Now I don’t want to brag but I like to think I’m a bit of an expert with packing the hospital bag when it’s time to have another baby. Today I’m 35 weeks and I’m usually more organised and have my bag ready but here it is done and ready to go!
I always love a new pair or four. Yes I have 4 new pairs packed in my bag – heh it’s my last baby and I’m going to look lovely in hospital. I never pack nighties because after my c/section I have to wear support stockings and trust me it is not a look I love walking down the corridor in a nightie, slippers and stockings. Some of you are thinking who cares but to me it’s a bit too much like socks and birkenstocks. I don’t go there. I love grandpa tops (button down tops) for pj tops as they are a little bit fitted and great for feeding.
dressing gown
As an adult I didn’t have a dressing gown until I was pregnant with Keira and I was proud to say that I still wore that dressing gown. But retro daddy suggested recently that it was looking a little ratty so I got another one. I love Sussans for their sleepwear so I stocked up there.
big pack of undies
I love a good big pack of undies in dark colours, nice and comfy (by this I mean big) and the great thing is that you can chuck them out if you need to. Because I’m in for 5 days I don’t like to give washing back to retro daddy to take home. Firstly he will have enough to do looking after 4 kids but also because we still have some ‘issues’ around separating whites and colours! Take plenty more than you need and just keep a laundry bag/plastic bag in your suitcase
maternity pads
I tend to go a bit overboard as it’s better to have more than you need and spare your hubby going out to buy some. I usually have 3 packs in my bag which more than lasts me the 5 day hospital stay
If you’re having a c/section and have to wear the support hose then remember this when packing your slippers. For some reason when I had the twins I forgot about this and bought very cute fluffy thong slippers. They looked amazing but I had to roll the support hose back off my toes to wear them and wish I had a slip on that covered my toes. Just a little thing but I learnt my lesson. Some people don’t care but I do!
maternity bras and singlets
I love love love the Bonds maternity singlets rather than maternity bras in hospital as they are soft and comfy and I much prefer them over a bra. They cover up my huge deflated tummy and just feel nicer on and also give a bit of cover up when you’re feeding a baby. I’ll never forget though learning to feed twins the nurses would tell me to take my top off completely. I’d be sitting there without a top of any sort and visitors would come in and there I was……! I can’t imagine doing that now but anyway love the Bonds singlets and have 4 packed ready to go. They are also great to wear while pregnant so I’ve got 2 bigger sizes and 2 a smaller size (not in the cup just in the size) post baby. Totally recommend them. I buy mine at Big W and Myers.
I didn’t have a cushion with keira but really needed one with the twins and then got a single one for elodie. They really are great for me because I’m only a shortie and find that the height of the cushion is just perfect for me to feed and lie baby on. I love ‘milk bar’ cushions which are australian made and have a removable cover. They have a handle so you can carry it around and it’s just the perfect size for me. I kept the packaging for my twin cushion and sold it on to another twin mum when I was finished with it for a great price. I consider it an essential and much more comfortable than sitting with a few cushions under the baby.
breast pads
When I’m at home I love washable breast pads which are lacy on one side and padded and just lovely and soft (I like the Avent ones which you can pick up at Target or any baby store). But for hospital I take in disposable pads. You need them if you are staying in till your milk comes in – oh boy doesn’t that come as a shock when you wake up to 2 huge watermelons!
toiletry bag
I love my pink bag which hangs off a door and is clear inside so I can see everything. I keep everything pretty simple, my favourite shampoo and conditioner, nice body wash (nothing is as good as that first post birth shower!), tinted moisturiser, lip gloss, my Chanel Allure, hairbrush, morroccan oil and toothpaste and toothbrush. I once stood next to a new mummy with so much makeup on during a baby bathing class in the nursery and I couldn’t get over it. I don’t do makeup in the hospital but I love my tinted moisturiser (huge Garnier BB cream fan by the way) and find that is plenty. I’ve heard of people taking hair straighteners and hair dryers but I leave all that at home!
once upon a time lollies were in my bag for me but these days they are there for hairy moments when the kids get sick of being in the room!
