictures. For my blog also.
Oh, I would LOVE to win this book. I’m about to inherit my husband’s DSLR when he upgrades and I need to at least look like I know what I’m doing!
I’d love to win as I would like to finally get some great & unique pictures of my 3 monkeys. Any tips greatly appreciated! Thanks for the opportunity Corrie
Having miss two at home with me and pregnant again it would be lovely to capture family moments the right way. I just need to know the tips, tricks and skills to make it happen with a camera, this book could be a great teacher I have been looking for.
LOL sounds like me,Ive got a Canon1100D and still on Auto!!
This book sounds amazing, I am desperate to improve my photography skills (and hubbys too since he is the one taking terrible pictures of me on a regular basis haha) Just need some help to get me started using the manual mode!
I’m guilty of having a good dslr that I only ever use on auto too. I have another baby on the way and an adorable toddler, I would love to learn to take much better photos of them
I have already done one DSLR course, but am still not off automatic! Am about to start another one so this book would be super helpful.
I have already done one DSLR course, but am still not off automatic! Am about to start another one so this book would be super helpful.
Taking photos is fun except when they turn out not as spectacular as you thought they were on that little camera viewing screen. I’d love a few tips to bring my pics up a scratch so all those memories of family, friends, pets & occasions can be vividly caught & kept. Thanks for the giveaway. Tracee xx
Wow, great give away! I will take all the help I can get. I love my camera and get great results, but am always happy for more advise and help!! Sarah.
Love this!!mwe are heading to chiang mai soon and would love some photo taking inspiration! Thankyou
Im trying to get my head around my new Canon 600d and if i don’t win your book giveaway im going to have to buy it anyway lol. Im taking some shots in manual but trying to read the owners manual isnt easy reading. It looks like a great book and Im always lugging my camera with me so helping me to get better pics would be so great if i won your giveaway.
I would love to be able to improve my skill in photographing my crafts, to give me the confidence to put the pics out there online !
Twan Renwick Hilton, South Africa
just love following your blog ~ thanx for sharing !
I’d love to give the book to my lovely sister in law. She’s got potential to be a super photographer and at least uses a proper camera, unlike me who snaps away on my iPhone.
I want to improve the photography skills. I really need this book! Thanks for the chance to win.
My poor hubby has tried to teach me how to use the other functions of our DSLR but i find myself straying back to the safety of auto. With bub #1 due in September Id love some inspiration to be a little daring
I have a new granddaughter and would
love to take beautiful pictures of her. Thanks for the giveaway!
I’d love to win this – have just launched my own family travel blog – – and it would come in so handy for travel shots for the blog!
I’ve just launched my own family travel blog – – and it would be fantastic to be able to improve my photographic skills to use on the blog!
Ooohhhh. This book is just what I need. It was my new years resolution to teach myself manual photography…and its now 6 months into to the year….. I better get started….
Off auto. Yes please. I so need to learn how to do that. Great competition. Thanks.
I used to have a passion for photos in the days prior to digital. I had a SLR and lenses etc. But am too phased by digital so I do leave it all on auto. Would love to change that. Thanks Karen.
I need that nudge to take more adventurous photos so I would love to win this book to refer to
Oh yes, I so need this too. I have been on autopilot for over a year too and I’m not having any more babies to practice on so I need to hurry up and take better pics of the kids I have! melx
We’ve managed to buy the DSLR but I don’t venture far from the Auto function. The instruction manual is daunting and doesn’t have pretty pictures. I’d love a copy of the book.
Happy snapping,
I HAVE to get off auto too.. I have been promising to for years!
I would certainly like to become a better photographer.
I’m trying to use auto. But I need HELP! Would love this book!
Sounds like something I could benefit from! Thanks for the opportunity to win
I would love to be able to take better photos!
Oooh so cool! I would love this book!
I would love to learn to take gorgeous photos of my kids!