I like to do a bit of craft when baby is napping, I can’t sleep during quiet time in the hospital when no visitors are allowed or when I get a spare minute or two. Remember 5 days in hospital and no kids means I’m not used to it! For the knitters out there I only pack circular needles now since I had to ask my very highly regarded OB to please pick up my knitting needle off the floor as I couldn’t get out of bed yet. That was embarrassing.
camera, phone and chargers
being the one who takes photos I need to give retro daddy a quick lesson in how to use my camera each birth but he always does great. Don’t forget to have plenty of room on your camera and have your charger packed. Ditto for the phone. I also take in my laptop for a bit of blogging, reading and entertainment too when baby is sleeping and I don’t have any visitors.
And that’s it….. my bag is packed and ready to go! And that is the wallpaper in my bedroom. Yes, really! And you were wondering why I haven’t shown you any pictures of my bedroom yet. Well that would be the reason why!
And if you have any advice to expectant mummies out there on what to pack or want to share what goes in your bag then please share……………………… Becci reminding me to pack a going home outfit! YES! I need one for myself and something special for the little man.!
Looks fab!
My only suggestion is to wash all your pj’s and knickers before going in. I have a thing about wearing unwashed clothes. I’m a bit fussy about what checmicals and dyes might be left on the material when I wear them.
I assume YOU have a going home outfit sorted??
Wow 35 weeks. Wont be long and your little man will be here (I will not get clucky…I will not get clucky) if I keep telling myself that will it work? No I thought not! hugs
Hi the only thing I also pack is my own toilet paper – I had the scratchy stuff in the hospital.
How exciting! This will be me in a few short months! It’s giving me butterflies reading everything in the bag…. such dejavu!
Your bag contents looks very close to mine, only I usually take my own pillow for ME (as well as a feeding one) I hate those plastic hospital pillows, and a gift from “baby” for all the children when they first visit. Little bags of goodies, a colouring book, small toy, dress up outfit or something to “do” means they get home and get their mind off you…. for a while. It works for me!
Luckily I’m already with child as otherwise I would have the major “clucks” reading this post!
I packed lots of high fibre snacks for after delivery. Dinner is always too early in hospital, and having suffered with constipation through 3 pregnancies, I wanted to make sure I got things back to normal! Plus those nurses will keep asking you about your bowels……
But my biggest consideration…..which book to take!!!! I am an avid reader, so I made sure I packed a book with promise of a decent read. Plus I would throw in my current read on the way out the door of course. Mind you, the selection for the hospital bag changed many times before I left.
We also made an iTunes playlist of good songs for during delivery. Mind you….we only used it in the first preg, second was emerg cs and for the third we were too busy watching a movie and then trying to get some rest, by the time we got to action stations we had forgotten.
Getting so close. Best of luck Corrie
Disposable bibs for baby. Just cuts down on more washing. Love packing the bag sooo exciting x
wow, ready to go!

the only thing I would pack is my small travel kettle and coffee,tea, sugar, milk, but then maybe in Australia these are provided in hospitals, wehereas in Hungary I needed to take with me. due to my extremely low blood pressure, I was advised to drink coffee or strong black tea first thing before getting up and fainting every morning. and some snack wouldn’t hurt either
good luck to you!!
Good list! One thing I’ve loved this time around (I have a 4 month old!) is a pull-aside breastfeeding bra without clips. I’ve found it so much more comfortable to sleep in!!
so excited for you!
Wow, thank you for this post! I am 38 weeks pregnant with my second child, and am having the hardest time packing my hospital bag! With my first baby, I hastily packed while in the midst of labour, and it seems I’m also close to leaving this one til the last minute too! I think I struggle with what is a necessity and what really doesn’t need to be taken along. Thank you again, and GOOD LUCK! Xx
I always had a hairdryer- for down there!- much quicker drying and healing. Don’t forget nipple cream, I used Lansinoh and another pink tube one with squaline, I adored all the high lanolin content and it is fantastic for your lips as well. Also packets of the favorite biscuits for dipping in Tea and coffee! Mine were arnotts venetian cookies and scotch fingers!
And these days I would definately pack my Ipad fully loaded with some new movies and magazines to read.
I would also order anyone visiting to bring me french pastries!
Wow! 35 weeks along already?!! That time’s flown!! … Thanks Corrie!!! This is a great list! Though I had my (one) daughter almost 4 years ago now (birthday this coming Saturday), the main piece of advice I give to new mum’s in the lead up to the final weeks is ALWAYS to pack their bag at least a month, if not two, before the birth!! I was caught out, not thinking she’d come until my due date (wow, how crazy that seems now!!), having to pack it while in labour … she came 2.5weeks early! Not fun trying to think of what you need when you’re having contractions every 4-5 minutes apart … yes, I waited THAT LONG before I even started thinking about it, lol!
Hoping all things go smoothly these last few weeks!!!
Honey if you ever have too many maternity pads & don’t have any pregnant friends who can use them, they make wonderful nursing pads in your bra when your milk comes in, NOTHING leaks out of those (as opposed to breast feeding pads which could not stop my udders from leaking when my milk came in.) I bought cheap knickers & tossed them too, also had my babies in their little Darwin Private Hospital prison style singlets so i didn’t have much washing to do when i go home. I adore my helpful husband but the laundry is MINE!!
Just did Sew It Together, came home to a darling husband who had made a batch of scones for afternoon tea, completely delicious, from the WW 1960’s cookbook, perfection.
Love to you Corrie, pats to belly, almost there, love Posie
So exciting! I took two bags first time around… yes, a bit of overkill but who knew what you would need! I managed just one bag second time around. I swear by the disposable tena pants for the first couple of days (although I didn’t have a c-section) – they feel a bit like a nappy but nothing and I mean nothing gets out of them. Which was good considering I am prone to haemhorraging after birth.
Good luck… if it was me, those jellybeans would have been eaten by the time I finished writing this comment. They are my faves!
One pair of slippers was fine for me, as long as they had velcro because my feet got quite swollen when pregnant. Also, I only wore PJ’s at night and would wear comfy yoga pants and loose fitting tops during the day. I didn’t like being in PJs when visitors were coming, it’s not like I was sick! We had a portable DVD player for my other kids and DVDs so that they could be entertained. I also packed my own onesies for baby, even in my lovely private hospital the baby gowns were pretty unattractive (just like adult hospital gowns with ties on the back). And I took my own wraps and a blanket. I liked having our nice things instead of the scratchy hospital blankets for the baby. I was even so a*** that I had the other kids clothes set out for everyday as I didn’t want them turning up put together by Daddy outfits (you know shorts & tshirt in winter kind of stuff). He also brought PJs for them to the hospital and we changed them before leaving at night so that he could put them straight to bed.
My husband went out and bought me a mug during my first stay and as I love a cup of tea and often and those little hospital cups were way too small!! I took it in second time and now it hangs up in my kitchen and every time I see it, it makes me smile at those early days. All so very exciting for you! X
Lollies – take lollies for you! I wasn’t allowed any because I had gestational diabetes, and had to have low blood sugar levels for 24 hours before they would let me go home – I so wanted any lolly or junk food of any kind – after all that hard work of pushing a baby out why couldn’t I have one? Treat yourself! Also handcream was one of my essentials – there’s nothing better than having nice hands
good luck, hope everything goes well – cant wait to see photos! 
Oh and for clothing going home – for new moms. You will not be your pre-pregnant size. A pair of stretchy pants of some sort is great. You will never want to see/wear your maternity clothes again – unless you get pregnant again.
I’m a midwife and a few women that I’ve worked with wear disposable incontinence underwear (I think the brand is TENA). They are great after a c/s, they sit gently across the wound and can be torn or cut down the sides so that you don’t need to bend over. They also don’t scrunch up like a maternity pad.
Sounds like you are ready…the only thing I would have to add is chap stick (lip balm). I am so excited for you to have number 5, and to see the reaction of your other 4.
You are SO cute Corrie… and SO organised! Loved reading this post, it took me back in time, to all of those essentials you need in the hospital.
I’m so excited for you, it will be a lovely 5 days for you… and so nice that you’re able to have a bit of rest with your beautiful new baby. Ahhhh, clucky much!?