I’d love to win to be able to use our camera. Hubby’s become a bit of an expert but he’s not the best at explaining things to me. It’s kind of silly that I’m taking pictures of the kids on my iPhone because I’m too intimidated by the ‘big’ camera.
I would like to win this book….My DIL is just getting into photography and I know she would love it!
I have owned a SLR for over 3 years now. Do you think I have had time to learn how to use it? Getting my hands on this book may give me the motivation to get off ‘auto’ pilot and LEARN!
I’m trying to work my DSLR out in manual mode and just need a little help. Awesome giveaway!
I would love to improve my photography skills. Love the blog and the giveaway x
I need this book. My camera is always on auto and I’ve been meaning to learn more about photography for years.
Oooohhhhh this book looks fabulous! I would love to have a copy to learn how to get off auto. I have a husband who’s a photographer and I’m not allowed to touch his kit, and we go by the golden rule of never teach your loved ones (Im not a very good student when he’s the teacher!). So I’d love to learn how to use the manual on my Powershot properly!!! Thanks for the chance to enter! : )
oh how I would love to be a better photographer!! thanks for the tip, might need to invest if I’m not the lucky one!
Wow,this is so generous of you.The book looks amazing,thanks for the chance to win it.My dad was amateur photograph and I inherited that love for photography.For some time now I am thinking about to take his old Praktica and starts shooting.
I have started trying to use the manual function on my digital SLR… Needless to say there have been many weird and wonderful outtakes! Would love to have a read through this book to improve my skills! Thanks for a lovely giveaway!
This is great, I love my DSLR camera but oh so need more lessons. Thanks for the give away
I could do with some tips, no idea what I’m doing
Thanks for the chance to win Corrie! Just like you I want to get off Auto!
I would love to win because I’ve had to give up my nursing career due to having chronic pain, so now I have time to indulge in my passion. I love to take pics of my twins but the time has come to ‘get off auto’!!
Cheers Vanessa
What a great giveaway! I’d love to have my photos look more professional
There are other functions on the camera besides “Auto”?? :-p
I would love to have the book, read it and use all the wonderfull tips, so I can make lots of beautiful photos of my boys
I love it! Please, enter me Corrie.
Having not long brought a DSLR camera I really want to take our own pictures of our boys (proffesional pics are rediculously priced!) I could really do with this book to help me on my way!
It would be great to receive this book because I must take 100 photos a day of my 3 kids but i’m no good at it. Would love to be able to take some quality pics rather than having huge quantities of rubbish ones
Hi Corrie!!!! I want to win the book because I know I need it!!!! I really want to improve my photography skills…..they are too too basic.Thanks!
Thanks for the opportunity! I have been shooting on manual for some time now but I still “panic” and add some in auto “just in case they don’t turn out”. I definitely need help
This comment has been removed by the author.
I too need to get off “auto” – seems a common problem. Thank you for the opportunity Corrie to be in the running for a copy of this fabulous book! Love your blog!
I would love this book!!! I am due with my first baby in October and would love to be able to get some nice photos of her.
We (our entire family) have just given my sister-in law a whiz bang camera for her “good grief, a new decade” birthday. This is just the book she needs! I’ll keep an eye out for it!
Wow – is there anything you don’t do Corrie? You always seem to amaze me; your generosity, thoughtfulness for your gorgeous family and your readers, your home baking and crafting even whilst expecting baby no. 5.
I don’t know how you find the time and energy. You are truly are an inspiration!
The book looks amazing, thanks for the chance to win it.
I inherited the love for photography from my father and aunty and don’t go a day without taking a photo. Unfortunately I have an amazing camera that my husband gave me but I too still have that problem of not being about to take it off ‘auto’! This book would surely make for an insightful read.
Also I wanted to thank you for your blog. It’s because of you I have taken interest in the amazing thing called a thermomix and knitting. I grew up sewing but never knitting so I’m teaching myself now.
Thank you and good luck with the impending baby arrival!
This book would be a godsend for my husband and me. We have just bought a DSLR camera to take photos of our Granddaughter and auto is how we use it:0(
Oooh! what a great looking book – and so useful! I neeeed all the help I can get! Thanks for the chance to win!