I finished up by baby bag packing days after my 2nd in 2006….but I wanted to say I SOOOOO agree with you on the Garnier BB Cream, what excellent amazing stuff! I am a bit of a makeup wearer and like good coverage but was conscious that now I am 40, full makeup during the day actually makes me look old and like I tried to hard I reckon, but this BB cream, wow, it makes me look and feel great, I have had people tell me I look really well and I am sure it is because of the BB cream. No I sound like an infomercial for the stuff I am sure, but if you haven’t tried it, you should it is awesome!
How organised you are! I am quite envious of those jelly beans, I used to love them but you can’t get them here in the UK, rats!
Penny Dreadful Vintage
That wallpaper so much reminds me of the wallpaper in our house when we moved in. I was 7 months pregnant and spent weeks carefully stenciling Winnie the Pooh on my babies nursery wall. I was so big, I had to sit on a stool and do it in small doses because my back got sore!
I packed a breast pump too, just to take the pressure off, because the hospital didn’t offer this as an option.
I just love reading your posts, but this one the most. I have four and would love another one but hubby says no. I always packed a bag for me and one for baby with some nappies, wipes and clothes and wraps. All four of mine wore the same coming home outfit a beautiful all-in-one white outfit that I find sometimes and have a little smile at how cute they all are. Now take care and I am so excited for you even though I don’t know you.
You’re so organised! I wish I had been when I went in for my sons’ births. I leave everything to the last minute and packing my hospital bag was no excpetion hence I wound up wearing a beautiful blue hospital gown, long pink socks and a pair of havianas to birth my first son. I couldn’t lie or sit down due to his position so had to stand and the floor was freezing ( socks) and really hard ( thongs).. My ob burst out laughing when she walked in the door.
One thing I did get right though was buying one of those little Dermalogica travel packs when I went in. It meant I had all new things packed up in a handy little bag that fitted on those narrow shelves in the ensuite and it lasted perfectly for the 3 days.
It’s so close now, you must be so excited
Ps. You’ve made me very clucky here too!
You’re so organised! I wish I had been when I went in for my sons’ births. I leave everything to the last minute and packing my hospital bag was no excpetion hence I wound up wearing a beautiful blue hospital gown, long pink socks and a pair of havianas to birth my first son. I couldn’t lie or sit down due to his position so had to stand and the floor was freezing ( socks) and really hard ( thongs).. My ob burst out laughing when she walked in the door.
One thing I did get right though was buying one of those little Dermalogica travel packs when I went in. It meant I had all new things packed up in a handy little bag that fitted on those narrow shelves in the ensuite and it lasted perfectly for the 3 days.
It’s so close now, you must be so excited
Ps. You’ve made me very clucky here too!
Yay Corrie, not long now! You are all set by the look of your bag. Retro daddy can always bring in something you need, so don’t worry yourself, just enjoy these last weeks if you can
wow, your bag is as full and as pink as mine was two weeks ago when i gave birth to a beautiful boy … and i didnt need half of things
i was just to busy watching my lovable little son
wish you all best … hugs ..
i was so excited reading this post … as if i wrote it a month ago
wow, your bag is as full and as pink as mine was two weeks ago when i gave birth to a beautiful boy … and i didnt need half of things
i was just to busy watching my lovable little son
wish you all best … hugs ..
i was so excited reading this post … as if i wrote it a month ago
Como dizemos aqui no Brasil!…
Como dizemos aqui no Brasil!…
Yay, already packing your me that means “count down!”

Your bag looks alot like mine, exept I am one of those who takes all my makeup & straightner {if you saw me without it though you would run the other way}
Our baby #7 is due in Sept. so packing is still a while off for me.
I’m really thinking about trying the belly bandit during the post partum with this baby, have you ever tried it? Being asked if I’m still preg. a few months after these last few babies, has made me much more willing to spend the $$ to try them out.
Corrie, the hospital bag, talk takes me back the that sepcial time just before you have a baby. It is just such a special time.
And I have to laugh at your husband’s washing loads. Mine does it too. I call them liquorice or allsort loads.
I can’t wait for babies arrival…..I’m counting down with you, so excited!!!
After study a few of the posts on this website now, and I truly like your way of blogging.Nice post.