I once was a scrapbooker. As soon as I stopped scrapping away went my camera, I look back through photos now and feel so sad there a big chunks of time missing where I have gone for months without ever getting the camera out. I really need to get motivated and learn to take some lovely photos worthy of printing and maybe one day scrapping. I think it will be so sad of all my 4 children have a files on a disk instead of actually photos to look through.
I love taking photos and would love to be in the running for this awesome prize
For 7 years I have used my DSLR on Auto. It really is time to get off it and use the other features my camera has to offer. Thank you for this great give away and good luck with the arrival of number 5.
I borrow photography books often from the library….and never read them! They all look so technical. I would love some practical tips, especially for taking quality pics of the kids. This book looks like it speaks my language. Thanks for the chance. Blogopolis looked amazing BTW, I enjoyed your tips.
Yes, please! I’ve got the fancy DSLR and need to learn to make better use of it, too.
Please – I have a quick shoot camera but 25 years ago I loved working in SLR mode. I need to get my skills back.
Ahhh – this is one of the reasons I love your blog. You always seem to come up with ideas and suggestions that mirror my life!! I have been playing around with the settings on my camera and have had some success, as well as some disastrous results!
I need this book. I scrimped and saved a couple of thousand for a DSLR and all it’s trimmings and most of the time I am scared to take it off the manual settings because I don’t trust myself enough
With four kids, taking an acceptable photo takes an effort akin to herding cats. Would love to be able to have nice portraits.
Oh Corrie, I have a couple of books on photography, am happy to loan you for a read – next time I am over remind me – I love photography books, would love to be in the draw. I’m a sponge when it comes to books, love to soak up knowledge and every little bit counts when trying to get off auto on your camera.
I need to get off auto too. I’d like to be able to teach myself how, this book looks ideal!
I would love this book. I’ve fallen victim to the ease of my iPhone so would dearly love to haul out my beautiful digital camera and explore the potential within (mmm in me or the camera!).
Oohh. I am stuck on auto too! Would love to switch but too scared I’ll miss a moment and take a dodgy pic! Would love this book.
I’d love to win this book.. simply because I need it. There is way too much room for improvement with my photography skills!
I’ve done a one day course on using manual settings but would love this book so the info will sink in!! lol
Am just like you. Have a canon digital SLR and need to learn how to get off auto too!
Photo book sounds fun! Contest sounds fun! I need more FUN!
I am a huge bimbo because I couldn’t find the stall where the books were! I looked and gave up.
I’m kicking myself for it now.
What a lovely looking book.
A DSLR camera is on my wishlist, and this book woulf certainly come in handy.
What a lovely looking book.
A DSLR camera is on my wishlist, and this book woulf certainly come in handy.
i have instinct, but my pics really needs a help!
thanks for this.
A great chance to get us out of our comfort zone with some helpful hints, thanks for the chance.
I would love this book to help push me to take better photos and have the courage to turn my camera off auto!
Hi. I am sick of using the auto fuction on my DSLR. It would be a dream to be able to one day take it off the auto function and take some fantastic photos on the other settings.I love photos. I take photos everyday so this book would be a great asset.Thanks for the give away.
Hi. I am sick of using the auto fuction on my DSLR. It would be a dream to be able to one day take it off the auto function and take some fantastic photos on the other settings.I love photos. I take photos everyday so this book would be a great asset.Thanks for the give away.
Would love to learn more about my SLR! iPhone photos just don’t cut it sometimes!
I too just want to switch off that Auto button, three years down the track after purchasing my camera!!!!
My DSLR isn’t stuck on AUTO, but it is stuck on A & F1.8, it seems that is all I shoot in. I need to learn some new tricks so would love to win this book.
What beautiful photos! I’ve done a WEA camera course and yet still shoot mostly on auto. Like you I just never seem to get the time to play (and I have one less kiddo and no baby on the way LOL!)
Oh, yes I would love to move beyond ‘auto’. I even bought a tripod with that progress in mind. Alas, I now take pictures on the tripod with the flash held down – because it pops up on auto:)
OMG this is the book for me. i have a beautiful Canon DSLR that still only gets used in auto. I’m gonna buy that book if dont win.
Thanks for opportunity
Thanks for the wonderful competition. I take lots of photos and do a lot of scrapbooking to display them. Great looking book!
Siince having my first child 2.5 years ago the vast majority of my photos are of my children and I would love to get better at taking GOOD photos of them.
Oh honey, just an endorsement rather than an entry as i bought the book too at Blogopolis after Rachel’s incredible talk on photography – what i love is that the two photographers who wrote this book . . . on uses NIkon, the other Canon, one uses Mac, the other PC, so it COVERS EVERY BASE!! It’s so unbias, easy to read & simple to follow, yet brilliant manual for your camera. Good luck everyone, love Posie
I have a Fuji S6500 it’s not a DSLR I have not spent the money on one as I have never managed to get up the confidence to take this camera off auto – maybe this can help me build up confidence and then I can make that all important DSLR purchase without guilt !
Thanks again for all your inspiration – got me back into knitting and cooking just a little more (I work fulltime) and sometimes did not find the time with two busy children.
Thanks again
Wens V
Thanks for the tip on this book. I have just set up my own blog and being a visual person I believe that image really do tell a thousand words and I want my blog to be exciting visually as well something people would like to read. Some great tips on how to use my DSLR in a more creative way would be amazing.

I have never used my camera on anything other than auto. I would love to learn how to use it to its full potential! Thanks so much for the giveaway.
Oh I would love this. We have the DSLR, but it is rarely used as the point and shoot is just easier again. Would love to start using it again.
I have 3 littles ones and a DLSR… and no idea how to take great photos!
Learning to use my DSLR has been on my list of things I want to achieve this year, but everything I have looked at has been so dry. That book looks fabulous and would be a great help!
Like everyone else I love taking pictures of my family and desperately want to get off of Auto! This book looks like it might give me the courage to try. Thanks for the giveaway.
i want to take better photos of my lovely children!
I am with you on this one Corrie. My hubby bought me a new camera for the birth of our first baby and now 6 years later and 3 kiddies I am still using the auto. Photography is one thing I would love to do better especially with all these great tutes on how to make your own canvus prints. Fingers, toes, arms and legs crossed lol
AMAZING! would love to get off the auto function on my DSLR. Especialy with baby number 3 about to arrive!
I’d love to win the book so I can take beautiful photos of my two little cherubs
This comment has been removed by the author.
I’d love to own a copy! after searching my library’s catalogue (which includes other library’s in the area) It isn’t available to borrow- can’t even reserve it and get it sent to me!!!… them’s the breaks out in the sticks I guess! LOL!
Corrie, i would love a copy. I’m enrolled in a photography course, and enjoying my new cannon 550D but would love to start up a collection of photography books to help inspire me to take better pictures! thanks for the giveaway! xx
This book looks inspirational! Half the fun of blogging is in posting interesting and memorable photos, and I would love to improve mine!
Love the digital camera as a way for my kids to record their lives. . .but we could all use some instruction to get more creative with our photos. Thanks for the great giveaway.
If I could take photos like the ones in the book I would be over the moon! It looks fantastic.
Hi Corrie, I bought my digital SLR 3 years ago to photograph dogs for a book I was writing and it is now sitting gathering dust on my shelf as I have never taken it off the auto function–I seriously need help!! Would love a copy of this book.
Hi Corrie, I bought my digital SLR 3 years ago to photograph dogs for a book I was writing and it is now sitting gathering dust on my shelf as I have never taken it off the auto function–I seriously need help!! Would love a copy of this book.
Like you I need to learn how to take my camera off auto!
It is so hard to take a decent photo of my kids so this would be a great book to own and learn from.
I would love this book as like so many others since getting my DSLR last mothers day I have yet to take it off auto and I need all the help I can get photographing my 4 children. Thanks for the opportunity to enter Corrie.
I would just love to win this book for my daughter, she is about to have a c section too, as bub is breech with the cord around its neck. They havent decided on a date ( Mel is about 37 weeks ) we are hoping sooner than later! And Corrie sending you lots of love and hugs for your c section and to Elodie too and hoping she is 100% ok. Nannyy Carol xxxxxxxxx
I would just love to win this book for my daughter, she is about to have a c section too, as bub is breech with the cord around its neck. They havent decided on a date ( Mel is about 37 weeks ) we are hoping sooner than later! And Corrie sending you lots of love and hugs for your c section and to Elodie too and hoping she is 100% ok. Nannyy Carol xxxxxxxxx
I would love to win so that I can take beautiful photos of our soon to be born baby. Thanks for the opportunity to win this giveaway!
It would be great to win this book Thank Heavens for auto but I love taking photographs of my grand kids so would be helpful to learn how Thanks !
I would love to win because everyone wants to make good memories and good memories last longer with photos…
Have a good day today everyone.
We have a DSLR but I want to get fancy with it and take better pics than hubby!!
My husband is the photographer in the family. He would love to have this book. Good luck with the birth of your sweet new baby.
I am still work with my old school SLR and am hoping for a DSLR soon. I would love some photographic mojo, and then maybe the DSLR will follow soon.
I would love this book.
Hi Corrie, thanks for this comp, much needed to boost my blurry pics I currently take of the kids! xOx
Oh i would love to win this simply for the simplicity it offers. Take off the auto and learn simple ways to take gorgeous photos…somethign i have been planning, but just cannot seemt o get around to it.
Thank you for the chance
I’ve been eyeing off this ever since she did a signing at my local bookshop. Please let me win, my extended family would be thrilled to have more photos to show off!
Thanks for another great giveaway. I invested in my first DSLR about 18 months ago, I’m yet to have the courage to take it off manual and would really love to. I take so many pictures of my kids & family and would love to be able to use my camera to its full potential.
With my 3rd about to enter the world through my first c-section, and having never taken a camera into the labour and delivery room, this is the ultimate time to learn to get out of auto mode! My husband is not the best photographer and as long as the camera ‘on’ light is lit, he thinks it’s ready!
This would be a great read in the days leading up to the scariest (at the moment) thing I’m about to do
With the birth of my first child I really want to be able to capture the wonder that is our little family.
Ooh, that looks like a great book! I would love this book because I want to venture out of “Auto” land
Thanks for the opportunity
A photo captures more than a moment, it captures a memory!
It looks like a great book. You can always improve. I’d love to have the chance to own a copy.
I would love to win this! I’ve always had a camera in my hand ever since I got my very first one at aged 15. (so that’s 7 years so far!) But I also tend to keep it on auto, or if I do try to play with the settings it just never turns out. I’d love to learn to get my camera off auto!
I’ve a good camera..and i too would love to get it off auto?!
Thank you for the opportunity!
I’d love this book because I keep trying to “get off auto” bout I don’t really know what I’m doing so I tend to always miss the decent shots when I’m experimenting, and losing good shots with kids gets me all frustrated so then I switch back to auto again -would love to figure out what I need to do so I can actually switch into manual “and” make the shot count! Thanks!
And not long now for you!
would love to take better photos of my new grandaughter
Hopefully I can score myself an early birthday present to go with my new camera… previous one lost by our 2yo. Also, you’re not the only one still on Auto.
Greetings! I know this is kinda off topic but I was wondering which blog platform are
you using for this site? I’m getting fed up of WordPress because I’ve had problems with hackers and I’m looking at options for another platform. I would be awesome if you could point me in the direction of a good platform.
How could I sign up for your posts by e-mail?
I like getting brand new articles sent directly to my inbox whenever
possible; keeps me from needing to check over 3
dozen different websites daily, is this doable?
I would love to own this, I think this would help me with starting off in photography!